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The Pyramid of Power – Chapter 8 – Food as a Weapon
This is Chapter 8 of a really great series by Derrick Broze who goes through the Pyramid of Power held & maintained by the ones behind the curtains - the International Cartel.
Are the Cartels manipulating the Food Supply?
Most of the 9 Billion Animals raises in the US are raised in places in which they literally can barely move. It is cruel.
For the past two decades, increased consolidation has coincided with the prices of farm inputs increasing faster than the prices farmers receive for their crops. Seeds are often designed to terminate or, to fail to germinate after one harvest, forcing farmers to purchase new seeds each season.
Farmers have become dependent on corporations that provide pesticides and seeds.
This combined seed and chemical regime also increases farmers’ costs of production, with USDA data showing that the per-acre cost of soybean and corn seed spiked dramatically between 1995 and 2014, by 351 percent and 321 percent, respectively. Corn and soy yields have increased, but at roughly the same rate yields had been increasing since the 1960s.
The Green Revolution of the 1950’s and 60’s – started when Mexican president Manuel Comacho invited Rockefeller Foundation into the country to “modernize” Mexico’s farming. In 1943, Norman Borlaug, a plant geneticist and his team of researchers traveled to Mexico and jump started the “Green Revolution.”
Borlaug was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation, both parties having interest in establishing international farming standards which would benefit their personal wealth.
This was the beginning of the Pesticide era.
Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, maker of Glyphosate – is a known agent that is causing cancer all around the world. They know it too as they have sat aside $11.6 Billion for payouts and lawsuits, but the profits are so incredibly enormous, this is a drop in the bucket for them.
It is incredible how this world operates – Bayer sets aside all this money as they KNOW that Glyphosate flat out causes cancer but yet they just won a case on August 16, 2024 in which the 3rd US Appeals Court in Philadelphia said that they don’t have to put a Cancer Label for Roundup as Federal Law Shields them from liability.
Only in America can toxic corporations get the government to protect them, Big Pharma did it with Vaccines and now Big Pharma – Big Ag is doing it with Pesticides.
The Gene Revolution – it’s the same characters behind the GMO’s as was behind the Green Revolution.
Rockefellers, Bill and Melinda Gates, the Ford Foundation and Nazi gas chamber maker I.G. Farben teamed up and have funded Bayer, Dupont, Dow Agro, Monsanto and BASF – largest Chemical producer in the world.
Are GMO’s Safe or Dangerous?
What are GMO’s?
A GMO is any organism that has had its genetic makeup altered, has been genetically engineered and specifically has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally.
Supporters of GMO’s say it raises yields and helps with poverty.
Critics says GMO’s led to the rise in Pesticides and the onset of many illnesses we had never seen before.
The Mainstream Consensus is that GMO’s are absolutely safe and anyone who suggests otherwise is an Anti-Science Buffoon.
They allow patents on plants and seeds when their DNA has been altered. Just take a moment and think about the Covid Jabs.
If an organism is altered from its Natural state, it can be patented.
Does Eating GMO Foods cause any Harm to the Body?
A study titled "Long Term Toxicity of a Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant Genetically Modified Maize" by Séralini et al. claimed to show significant long-term health concerns in rats fed a diet containing Roundup herbicide and Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize, particularly related to kidney damage, liver issues, and increased tumor development, although this study was later retracted due to concerns about its methodology and conclusions not being robust enough for publication.
The study reported that rats fed diets containing Roundup and Roundup-tolerant GM maize developed a higher incidence of tumors, particularly mammary tumors in females, alongside significant kidney and liver damage compared to control groups.
The study was heavily criticized by the scientific community due to a number of factors including a relatively small sample size, unusual experimental design, and concerns about the statistical analysis used.
The journal "Food and Chemical Toxicology" where the study was originally published retracted the paper citing concerns about the methodology and the lack of conclusive evidence to support the claims made.
It’s funny because the very same can be said about ANY Big Pharma Clinical Trial Study regarding the “Study Designs” that completely favor the desired outcomes and they omit publishing scientific data that contradicts desired outcomes.
It’s ALL about who is Sponsoring / Funding and if somehow, an Independent Group does a study that is against the narrative, big money comes to the rescue to get their paid for scientific “peers” to discredit the study and beg the Journals to retract.
