TheDimNews LIVE: Los Angeles Scorched by Wildfire | H1B Visas | Jury Duty!

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


JQuickDraw Supporter 1st

JQuickDraw Supporter 2nd

JQuickDraw Supporter 3rd
Superlative First.

MudderFetcher ProTip: the cake should taste like cake

Qriist Supporter+ There are some severe abuses. Disney hired an entire crop of H1B visas and forced the Americans the immigrants were replacing to train them. Nothing happened to either Disney or the program.

Qriist Supporter+ "Working as intended" basically.

Qriist Supporter+ I like the idea of paoching talent from other countries, but the abuses need to curtailed.

JQuickDraw Supporter Give money directly to those in need. Cut out the middle man.

Qriist Supporter+ gah I can't type tonight.

Qriist Supporter+ Beverly is a 1-9.

JQuickDraw Supporter Another problem is standardization, which is essentially the administrative takeover of education. This gives mediocre teachers the sense of being better than they are, because they're following rules

Qriist Supporter+ Sparklegleam Farm identifies as the People's House

JQuickDraw Supporter It may or may not have been a justified shot, but I blame the feds that were there, especially if they were not instigating as they claim, because then they should have been de-escalating.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Subdue by other means." Translation: interpretive dance.

Qriist Supporter+ She was breaching.

Qriist Supporter+ That's the difference.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator So were others.

Qriist Supporter+ No, she was the first to breach.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator First sounds like there are ones following, also she was shoulder to shoulder with others.

JQuickDraw Supporter They had to shoot her. She might have raped AOC if she got into the inner sanctum.

MudderFetcher Byrd was concerned that she had found one of the 57 firearms he'd lost in the bathroom

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

Qriist Supporter+ She came from behind after the door was comprimised, as if fulfilling another role. Speaking with a military eye, this was classic door stacking. That's a threat.

JQuickDraw Supporter The government's entire case is sus because they were shooting to protect one entrance and opening others to give guided tours. They have to overcome a lot of mistrust on my part.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Yes, Johnny!

Qriist Supporter+ She breached a door that they had already retreated behind, that had a visible barricade of piled chairs, while a weapon was trained on her. By every measure that's a threat.

Qriist Supporter+ You also have to remember that from Byrd's vantage there was a sea of people behind her.

JQuickDraw Supporter He was in the bathroom when the "Let them in" memo was distributed, and when they called him out he was so rushed he left his gun on the sink. Happens to me all the time.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

Qriist Supporter+ yes

Qriist Supporter+ 😭

Qriist Supporter+ ✡✡✡
Remember when Trump said Cali should comb their forest floor and the MSM lied to say that wasn't a thing and everybody mocked Trump because they pretended it wasn't a thing Cali actually used to do?

Qriist Supporter+ Pepperidge Farm remembers.

JQuickDraw Supporter I like that the LA mayor was tweeting from Ghana shit like "High wind alerts today. Be careful out there, Los Angeles!"

thrasybulus @AlexNeedsTradeSchool & @BeverlyWantsToBeAHillbilly Evening, just wanted to say I'll watch this tomorrow. @BigDigEnergy does take precedence after all.

JQuickDraw Supporter 0% containment lol. What a wonderfully bureaucratic way of saying they're essentially doing nothing as the fires burn their way through city after city.

Qriist Supporter+ This is the mayor of LA hanging her head in shame and just sulking at a reporter.

Qriist Supporter+ idc about her going on vacation, that's just shit luck, but she's a fucking failure as a mayor.

JQuickDraw Supporter She has a real chia pet hairdo.

MudderFetcher original True Grit or remake?

Qriist Supporter+ after Hateful 8 you should watch District 9

MudderFetcher there's a John Wayne one and a Jeff Bridges one (I prefer the Bridges one)

JQuickDraw Supporter Officials were aware this year was going wind speeds higher than any year going back to 2011. And they also knew that water levels were low. The mayor chose to leave knowing all this.

Qriist Supporter+ So Cali's insurance plan was on the pullout method?

JQuickDraw Supporter A lot of water was also diverted for the preservation of endangered fish.
"Amid Palisades fire, Los Angeles' first LGBTQ+ fire chief is proving lesbians get it done" -real headline... Also, that chief is on video enthusiastically saying there's "never enough" diversity. :D

JQuickDraw Supporter I also read that CA fire chiefs are paid anywhere between $750,000 and $1,000,000 a year. That state is, ironically, a dumpster fire.

JQuickDraw Supporter Woods lost everything, because the insurance company dropped his coverage not long before the fires.

