Stabby-New Year: Knife-Wielding Loon With 87 Priors On The Loose In NYC After Two Subway Stabbings

2 months ago

Posted • January 4, 2025: If we had a media who did their jobs, they'd be pounding on the door of New York governor Kathy Hochul to ask her if she still thinks the subway is safe for New Yorkers to ride. Because 2024 ended terribly with a woman set on fire and a guy pushed in front of a moving subway, and 2025 is off to a bloody, violent start: Knife-wielding maniac on the loose in NYC after two subway stabbings, cops say. A knife-wielding maniac with a history of mental illness and 87 prior arrests is wanted in connection with at least two stabbings in the subway this week, The Post has learned. Cops searching for Jamar Banks were warned to use “extreme caution” when encountering him because he is believed to be armed with “a large knife,” according to a message sent to police officers and obtained by The Post. Banks, 52, is known to frequent the No. 2 and No. 5 subway lines, authorities said in the message.

So let's recap this: Authorities know who he is and the subway lines he frequents. He has 87 prior arrests and a history of mental illness. And he's still walking free in New York City. Good job, Democrats. Why even bother looking for him? He'll be cut loose again and stab more people. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Stabby-New Year: Knife-Wielding Criminal on the Loose in NYC After Attacking Two on Subway
New York Post: Knife-wielding maniac with 87 priors on the loose in NYC after two subway stabbings, cops say

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