That is how science works in this corrupt world with an International Luciferian Cartel at the helm of everything.
When they go on a misinformation or discrediting campaign, they use their control of the media to shun studies that are against the narrative.
This is how science is corrupted. It is omitting true science and inserting flawed science to fit their desired outcomes that will allow them to dupe the public into believing GMO foods are just fine and healthy.
GMO foods are a money tree.
Anyone who thinks about chopping a branch off that tree is defamed, discredited and thrown in the trash, never to receive funding ever again.
The agencies that are supposed to protect us – the USDA, the FDA and the EPA have been captured the same way that our education system, our FCC regulators and the CDC has been captured and taken over by these criminals.
All of these organization are PRO GMO and PRO Pesticide. They should always be neutral, but that is not how it works. They have been infiltrated long ago.
Jonathan Lundgren, a USDA Whistle blower allegesd that the agency attempted to obstruct his research investigating the detrimental effects of pesticides on bees, claiming that his supervisors retaliated against him for raising concerns about the issue by suspending him and hindering his research publications; essentially, he is accusing the USDA of trying to suppress his findings on pesticide harm to pollinators.
The USDA said Lundgren’s complaint was frivolous.
The USDA then suspended Lungren as they went through his internal work emails and found indecent jokes being shared with colleagues.
The experience of Jonathan Lundgren does not seem to be an isolated one.
According to the the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, the organization representing Lundgren, at least 10 USDA scientists have been investigated or faced other consequences arising from research that called into question the safety of certain agricultural chemicals.
In 2015, PEER filed a legal petition with the U.S. Department of Agriculture seeking new rules that would enhance job protection for government scientists whose research questions the safety of farm chemicals.
In late December 2016, researchers with France’s National Institute for Agricultural Research confirmed the allegations of conflicts of interest involved in GMO research.
The study found that nearly half of studies on genetically modified crops were found to have conflicts of interest.
The study also concluded that GM studies with conflict of interest had an increased likelihood of drawing conclusions which favored genetically modified or engineered foods.
The researchers examined 579 published studies and found that around 40% showed at least one conflict of interest. In these cases the conflict was typically related to someone involved with the study also working as an employee of a GM company or having received funds directly from the company.
The director of research at France’s National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) told the media, “We thought we would find conflicts of interest, but we did not think we would find so many.”
It is these conflicts of interest which have caused much of the public to view official proclamations about the safety of genetically engineered foods with skepticism.
In the early 90’s - The Bush Admin was really pushing “Biotechnology and GMO’s” and “simplifying” the process and will not be hampered by unnecessary regulations.
The FDA said this regarding on whether a label should be placed on GMO Food:
The agency is not aware of any information showing that foods derived by these new methods differ from other foods in any meaningful or uniform way, or that, as a class, foods developed by the new techniques present any different or greater safety concern than foods developed by traditional plant breeding.
For this reason, the agency does not believe that the method of development of a new plant variety (including the use of new techniques including recombinant DNA techniques) is normally material information within the meaning of 21 U.S.C. 321(n) and would not usually be required to be disclosed in labeling for the food.
So, the FDA was pushed by the Bush admin to push the GMO’s and not do anything that could prevent this new direction the food industry was taking. There was a lot of investing to do.
Although the FDA has downplayed any efforts to label GM foods as potentially hazardous, previously unreleased FDA documents show the agency was aware of possible risks to humans as far back as 1991.
The documents were released through a lawsuit filed by Steven Druker, a public interest attorney and executive director of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity (ABI).
Druker obtained 44,000 pages of messages, memos, and reports from the FDA and released them in his book, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth. The link to the book is listed below in Source #9. It is a really good and informative book on this subject with evidence. *Very Good GMO Book.
Food as a Weapon
Withholding Food from another nation when in combat can be more significant that using bombs. Sometimes harvests are destroyed and sometimes shipping routes are attacked or disrupted. Sometimes they drop loads of salt on fields to destroy the soil.
If a nation is not cooperating with the USA they could place a Food Embargo on that nation until they play ball with the bully.
