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All Christ The King Songs
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It’s Every Single Time

Christ The King
Here's a song I wrote called "It's Every Single Time", which is about how throughout many different societies, in many different times in history, it has been the Jews who were responsible for the de-Christianization of these various societies. Please share it if you like it! May God reward you!
St. Thomas Said They Deserve To Be In Perpetual Servitude

Christ The King
Happy St. Thomas Aquinas Feast Day (in the Traditional Roman/Dominican calendar)! In celebration of this day, I wrote a Jewgrass song called "St. Thomas Said They Deserve To Be In Perpetual Servitude". Enjoy! Please share it if you like it. May God reward you!
From a quiet monk with a brilliant mind
Wrote of truth where the heavens aligned
Seeking answers in the stars and dust
St Thomas showed us a world to trust
Saint Thomas said they deserve to be in perpetual servitude
In case you didn't know, I'm talking about the Jude
It's for the crime of Deicide they are to pay their due
Because this is the just blood curse of the Jew
[Verse 2]
Through the halls of thought his words do ring
Like a hymn that the angels sing
Book by book he carved his name
In reason's light he earned his fame
[Verse 3]
Aquinas spoke of both faith and reason
Both have their place in this earthly season
Bridging the gap where doubts collide
Gave us a path where both worlds reside
Through the Summa he built a road
Faith and logic bore the load
Lit the flame in curious minds
Left a legacy for all mankind
Jew Saul To Christian St. Paul

Christ The King
In celebration of the feast of the conversion of the hateful, Christ-killing, persecuting Jew, Saul to the loving, Christ-worshipping Apostle to the Gentiles, St. Paul, I wrote this song today to show how through Christ Jesus a hateful Jew can go from the vomit of Judaism to a great Christian Saint.
Jew Gonna Jew

Christ The King
I wrote a new song today called "Jew Gonna Jew". Enjoy! Please share it if you like it. May God reward you!
Did Ya Know Hollywood Is Jewish?

Christ The King
Here's a Jewgrass song I wrote called "Did Ya Know Hollywood Is Jewish?" Enjoy! Please share it if you like it. May God reward you!
Reason For The Season

Christ The King
Here's a Christmas song I wrote called "Reason For The Season". Enjoy! Merry Christmas!
Gone On 1 2 3

Christ The King
Here's a song we wrote about how throwing pearls to swine drains your energy, wastes your time, alienates you, makes everyone think you're the bad guy, and in the end, it just isn't worth it. Please share this song if you like it. May God reward you!
Chosen Vessel

Christ The King
Happy Immaculate Conception Day! Here is a song I wrote for this special day called "Chosen Vessel". Please share it if you like it. May God reward you!
Most Souls Are Damned, Hell Is Real

Christ The King
Here is a song I wrote called "Most Souls Are Damned, Hell Is Real". It's a bit dark, but the message is a very important one that we should pray and meditate upon. Please share it if you like it! God bless!
Starts With A J. Rhymes With Moo

Christ The King
Here's a song we wrote called "Starts With A J. Rhymes With Moo". Can you guess what it's about? I'll give you a hint, it starts with a "J" and rhymes with "moo". Please share this song if you like it! May God reward you!
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Hava Shalom

Christ The King
Here's another song we wrote, with Hasidic Jews dancing to it, called "Hava Shalom". Please share it if you like it! May God reward you!
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Schneerson's Sons Sneerin'

Christ The King
Here's a song we wrote called "Schneerson's Sons Sneerin'", which is about how the Jews often seem to have this sneer on their face, showing their contempt for us, while they subvert us. Please share this song if you like it. May God reward you!
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Demonic evil leer.
The creepy Jewish sneer.
What's even funny here?
So crafty and so slick.
Perverted mind so sick.
He's got a bag o' tricks.
He can't stop grinning while subverting you.
Straight face is so hard while he's tricking you.
So clever, crafty, slick n what are you?
You're just a goy to entertain the Jew.
There's nothing funnier than hurting you.
Goy pain Jew gain's the Jew satanic view.
It's slapstick where the butt is you.
You're just a shabbos goy to Jew.
They're sneering like they're sons of Schneerson.
Because they are the sons of Schneerson.
Tactical Alliance Only

