MZTV 1646: FREE WILL & SALVATION; What Does a Brick and a Human Have in Common?

1 month ago

There is no stupider message coming from Christianity than that which begs helpless people to help themselves. They demand that those who are "dead in trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1) do something to eradicate their sins. Isn't this kind of like demanding that a corpse dance the Macarena?

The many invitations of Scripture to "believe in God" assume the invitees to possess the power to respond. In other words, "The invitation is an opportunity for the invitee to show God what he or she can do." This is a lie. Rather, by keeping in mind the many Scripture verses describing humans as helpless, the only reachable conclusion concerning these invitation is that they give God the opportunity to work His will and intention THROUGH the invitee.

Once one realizes that Scripture is written to highlight God's work rather than man's, one will stop looking under every rock for human performance and appreciate divine performances that, to the trained eye, fall like continuous rain upon the smoldering ash-heaps of human inability.

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