Qriist Supporter+ James Woods fucking annihilates the left on Twitter lol

Qriist Supporter+ welp this show is now banned on youtube 😢

JQuickDraw Supporter Woods also stood his ground years back when twitter banned him. He could have gotten back on by deleting the offending tweet, but he didn't, and they eventually caved and gave him his account back.

MudderFetcher the state where showing voter ID is now illegal is up to shenanigans? sounds like a conspiracy theory

JQuickDraw Supporter My conspiratorial mind thinks that CA will be ramping up importation of immigrants to repopulate the destroyed areas, with certain small sectors designated for the ultra-rich.

JQuickDraw Supporter Hello Neo-feudalism!

JQuickDraw Supporter Hey, Facebook is starting to relocate to Texas now lol.

JQuickDraw Supporter Actors should move to Florida because they don't have income tax, and it's still close to Georgia.

JQuickDraw Supporter You Zuckerberg is a good guy again, he's grown out his Jewfro.

JQuickDraw Supporter All this craziness with a movement to the right, like Zuckerberg moving to community notes, is a direct result of Trump winning the popular vote. They fear that they are not in the majority anymore.

Qriist Supporter+ idc why they stopped censoring

Qriist Supporter+ You're welcome!

Qriist Supporter+ "The shadow campaign to save the Twitters" -ALEX Magazine

JQuickDraw Supporter I actually think Zuckerberg and his contemporaries (including Dorsey) actually do believe in free speech. I think they were forced into agreements with the feds, and didn't realize what that meant.

JQuickDraw Supporter Watching Dorsey on Rogan with that Vajayjay lawyer chick, he looked tired and beaten down. I think he hated where he found himself and wanted out. Sadly, his new attempt with Bluesky is a hot mess.

Qriist Supporter+ I wrote a lot about Dorsey owning Bluesky in the Discord

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I only listen to you 10 percent of the time.

Qriist Supporter+ tbh that's approximately 10% more than I expected.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

Qriist Supporter+ jury doody

Qriist Supporter+ Not sure why you hate 35, it's basically 100 x π

Qriist Supporter+ 10* x π

JQuickDraw Supporter "Trust nobody." Beverly on that X-Files swag.

MudderFetcher aw bathroom buddies

Qriist Supporter+ Dude shouldn't have taken a guilty plea.

Qriist Supporter+ He could have went to SCOTUS on the permit issue.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Yes.

MudderFetcher Beverly sitting in the jury box smoking weed out of a rifle barrel

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly sitting in the jury box shooting people with weed bullets, getting everyone high.

Qriist Supporter+ Beverly sitting in the jury box grilling longpig for her geese posse.

Guyinroom83 it was an issue that you are pro 2nd amendment?

Qriist Supporter+ Apparently.

Guyinroom83 sorry, i missed everything, ignore me

JQuickDraw Supporter It seems the real issue was that she even mentioned jury nullification. That is an extreme no no in courtrooms, because it challenges their power.

JQuickDraw Supporter 2A was the catalyst, but nullification was the reason they struck her.

Qriist Supporter+ It's a check and balance.

Guyinroom83 oh, note to self: mention nullification whenever i get jury duty

Guyinroom83 it seems like a huge issue is also biased woke judges

JQuickDraw Supporter the higher level issue in society is a move to mold the populace into an obedient mass of drones, willing to just follow the experts and the orders they give.

Qriist Supporter+ Founding Father James Wilson was a big proponent of jury nullification.

Guyinroom83 i dont even know what it means

JQuickDraw Supporter That sounds cool - "Blood Punch '25!"

Guyinroom83 i declare myself null and void as a juror.

Qriist Supporter+ @Guyinroom83 The jury renders not guilty because the law itself is unjust.

Guyinroom83 oh. that seems like a dangerous precedent, who determines what law is unjust @Qriist

Qriist Supporter+ It's a check and balance @Guyinroom83

Qriist Supporter+ If the jury is "of your peers" then the peers can't be beholden to lawmakers.

Guyinroom83 scrotumus

Qriist Supporter+ Judge has absolute control over the courtroom, but the jury has authority over the verdict.

Guyinroom83 hm. maybe wanting to be on a jury also gets you out of jury duty

Guyinroom83 'you want this too much, bye'

Qriist Supporter+ wrongful arrest = kidnapping

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Exactly.

JQuickDraw Supporter A lot of states will give LEOs a lot of leeway on wrongful arrests, and tell people to take it before the judge for rectification.

