America: Freedom to Fascism – Aaron Russo

1 day ago

***MUST SEE → Aaron Russo never disappoints and this is good! This is a 2006 American Documentary by movie director and activist, Aaron Russo.

Topics: IRS & Taxes, Federal Reserve, Tyrannical Acts and EO’s, New World Order, National ID’s, Implanted Chips, Electronic Voting Machines, and Government “Sponsored” Terrorism,

The 3 I’s – The Evil Trinity: Interest, Income Tax & Inflation.

Do you know that there is NOT a Law to pay Federal Income Taxes?

There is NO statute that makes a person liable for not paying taxes.

Tax Attorney, Peter Gibbons says “there is no Constitutional basis for tax on the wages of Americans living and working in the 50 states of the Union.”

Unfortunately, we no longer go by Rule of Law based on the foundation of the Constitution – we go the Rule of whatever the f*ck they decide to do today. Statutes are arbitrarily made up to conform with their despotic agenda.

Joe Banister – IRS Criminal Investigator, accumulated evidence that the agency was violating human rights, he brought this up within the agency, the IRS told him that they had no response and that they would help him complete the papers for his resignation.

Sherry Jackson, former IRS agent – she saw an ad in a paper offering ANYONE $50,000 if someone could show them the law that said we had to pay taxes. She thought, oh I work there, this is going to be easy. She could not find any such law or statute. She says that no one within the IRS had an answer.

These highly trained IRS agents cannot show a law requiring US Citizens have to pay taxes.

Aaron Russo asked Congressman Ron Paul if there is a law that requires people to fill out a 1040.

Ron Paul says “Not explicitly, but it is implied.” “I can’t cite a law, but if they think it’s the law and have all the guns, it is an authoritarian approach.”

Why do people fill out the 1040’s?

Because we have a corrupt government who doesn’t care about the constitution, they have the guns and they have their little army that will come to your house, treat you like you just were on a mass shooting spree, arrest you, throw you in prison and take everything you every worked for.

Then they put this on the TV so everyone sees it and believes this is what happens when you don’t fill out your tax forms.

They run by FEAR.

It is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated in America.

There is no legal foundation to support enforcing income tax laws in our country.

The laws are so nebulous that you could have 10 court hearings going on simultaneously in 10 different states arguing the interpretation and you would get 10 different interpretations. These laws are not written to be understood, they are written so people will blindly adhere to the narratives.

BEFORE Income Tax the Government existed to serve the people, now the people exist to serve the Government.

The average American now works over half of each year simply to pay the cost of government taxes and regulations3.

Aaron Russo asks Ron Paul if he thinks we are getting closer to a police state.

Ron Paul: “Yeah, I think we are moving in that direction because there is not much we can do without permission. You can’t do anything without the government knowimg what you are doing. Medical privacy is gone, financial privacy is gone, the right to own property is gone, you have to get permission from the government for almost everything. Hopefully people will get sick and tired of this and say enough is enough.”

Bill Clinton – “We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the right of ordinary citizens.” Bill Clinton – March 11, 1993.

Powerful politicians use the IRS as a weapon to go after their enemies.

There is NO law to pay taxes on ones labor for compensation.

There was a petition filed on behalf of the people and it was ruled that the government does not have to answer the American people’s questions, even though it is guaranteed in the First Amendment. So the government is saying they don’t have to show the law that it enforces.

So, in other words, there is no law being enforced. This is just tyrannical b.s.

Guess what percentage of our Income Tax is spent on the INTEREST of Government Debt? 100%!

President Reagan had the Grace Commission research this and here is what it said – “100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt. All individual tax income revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services tax payers expect.”

How do they fund services?

By taking on more Debt.

The Central Banks don’t care if it is ever paid back, they just want governments to continue to roll it over and over so they can collect the interest and CONTROL those participating governments.

Do we need Income Tax to Fund Government?

NO! That’s absolutely ridiculous.

Government was funded from 1776 to 1913 just fine. There were over 97 million people and the population has only increase a little over 3 fold from then.