Christ The King
Here's a song we wrote called "Tactical Alliance Only" for those Catholics who insist on voting for Trump this Tuesday. Just remember, he is no King Saint Louis IX. He's not even Catholic. It's just a tactical alliance at best. Nothing more. Please share this song if you like it. May God reward you!
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All Votes Go To Jews (2024 Election Version)

Christ The King
Here's an update of my song "All Votes Go To Jews" made for the 2024 election. Enjoy! Please Share it if you like it! May God reward you!
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Donald Trump Is A Jew Lover

Christ The King
Here's a song I wrote called "Donald Trump Is A Jew Lover". The song is pretty self-explanatory. If you think Donald Trump is "our guy" then you should look at the articles posted in the video. Please share this video if you like it! May God reward you!
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Kamala Harris Is A Jew

Christ The King
Here's a song I wrote called "Kamala Harris Is A Jew" using the proof of Kamala's Jewish ancestry taken from a recent Candace Owens video where relatives of Kamala sent proof to Candace Owens that Kamala Harris is, in fact, Jewish. Please share this video if you like it! May God reward you!
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Neoconservatism Is Jewish

Christ The King
Here's a song I wrote called "Neoconservatism Is Jewish" to go with my last Stand Up To Jewish Hate video, where I showed that the hateful interventionalist warmongering neoconservative ideology was created by and still infested with Jews. Please share this video if you like it! May God reward you!
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Marching Under The Banner Of Christ The King

Christ The King
Here's a song I wrote, partially organic, partially AI. It's called "Marching Under The Banner Of Christ The King". I wrote the marching drums with a drum machine, and I wrote the bass riff with my bass guitar. Everything else is AI music. Please share this video if you like it! May God reward you!
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In fields where old glories once stood,
Flags waving in the air, red, white, and blue,
The heart of this nation torn apart,
But we're fighting for the love of what's true.
With faith as our armor, we're marching in line,
Restoring the kingdom, one heart at a time,
We'll break every chain, let freedom ring,
Under the banner of Christ the King.
From the ashes of cities and towns,
Rising, our voices loud and clear,
For the sake of the cross and the crown,
We'll banish the shadows of fear.
The idols they worshipped, now cast to the ground,
In Christ alone, salvation is found,
In the light of His grace, we stand free,
Bound by a truth that forever will be.
Through valleys of doubt, we've been tried,
But His love is a fire that won't die,
The bonds of the past, we shake loose,
Guided by His everlasting truth.
St. Magnus, The Last Viking Saint

Christ The King
Here's a song called "St. Magnus, The Last Viking Saint" about the heroic Catholic Viking and martyr, Saint Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney. Please share this video if you like it! May God reward you!
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On Orkney shores, a legend's heart
Saint Magnus sailed 'neath skies so dark
Elders spoke of his Viking blood
A gentle soul amidst the flood
Oh, Magnus, Saint of yore
With kindness you conquered more
Last Viking, steadfast and true
In twilight's hush, we call to you
A war-torn isle where swords did clang
Magnus sought peace where violence rang
In shadowed coves beside the sea
He whispered prayers for harmony
Brothers clashed 'neath the raven's cry
Erlend's son, a beacon high
Refused the blade, he chose the word
A saintly whisper always heard
In Kirkjuvágr's sacred stone
The saints who walked were not alone
Magnus led with a steadfast hand
A holy light in a haunted land
Libertarianism Is Antichrist

Christ The King
Here's a song called "Libertarianism Is Antichrist" on how Libertarianism in the United States is a Judeo-Masonic political movement that advocates for individual "liberty" and unchecked capitalism over the Christian common good of society. Please share this video if you like it! May God reward you!
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Late at night the shadows whisper
Liberty found in blurred lines
Pioneers of paths so scattered
Christian hearts now lost in time
Choices made with eyes wide open
Once our faith could guide us home
Indifference grows where hearts were golden
Now we're wandering alone
Freedom's cost is tears unspoken
Silent cries in halls of stone
Values traded dreams forsaken
In the name of being alone
Secular streets are cold and empty
Once filled with hope now paved in grey
Guided by a false illusion
Is this the price we have to pay
Echoes of a bygone era
Where conviction held its ground
Now the whispers grow much clearer
In this freedom we have drowned
Hurricane Jew

