#22 - Peaking for Performance, and Debunking the "Forever Volume" Crowd

1 month ago

Robert and Trent discuss the concept of peaking, that is, preparing yourself for a maximum performance or athletic event on a given day, such as a meet or competition. Training involves periods of carefully dosed stress (workouts) followed by periods of recovery (sleep and food), which together create an adaptation (you get stronger, and/or more conditioned). Through this SRA cycle, your fitness and fatigue will oscillate. Peaking for an athletic performance requires you to dissipate as much fatigue as possible so that you feel fresh during the day of the event, while also maximizing your adaptation. It's a careful balance, and a great learning opportunity for athletes.

2022 Wichita Falls Strengthlifting Classic


Weights & Plates: https://weightsandplates.com

Robert Santana on Instagram: @the_robert_santana

Trent Jones: @marmalade_cream


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