It was all about MANAGEMENT and placing the People First.

Now, the government wants the people out of their way so their AI robots can be their slaves. Millions and millions of jobs will be lost in the next 10 years to AI.

G. Edward Griffin – “The main purpose of income tax is not to raise revenue but to redistribute wealth and control society.”


The most diabolical fraud ever perpetrated on the American people was the Federal Reserve Act. It was passed during Christmas Vacation and many Senators were home celebrating the Holiday with their families and were not even aware that a high crime committed by their sell out colleagues.

The Federal Reserve is a Cartel of Bankers running the system and they are the ones governing the USA.

These criminals understood that whoever issues the money for America would control the Government.

Why would our Government Borrow Currency from Foreign Central Bankers and Pay Interest when they have the Authority to Print their own, Interest Free?

If the Government says we need $20 Billion, those bankers just print it up out of thin air in the form of Bonds and charge our government interest.


Prior to this diabolical fraudulent act being ratified, politicians were serving the people, now they serve the banking cartel.

How can we have capitalism if we have a Central Bank owned by global elite bankers?

Mayer Rothschild said: “Give me Control a Nation’s Money Supply, and I care not who makes the Laws.”

Why would he say this? Because laws can be purchased. Politicians can be purchased. They are all for sale.

That is how the politicians forgot about the people and spent more time collecting bribes and pushing laws that gradually removed sovereignty and rights. All for a paycheck.

Politicians spend over 80% of their time trying to get reelected than they do on anything else.

If they play ball with the banking cartel – they will receive the advertising funding and if they are really good, they may have some “digital” help as voting is now on machines connected to the Internet.

The government now had to borrow money from these Private Bankers and pay Interest to them. It’s just mind-blowing that this was even a consideration, let alone actually passing it. It seriously is just crazy that this happened and this was one of the most important historical moments ever in the United States.

The people LOST big time on that day.

On December 23, 1913, the Senate adopted the conference report by a vote of 43 to 25, with every Democrat present voting for the measure and all but four Republicans voting against it. (Twenty-seven senators were “paired” or chose not to vote.) Most senators immediately rushed to Union Station to catch trains home for the holidays, while the chief sponsors went to the White House4.

President Wilson signed the Glass-Owens Act at 6:00 p.m4. The Glass-Owens Act is the Federal Reserve Act.

President Woodrow Wilson said:

“I am the most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by a system of credit.”

“We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominate men.” -- Woodrow Wilson – 1919

Catherine Austin Fitts – Former Assistant Secretary of Housing -- “The Government works for the Bank and the private bank works for its owners.”

Democrats and Republicans are both controlled by Corporate Interests.

The powers of the world want you to take a side and fight for that side. They don’t want people knowing that both sides are controllable puppets. The want people fighting and arguing among themselves to keep a divide nation.

A nation divided is a nation that is easily controlled.

The enemy is not the democrat or the republican but it is the Federal Reserve.

The people need to unite and demand the US Government to ban the Federal Reserve and to issue their own interest free currency.

“The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and its greatest creative opportunity. Adopting these principles will save the taxpayers immense sums of interest and money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity.” -- Abraham Lincoln

Catherine Austin Fitts – The plan was to get the debt up, move the manufacturing jobs out and instead of re-engineering skills, we are going to dumb down America so the middle class disappears.

The Federal Reserve system is designed to make people servants of debt.

Paul Krugman, author of the “Great Unraveling” says “the credit card industry is a huge political contributor.”

The board of directors of the Federal Reserve System is chosen by the President from a list prepared by the bankers themselves, so it ALWAYS stays in house and there will be on independent controlling factors.

“If American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” -- Thomas Jefferson

The value of the dollar today is about .04 cents compared to its worth in 1914.

Ron Paul Sr – “All countries who created money out of thin air, that currency is eventually destroyed.”

David Champion – Founder of -- “Originally paper was used as Receipt as Evidence that the money exists, now the paper has been disconnected from the actual tangible substance of money, but now we have paper that is evidence of Nothing.”