JQuickDraw Supporter As in, it's not the civilian's place to decide if a cop's orders are lawful or not.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator That's a civil rights issue. "You don't have the authority to determine if you rights are being violated."

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator *your rights

Guyinroom83 weed is basically legal a tthis point in many states anyway

JQuickDraw Supporter I don't agree with it, but that's how they treat it. Just do what the cops want, then get a lawyer and get paid.

MudderFetcher if you have truly served your time then your Rights should be restored

Guyinroom83 you can rent a car and go to new orleans

Qriist Supporter+ "You have a plethora of other options!" .... aaaand that's why Britain police brag about confiscating dangerous spoons.

MudderFetcher I like to hurt people with mean words

Qriist Supporter+ Britain banned guns, stabbings rose a hundred-fold. True story.

Guyinroom83 but they were probably polite, british stabbings @Qriist

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Well maybe the spoon companies should make safe spoons then.

Guyinroom83 there seems to be a ton of shootings, but yeah, the actual death rates have seemed to really go down

MudderFetcher is a spork considered an assault spoon?

Guyinroom83 no, but it is an abomination. @MudderFetcher

Qriist Supporter+ @JQuickDraw they were SUPER proud of that spoon

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex outflanks the far right: "Six million was actually not THAT high a number."

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Is that a fencing sword on the table next to all the kitchen knives? lol

Qriist Supporter+ there's a couple of swords there! :D

Guyinroom83 hmmm....

Qriist Supporter+ and a tanto lol

Guyinroom83 :he asks you out on a date via facebook:

MudderFetcher meanwhile in Texas:

JQuickDraw Supporter In the last several decades, the British have killed their two positive stereotypes - linguistically complex, highly intelligent humor / the roughest of roughnecks. They're just humorless pussies now.

Guyinroom83 yep

Guyinroom83 isnt the point of court to just measure whether soeone did or didnt commit the crime though, not whether the law is right or not

Guyinroom83 how often has nullifcation been used?

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 Nullification is the check of last resort on unjust/unconstitutional laws.

JQuickDraw Supporter Voting "guilty" just because the law says something is wrong is basically "just following orders" territory.

Guyinroom83 i only recently heard of nullification from i think darrell brooks

MudderFetcher pretty sure Jared from Subway got arrested for illegal sandwiches

Guyinroom83 i only agree if the law is ridiculous, but not in cases where its not. it seems too subjective for me, idk.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Ridiculous" would include unconstitutional. Many laws are draconian, unamerican. Like asset forfeiture, which is an absolute abomination.

Guyinroom83 lol

Guyinroom83 the erectification has begun.

Qriist Supporter+ Viagra is an erectification.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Hey babe, I'm building an erectification in my pants right now. Wanna help?"

Guyinroom83 a whole jury being erectified? yikes

Guyinroom83 i thought salad fingers was a newgrounds thing

MudderFetcher adding "My anus is bleeding." to the Alex soundboard

Qriist Supporter+ I just assumed you anus was bleeding from all of the dying by giant bug mobs.

JQuickDraw Supporter BFF convo: "My anus is bleeding." "Mine too!"

Qriist Supporter+ I like how Moe kept asking us how to swap weapons on the keyboard when all of us used controllers lol

Qriist Supporter+ oh, and asking how to jump

Qriist Supporter+ Weirdly, we didn't switch to keyboard in the previous 5 seconds.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I have the issue when I play with Nameless. He's on controller. We can't tell each other how to play.

Qriist Supporter+ The joys of customization :D

MudderFetcher game won't let me romance Professor Garlick so I uninstalled it

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator The sweet 18th century version of Poison Ivy.

Qriist Supporter+ I was kinda hoping I'd get on the DC Trump jury back when that was happening

Qriist Supporter+ I did have a jury summon for a prior tenant show up in my mailbox at one point

MudderFetcher A Clockwork Orange by Malcolm McDowell

JQuickDraw Supporter The Trump Clock by Meredith Baxter Birney

Qriist Supporter+ nope

Qriist Supporter+ not my name, not my problem

JQuickDraw Supporter Premenstrual Psychosis Disorder. Along with Menstrual Psychosis, known as being a woman. Hey-yo!

Qriist Supporter+ woman moment

Qriist Supporter+ literally

JQuickDraw Supporter Angry sex. Hmm, maybe not lol.

MudderFetcher I prefer the Angry Dutch Oven

JQuickDraw Supporter Hyperborea

JQuickDraw Supporter Hypnogogic

JQuickDraw Supporter Hippopatomus

JQuickDraw Supporter Hip hip hooray

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators

MudderFetcher night all 🍻 💜

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