AAP Live with Canon Stephen Sharpe, ICKSP - 1/7/25 - Does Holy Water Have an Expiration Date?

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We're live now with Canon Stephen Sharpe from the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest and we're taking your questions! To get your question in for Canon Sharpe, call 1-877-511-5483 or email us at priests@thestationofthecross.com

In Today's Show

Does Holy Water have an expiration date?

Why does God leave people in hell instead of destroying them?

Is it redundant to bless ourselves with holy water when entering a church before a high mass, because the priest blesses us with holy water during the Asperges me?

How should a layperson tell a priest if they are not happy with the way the priest delivers homilies?

Is there a particular gospel that Canon likes to preach about?
What book changed your life, if any?*

Visiting religious groups of priests when discerning, is it permissible to ask about political differences among people in the group, to get a feel for that order/group?

Is it okay for me to say "Go forth our time is ended" when bidding someone goodbye, because those are words that are used in the mass?

What did Simeon mean then he said, "and a sword will pierce through your own heart so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed"?

Are the FSSP and ICKSP selective in the Priests they accept?

If the Lions don't win the Super Bowl this year, does that mean that Canon didn't pray hard enough?

Show Notes:

Confession of St Augustine by St. Augustine:

Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence by Fr. J.P. Caussade, S.J.:

Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales:

Catholic Youth Bible by Saint Mary's Press:

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes:

Crossing the Tiber by Steve Ray:

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