It used to be that people were able to take their paper receipts to the bank and get real money – GOLD. This limited the amount of “receipts” that could be printed as it was all based on the amount of Gold Reserves. This was a naturally way to control inflation and maintaining purchasing power.

Those days are long gone.

We have all agreed that the paper money is real money. It is what we have accepted it as a tradeable value.

“Paper is is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.” -- Thomas Jefferson

The Treasury is supposed to control the Gold at Fort Knox.

What if the Banking Cartels are holding our Gold as Collateral?

We need to know.

We will never pay off the debt – but what did it cost the Federal Reserve to loan us this money?

Now they don’t even print the money, they just enter digits on a computer as cash is being used much less now.

So basically it literally costs them NOTHING to make money and loan it, but they get paid. It’s no wonder they don’t really care if they get paid back as it opens the door for them to loot the gold.

It is a Fraudulent System.

As G. Edward Griffin said in his book “The Creature from Jekyll Island” -- The Federal Reserve System should be abolished for the following reasons2:

• It is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives.
• It is a cartel operating against the public interest.
• It is the supreme instrument of usury.
• It generates our most unfair tax.
• It encourages war.
• It destabilizes the economy.
• It is an instrument of totalitarianism2.

Add to that, that they may end up literally stealing all the United States Gold. We don’t know, but Trump is doing an audit and I have a feeling that the Cartel is asking him to do this.

Trump has never mentioned about abolishing the Federal Reserve and it was the banking cartel that bailed Trump out during bankruptcy and he could have been in the streets, now $10 Billion later, I doubt he is going cut off the hand that feeds him.

“I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money, are more dangerous to liberty than a standing armies.” -- Thomas Jefferson

“Who controls money, control the world.” -- Henry Kissinger – CFR

“It is well enough that the people of our nation do not understand our banking system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford

We don’t need the Federal Reserve, it is a poison to the people of America. Congress needs to do their job and shut it down, it would help if we had a President with the same goal, but that is very unlikely and we are rapidly losing control of the congress and it has been deeply infiltrated.

Our Government has the Authority to issue money WITHOUT paying interest.

As long as the United States has a Federal Reserve, we are supporting our own slavery of the Banking Cartel.

The ONLY way power shifts back to the people, is if we abolish the Federal Reserve. That is the ONLY way.

The Government is supposed to be the servant of the people and we are the Master, it sure appears that has been flipped upside down.

We need to wake up and realize that we are the Master.

Tyrannical Bills, Acts and Executive Orders:

Senate Bill 1873 – allows the government to vaccinate you with untested vaccines against your will.

EO 11921 – President can declare an undefined State of Emergency without Congress interfering for six months.

EO 11000 – allow governance to mobilize civilians to work brigades under government supervision.

EO 10999 – allow government to take over all modes of transporation.

The Patriot Act

1. Secret FBI and Police Searches of your home and office.
2. Secret Government wiretaps on your phone, computer and internet.
3. Secret Investigation of you Bank Records, Credit Cards, and other Financial Records.
4. Secret Investigation of your Library and Book Activities.
5. Secret Exam of you Medical, Travel and Business Records.
6. The Freezing of Funds and Assets without prior notice or appeal.
7. The Creation of secret watch lists that ban those named from air and travel.

“The Constitution is just a Goddamn piece of paper.” -- George Bush – November 2005 – Capital Hill Blue

Real ID Act – took effect May 2008, which they can track you via your Drivers License or other forms of ID’s. You MUST have this card to do just about ANYTHING. If you want to board a plane, you have to have an ID, you want to travel through Train, or even to open a Bank Account or enter a Federal Building.

All driver’s licenses will contain common readable technology. A Radio Frequency Chip will be used.

These ID cards are all about controlling the American people, knowing everything that they do and where they are.

Katherine Albrecht – author of “Spy Chips” – these chips are the size of a grain of sand or even smaller. In 1999, Proctor & Gamble, Gillette and MIT got together to find a way to commercialize this technology. Their goal was to put one of these chips on every physical item produced on planet Earth.