Christ The King
Here is a song called "Hurricane Jew", which is an analogy comparing Jews to hurricanes, showing how it's irrational in pointing out all of the destruction a hurricane causes while being simultaneously afraid to name the hurricane as the cause. Please share this song if you like it! God bless!
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How'd all these problems come from sea up to the land?
Maybe I'll know when my head comes out of the sand.
We can talk about the flooding, corpses, endless rain.
Just don't say it's all from Jew Hurricanes.
We can notice power's out and buildings down.
Just don't say it starts once Hurricane Jew's in town.
What's with this nervous tick?
You seem mentally sick.
What must be wrong with you?
To name Hurricane Jew?
We only state effects in this here place.
But not the cause that makes them all relate.
It's anti-hurricane canard to say they cause floods.
Quit throwing hurricanes under the bus.
Poor hurricanes get thrown down to the mud.
Even though they didn't damage anyone.
So when you name blame shame Hurricane Jew.
It just means you're mean, the real problem is you.
In hurricane, let truth be plain. (Say hurricane.)
Jew hurricane, let speech be plain
Let truth be named. (Jew hurricane.)
Name Hurricane Jew
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi

Christ The King
Here is a song called "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi", which Latin for "the law of prayer is the law of belief". The song is about how this law is the solution to the Satanic Judeo-Masonic language games of our Globohomo Clown World. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
Stand Up (To Jewish Hate)

Christ The King
Here is a song called "Stand Up (To Jewish Hate)", which is about how we need to stand up to the rather obvious hatred that Jews have for the goyim. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
With Kabbalistic magic they sedate the state,
into satanic slumber as they lie in wait,
to bring in their Moshiach to the nation's gate,
and in the mean time murder, destruction, violate.
It's not your fate to be some Shabbos reprobate.
Project overdue no time to wait.
Stand up to Jewish hate.
The ritual murder.
The glorified perverts.
The parasite kings,
with scorpion stings.
Humanity's curse.
They're Lucifer's first.
Humanity's virus.
The demon's night child.
How can it be always them?
Stand up so it won't be again.
From poisoning wells,
to fake vax by hell.
The charlatan kings,
with hornet nest stings.
Black ritual cursed.
To sate satan's thirst.
Humanity's evil.
Are these really people?
How can it be always them?
Stand up so it isn't again.
Today to stand and pray and fight.
Just break silence and go shine the light.
Today to stand to Jewish hate.
Just shout it out, no time to wait.
Stand up to Jewish hate.
Punch Right

Christ The King
Here is a song called "Punch Right", which is about how many people on our side say, "Don't punch right!" when rightfully correcting those who are publicly speaking falsely. We should strive to correct people charitably, but we should never NOT correct them just because they seem to be on our side.
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Centuries Fall

