Day 998 Part-2 Back Training

2 months ago

20240102 Day 998 Part-2
Post-Conditioning Back Training
New Year, new scheme of maneuver. I began with Wide-Grip Lat Pull-downs first to give the workout a lat-bias. I also increased the volume on these, moving up to a 15+ rep range for all 5 sets
Then, second in the rotation I did Bi-Lateral Hammer Strength Horizontal Rows. With these second, I can get as robust a stimulus with a bit less weight and less fatigue. I did 5 sets of these in the 10+ rep range
Next, having pre-exhausted all the involved muscles, I did Wide-Grip Strict Pull-ups. I did 5 sets of these total to technical failure or, to the point where I could continue the set but would have to use a bit of “body English” in order to do so
Last, for biceps I do Standing Supinated Dumbbell Curls. I do all 5 sets Bi-Lateral for expediency. This is the first time doing a supinated curl since my left biceps tear at the beginning of this training cycle from overdoing chins. For this reason, I kept it light and stopped sub-maximally in the 10+ rep range
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