Jake Tapper Going STRAIGHT-UP Fake News Helping Dems Lie About Jan. 6, Trump, And His Supporters

2 months ago

Posted • January 5, 2025: Jake Tapper never fails to remind us that our so-called legacy media really is just the propaganda arm for the Democratic Party. For example, on the even of the electoral certification, Tapper goes out of his way to ask Amy Klobuchar of all people if 'the horror' of January 6th is being forgotten. No. Really. And he wonders why so many people make fun of him and his crap outlet. 🚨 On the eve of electoral certification, Jake Tapper tees up Amy Klobuchar to run the “Trump incited an insurrection” narrative: Tapper: "Are you worried that January 6th, the horrible things that happened that day are being forgotten?" - Klobuchar: The January 6th committee established for the historical record what happened…He led an insurrection."

This is just so eff'd up. She knows damn well it wasn't an insurrection, she knows damn well the people who have been prosecuted, not a single one of them have been found guilty of insurrection and yet she's pushing the lie the evening before they certify the election. And Jake handed her the so-called 'football' of fake news so she could take it and run with it. MSNBC is doing their part as well … good ol' fake of fraud Michael Steele: MSNBC’s Michael Steele responds to Bennie Thompson, says of J6’ers: "They're insurrectionists. And many of them have been convicted for their insurrection." Not one person has been convicted for “insurrection.” This is flat out legacy media disinformation. None of them have been convicted for insurrection. Steele knows this.

You'd think Bennie Thompson of ALL people would know this since he sat on the committee that enabled and even empowered Biden's DOJ to target thousands of Americans simply for being at the Capitol that day. But they assume the MSNBC audience either doesn't know this OR wants this to be true so they feed them more red meat even if they know it's a lie. We're not sure which is worse, CNN or MSNBC. Perhaps we should just accept they both suck. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Jake Tapper REKT for Going STRAIGHT-UP Fake News Helping Dems Lie About Jan. 6, Trump, and His Supporters
Rumble: Pathetic Liar Michael Steele: 'Many Have Been Convicted For Their Insurrection' (None Of Them Have)

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