Christ The King
Here is a song called "Centuries Fall", which is about how antichrist mentality entered into Western Civilization when Nominalism was introduced; continued with Protestantism, Descartes, and Napoleon; and has full unraveled with Judeo-Masonic supremacy! Please share this video! May God reward you!
Perverting order is their soul sold goal.
In fallen states they know they'll get most souls.
Alta Vendita's permanent instruction.
For Jew Masonic permanent destruction.
But it started centuries before.
Good vs evil in the timeless war.
Domino revolutions in all spheres.
Where up is down in clown and satan's near.
First revolution in theology.
Scholastic thought replaced by sophistry.
Subjective nonsense ousted Thomist objectivity.
Hmm I wonder why a he's now called a she.
Hmm I wonder why a poison's called vaccine.
Hmm I wonder why most virtue's now called mean.
Because it's downwind of theology.
I think therefore I am.
That garbage turns a female to a man.
That garbage founds the whole subjective scam.
And now stage right enter pamphleteers.
From ivory tower to society.
From academics spread unto the plebes.
With evil pamphlets for whole centuries.
Infecting thought and planting evil seeds.
Portending Bonaparte's evil deeds.
Now stage right enter Masons here.
Jews set up the masons to bring down states.
To gain government power to subvert faith.
Napolean empowers Jews to unlock hell's gates.
One then another domino then falls.
By now the masons nearly got em all.
With their power structure almost crowned,
they start to openly turn it to clown.
We see the point of all the set up now.
This is the brief history to now.
With centuries of losing that's a tough one to get down.
So pray and fight until we take it back somehow.
Tomorrow's history is what we do right now.
We don't know what will happen it's God's plan.
But we know we win so we know we can.
So let's help make future history.
Even though the details are a mystery.
Let's shine the light and keep the faith.
God help us make a Catholic State.
Good vs evil in the timeless war.
Domino revolutions in all spheres.
Where up is down in clown and satan's near.
Saint Sebastian, Brave Centurion

Christ The King
Here is a song called "Saint Sebastian, Brave Centurion", with lyrics written by a follower of mine, slightly tweaked by me in places, and made into a song. I hope you enjoy this song of this great Martyr-Saint! Please share this video! May God reward you!
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Desert Vow

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Desert Vow", It's about how people called to religious life need to imitate the Desert Fathers and Mothers and just go off and do it on their own, instead of giving up just because most orders are Modernist and sodomitical. Please share this video! May God reward you!
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Did you feel God's call to give Him all?
To flee the world and make the demons flee?
To live in desert and pray on your knees?
To live in cloister and become holy?
To vow in penance to live poverty?
And vow obedience and chastity?
In single mind to live religiously?
And now you say you'll just get married?
Did Jesus even tell you quit and leave?
Did you quit when evil men played gatekeep games?
So you're only in the gate if you're depraved?
Doesn't seem like you read much Church history.
Persecution doesn't mean you quit you see.
Persecution means it's to the desert flee.
And though it need not mean the desert literally.
At the very least go metaphorically.
Live the counsels, follow God's call, be holy.
Evil men can't take that from you, just decree,
the private vow to counsels is for me.
Religious draw down grace from The Divinity.
This grace flows out to all in the vicinity.
Converting nations to the Blessed Trinity.
Spearheading Catholic missions and activities.
It's Catholic special forces in God's Army of Light.
If you're called then don't get married, stay the fight.
All hands on deck, don't leave us, be the light.
Stop asking for permission from evil men.
If you're called then vow the counsels, Christian friend.
You're free to make the counsels private vows.
So no compromise with evil Judensau.
It doesn't take some new idea to brainstorm how.
Just follow history and private vow.
So now you say you'll just get married?
Did Jesus even tell you quit and leave?
Why can't you be like Saints in history?
They private vow and to the desert flee.
They private vow and to the desert flee.
And for it The Church calls them Godly.
TSOID (Thou Shall Only Intercamp Debate)

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "TSOID". It's about how when doing Catholic Action many Catholics will just interrupt any positive progress in taking action to debate about the Pope, Vatican II, Novus Ordo, etc. and completely kill group solidarity. Please share this video! May God reward you!
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Saint Michael, Heaven’s Defender

Christ The King
Happy Michaelmas! Here is a song I wrote called "Saint Michael, Heaven’s Defender" to celebrate St. Michael, the Prince of angels, today. Please share this video! May God reward you!
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Just Don't Blame It On The Jew

