MZTV 1642: Love is Not An Emotion; Here's What It Is

1 month ago

The title of one of my soon-to-be-published books is, "How to Love Anyone (Even Your Spouse.)" Today I read a short excerpt from this book, from a chapter titled "What is Love?"

So many confuse love with an emotion. Proper love (agape love) PRODUCES emotion, but its essence is not that. It is an action based on a decision. The decision is to do good in the face of evil.

When this amazing thing that we now call love first entered the hearts and minds of the first couple in the garden, they didn't have a ready name for so novel a concept. Eve, being the more gracious of the two, asked Adam what he thought they should call it. Here, for the first time in any broadcast media, is revealed Adam's ridiculous answer. We are all eternally AND eonially grateful that Eve overrode him.

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