These chips are also implantable, they are about the size of grain of rice, and contain the RFID chip.

Today, the technology is on the nanoscale and can be injected via vaccines and self-assembly occurs in the body.

Why do they say we need these chips?

To monitor every purchase made by every American citizen and will be used as a “necessary” tool in the War on Terror. They will have a massive database, like supercomputers to process this data.

Craft Philadelphia Cream Cheese and Mach III Razor has been tagged with these RFID chips without our consent and knowledge.

One of the chips could be the “Dot” of an I on the back of the package.

They may even be found in cash, so every dollar could be tracked and could provide an audit trail.

The ATM machine would read each dollar and it would connect it to you as ID would be provided to the machine. Then down the road when you pay at a retailer they could have reader devices in cash registers which would read that money when placed in the register.

Once everything that you is tied down to a single number and there is no longer cash and your money is actually on a chip, with the click of a button, that chip could be turned off or manipulated when your behavior doesn’t match the social standards.

We came from having physical money as in Gold or Silver to Receipts vouching we had this money, to fiat money and next will be digital money.

They are slowly steering the sheople down the road to a brand new smaller corral with digital surveillance all around.

Today they can inject Programmable mRNA Bio Nano Scale Machines via vaccines5.

Do you notice the push for vaccines whenever you visit the doctor?

These are the self-assembling nanobots that can have their own RFID chips and transmit and receive data inside your body to and from the Internet.


“Those who vote decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything.” ~ Josef Stalin – Russian Dictator

Here what the Council on Foreign Relations said about the New World Order and Sovereignty back in 1974: “The New World Order will be end run on National Sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault.” ~ Council on Foreign Relations Journal 1974, p. 558.

Hillary Clinton said the CFR is where the real power governing this country is. I guess she was right.

Paul Warburg said this to a Senate Address on February 17, 1950: “We shall have a World Government, whether or not we like. The only question is whether the world government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” Paul Warburg – CFR & Architect of the Federal Reserve System

“To defend the New World Order, U.S. Soldiers will have to Kill and Die.” Arthur Schlesinger – CFR

“Military Men are just Dumb Stupid Animals, to be used an Pawns for Foreign Policy.” Henry Kissinger – CFR

Robert Reich – Bill Clinton’s Advisor – “The Dirty Little Secret – is that Both Houses in Congress are Irrelevant. American’s domestic policy is now begin run by Allan Greenspan & the Federal Reserve and Americans Foreign Policy is now being run by the International Monetary Fund. When a president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from the Congress.” Robert Reich – January 7, 1999 – USA Today.

“The real Rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” - Felix Frankfurter – Supreme Court Justice

Carroll Quigley – author of “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in our Time” said: “The powers of financial capitalism, had a far reaching aim...nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”

“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete, all states will recognize a single Global Authority.” President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State – Time Magazine, July 20, 1992

David Rockefeller addressed a Trilateral Commission meeting in 1991 with these words:

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our (CFR) meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the lights of publicity during those years.6” 

That pretty much implicates the media as accomplices to the conspiracy of destroying America in preparation for a New World Order.


The War on Terrorism is a War on your Freedom. It is a Terror of War on the people by the false flag operations from the government.


1. RAVries --

2. Griffin, G. Edward. THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND. 3rd ed., American Media, 1998.

3. Bovard, James. Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty. Paperback Edition, St. Martin’s Griffin, 1995.

4. U.S. Senate: The Senate Passes The Federal Reserve Act. 8 Sept. 2023,,four%20Republicans%20voting%20against%20it.

5. Dr. Ian Akyildiz - Injecting Programmable mRNA Bio Nano Scale Machines – In mRNA vaccines and have been injected –

6. Source: Smith, Jackie. Social Movements for Global Democracy. By Christopher Chase-Dunn et al., The Johns Hopkins UP, 2008. **Note: Page 73.


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END. 3/8/2025 9:00 PM

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