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Just Don't Blame It On The Jew". It's about how the Jews want you to always blame what they do on someone else, so they can be free to keep subverting Christian civilization with no eyes locked onto them for their misdeeds. Please share this video! May God reward you!
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You can talk about the famine.
You can talk about the slavery too.
You can talk about all the evil in the world.
Just don't blame it on the Joo.
You can blame it on the Russians.
You can blame it on the white fat cat too.
You can blame Chinese disinformation.
Just don't blame it on the Jew.
Black Book of Communism, this is not a secret doc.
Tells of all the horrid evils of the communistic block.
Not banned or even hidden, read and no one's coming after you.
You get to read it for they just say commie for the Jew.
Protocols, Maurice Pinay, the story changes now you see.
Because these docs don't just show evil but the real source openly.
Read them if you get past bans that make them all too hard to see.
And yes of course it's just crazy conspiracy.
We'll let you speak all worldly evil if you must.
Just so long as you agree to omit the crux.
We'll even let you win a battle if you seek.
Just so long as you agree to Pyrrhic victory.
Fake Victim Jew

Christ The King
Here is a song video my podcast partner created called "Fake Victim Jew". It's about the Jews always play the victim card, complaining about how everyone hates them and persecutes them, when they seem to go out of their way to subvert their host nations. Please share this video! May God reward you!
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They start fake crying when we see they're lying.
They start fake tears when just rebuke is near.
They start fake drama like they need their mama.
They play fake victim as if we just hit them
They cry boohoo the moment THEY strike YOU.
They cry boohoo poor fake victim Jew.
Have you noticed it's impossible to speak a simple truth?
Without some soul sold scum bum coming after you?
Fake tears at the ready, blew a crisis actor fuse.
Play victim is the way that they abuse.
They gaslight you and claim that the abuser is abused.
They cry in pain as THEY strike YOU.
The real crisis actor is the Jew.
Have you told a simple joke today?
And noticed that it didn't play?
For it's not what the censors say,
is kosher play today?
Did the Kosher Nostra leech then call you hate speech?
Poor victims yet they make threats with such power and such reach.
The most powerful poor victims that the world has ever seen.
It's hard to fake believe such nose grows make believe.
So repent fake victims ever more are not deceived.
We know that you're the dark lords fighting for the night.
Only lying cowards still pretend you're oh so nice.
Name The Jew

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Name The Jew". It's about how we need to name the Jews behind the antichrist evils that threaten Christian civilization. Please share this song! May God reward you!
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If they dare not even name us,then they'll always fight the wrong foe for our crimes.
We'll ensure it's also our foe and the tactic fits the times.
They claim that they can not be named, blamed, shamed, defamed for all the games.
They play to make a sane society insane.
They declare they're there as those that can't be named.
To that I say oh by the way.
Oh by the way it was the Jew.
They fight all day for their dark faction.
We counter their attack with Catholic Action.
They fight all day to turn day night.
To counter back, in Leo, we shine the light!
The shining means the what how and the who.
In who, Thou shall not lie, so name the Jew!
Your evil air has brought on you this shame.
It's why you bear the mark of evil Cain.
You wander sewing misery and pain.
You demon spawn who try in vain,
to end Christ's reign,
and not be named.
Just denunciation accusation these are Catholic terms.
Without it we are ruled by Satan's vermin demon germs.
So have the faith to state the case.
To give defense to faith and state.
(Oh by the way)
Name the Jew
Saint Maurice And The Theban Legion

Christ The King
Happy feast day of St. Maurice! Here is a song a fan wrote called "Saint Maurice And The Theban Legion". It's about St. Maurice and his Theban legion being Martyred by Roman Emperor Maximian for refusing to murder their fellow Christians. Please share this song! May God reward you!
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Language Games

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Language Games". It's about how we have to be careful in what language we use because if we use the enemy's language we are subtly assenting to their framing of reality instead of reframing things to conform back to Truth. Please share this song! May God reward you!
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Marine Faith

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Marine Faith". It's about how like the United States Marines believe "pain is weakness leaving the body" us Christians must be the Church Militant and embrace that "penance is worldliness leaving the soul". Please share this song! May God reward you!
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Pansy Man

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Pansy Man". It's about how the sin of cowardice, which can get you condemned to eternal Hellfire without repentance, is too common amongst Christian men these days, and thus, we need to pick ourselves up and be brave men. Please share this song! May God reward you!
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To Call Sin, Sin

