Susan Wild on Supporting Speaker Johnson: Some GOP Members ‘Perfectly Content to Burn the Place Down’

2 months ago

STEIN: “Let us start with Speaker Johnson’s job security or insecurity. Final government spending bill passed. There were 34 members who voted against it. All of them were Republican. So we’re clearly already seeing some opposition to Johnson in public and then privately, too, as the Washington Post has reported. Are we going to have a second active Kevin McCarthy in which the speaker is deposed by his own party?”
WILD: “Well, I think that thing that’s going most in Speaker Johnson’s favor is the strong feeling that I believe the GOP will have to avoid another Kevin McCarthy situation, where we were literally just stymied for several weeks and went through multiple votes before a new speaker was elected. And so I know that there will be, no, it’s not a good look for the GOP. I know they are going to be doing everything they can to avoid that, but it is going to be tough because there are some members of the GOP conference who are perfectly content to burn the place down and there is nothing like failing to elect a speaker to start that process.”

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