National Security Study Memorandum – NSSM 200 – The Kissinger Report – 1974 – the word “Population” was used 749 times in this 123 page document – the US began devising plans on how they could reduce population or as they label it – “population control.” And then they reduced the term population control to “Family Planning & Health Information.” See Source #11 below and have a look for yourselves.
Does this remind you of something Bill Gates said “we can reduce population by vaccinating.”
They really don’t hide it – when the Gov talks about Family Planning, Vaccination & Health – what they really mean is that they devising a plan to cause sterility, cause disease, cause infection or cause any kind of illness that would reduce lifespan and then they jump in and TREAT it with something that will expedite it even more. F*ckers.
That is what “Healthcare” is all about these days – in the mind of a one world government run by Sociopathic International Cartel.
When the USA is telling Africa that they need to control their population because the USA is concerned that if the population rises there may be food crisis – you might want to begin WORRYING because the government of the USA doesn’t give a rats ass about the people of Africa. They just want the minerals of Africa and want to deal with as few Africans as possible.
Kissinger also talks about “Mandatory Population Control” for the United States. Yes, MANDATORY. And this was back in 1974. The same insane group is at the helm and implementing the plans that were likely developed in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.
Who helped Fund Kissinger?
Who is ALWAYS in the Middle of Funding just about Everything – from Oil, Education, Med Schools, Big Pharma, Big Chemical companies? That would be the Rockefeller Foundation.
Reset The Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System – 2020 (*See Source #12 below)
This is the Rockefeller’s trying to take full control of another industry.
The Rockefellers also FUNDED Women's liberation back when he was funding Kissinger for his Population Control bullsh*t.
Aaron Russo said that Nicholas Rockefeller told him they funded Women’s Lib for 3 reasons: *See Source: #13.
1. Get the kids in school early for indoctrination as they control what is taught.
2. So they can tax 100%, instead of 50%.
3. This would weaken the family structure leading to divorces and family break ups.
Aaron Russo also said that the Rockefeller’s are behind the Depopulation Agenda. *Note: Will look for this video as I have it somewhere.
What a loving family those Rockefeller’s are.
They want to deplete the soil and deplete food nutrition.
The Rockefeller’s are the sneaky ones who help create the “crisis’s” and then they openly come to the rescue to provide the solutions.
Yes, that is how a sick, satanic family functions – you have to keep you focused on the “good” they try to do.
The Rockefeller’s control the oil, education, and the medical field and now are manipulating the food industry.
So, when that Bird Flu Pandemic comes around, you know who is behind it – whether they are lacing the animal food, or lacing the animal vaccines, or flat out using their black helicopters at night to drop viruses – they are the ones behind it and they will be the ones with the healthy jabs – the solution.
As Bill Gates says – the next one will be much worse with death rates over 20%.
When the true research is suppressed and they give us the “science” that GMO’s are healthy – do you think people will believe them?
Of course they will. Very few think for themselves these days. They trust the people who tell them to trust the science.
1. The Conscious Resistance Network --
2. Food and Power: Addressing Monopolization in America’s Food System – Claire Kelloway & Sarah Miller --
3. Bayer Takes Legal Battle Over Roundup Cancer Claims to U.S. Supreme Court –
4. Bayer wins victory in US legal battle against Roundup cancer claims --
5. *Republished Study: Long Term Toxicity of a Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant Genetically Modified Maize --
6. Suspended USDA Researcher Alleges Agency Tried To Block His Research Into The Harmful Effects Of Pesticides On Bees –
7. Impacts of Pesticides on Honey Bees -- Francisco Sanchez-Bayo & Koichi Goka --
8. Beekeeping and Bee Conservation – Advances in Research – Emerson Dechechi Chambo –
9. ALTERED GENES, TWISTED TRUTH: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public -- Steven Druker --
10. Statement of Policy - Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties - May 1992 – “The Bush Push of GMO’s” --
11. National Security Study Memorandum – NSSM 200 – The Kissinger Report – Reduce Population - 1974 --
12. Reset The Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System - 2020 --
13. Aaron Russo and Nicholas Rockefeller on Womens Liberation --
14. Food Confidential : The Corporate Takeover of Food Security and the Family Farm—and What to Do About It --
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END. 12/30/2024 6:00 PM
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