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "To Call Sin, Sin". It's about one of the worst Satanic conspiracies: Making it a "sin" to call sin, "sin". Our Judeo-Masonic society accuses us of "hate speech" for just calling sin, "sin", which is diabolical! Please share this song! May God reward you!
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Faith At Darkest Hour

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Faith At Darkest Hour". It's about how this seems like the darkest hour for Christians, since the Judeo-Masonic alliance has seeming destroyed Christendom, and it even seems as if the Church has fallen. But there is hope. Please share this song! May God reward you!
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Thou Shall Not Lie No Compromise

Christ The King
Here is a song called "Thou Shall Not Lie No Compromise" which was written by my podcast partner. It's about how we cannot lie, not even white lies, and especially not lying out of fear, like fear of getting fired for not taking the vaccine, or fear of the Jews. Please share this song! God bless!
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Happy Birthday Blessed Mother

Christ The King
Happy Birthday to the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary! Here is a song I wrote for her birthday. Please share this song if you like it. May God reward you!
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Ballad of Titus Flavius

Christ The King
Here is a song called "Ballad of Titus Flavius" which was written by a fan. It's about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by Rome, which was prophesied by Christ, and understood as Divine Justice against the perfidious Jews for Deicide. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
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Clown World Circus Show

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Clown World Circus Show". Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
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Do You Pray On Jesus

Christ The King
Happy Lord's Day! Here's a song called "Do You Pray On Jesus?"
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So do you pray on Jesus?
Every single day?
Unto The Sacred Heart?
Unto The Holy Name?
And meditate on Scripture?
And the crown of thorns?
And His redeeming passion?
For which He was born?
Do you pray on how He walked on water?
And how He raised the dead?
Do you pray on His great wisdom?
And all the holy words He said?
Do you pray on His example?
Of every virtue held perfectly?
Do you cast your cares upon He Who died for us on the tree?
So do you pray on Jesus?
Ave Maria

Christ The King
This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:
Defenders of the Cross

Christ The King
This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:
Die Meest Gezegende Maagd Maria

Christ The King
This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:
Ecclesia Pulchritudo

Christ The King
This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:
Knights' Triumph

Christ The King
This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:
Praising The Successor

Christ The King
This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:
The Holy Shepherd

Christ The King
This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:
The One in White

Christ The King
This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:
Triumph of the Cross

Christ The King
This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:
Triumph of the Crusaders

Christ The King
This song was submitted by a friend of mine, who is a moderator at The Catholic State Discord Server:
If Not Don Juan

Christ The King
Here is a song called "If Not Don Juan", which is about how people shouldn't be prideful enough to only want to participate in the fight against Satan and his Judeo-Masonic alliance if they get to be the leader, like Don Juan of Austria, in the Battle of Lepanto. An army needs generals and soldiers.
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Would you only fight if it means you get to be the special one?
Would you only fight if you get to be Don Juan?
Will you only fight our war if you get to hold the special sword?
Will Christ say to thee Amen you've had your reward?
Will you bear your cross if it's not shined to a gloss.
Will you load the breech if satan calls it hate speech?
What if there's no public glamour to be had today?
For those who speak the truth and walk the narrow way?
When satan transforms into an angel of light.
And his media claims his pets all fight the good fight.
When the actual good men have their names turn black?
Will you turn back and virtue signal or press the attack?
With satan's pets all towering round to press the case?
Will you possess the strength to profess to confess the faith?
Will you dare speak truth and counter satan's lies?
If it means your job and reputation dies?
There's no public honor for the light today we see.
So let's fight for right with pure motive walking humbly.
It's about Our King and Savior not you or me.
So let our Templar prayer be Litany of Humility.
Slave Wife

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Slave Wife", which is about the scourge of feminism, and how feminists have brainwashed women to be wage slaves instead of being loving wives and mothers. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
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Pariah White Martyr

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Pariah White Martyr", which is about how people that claim to be on your side treat you like a pariah for just being honest about things they are not comfortable being honest about. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
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Are you hated denigrated jaded and calumniated?
Did they kick you out for speaking truth?
Did it make it worse to give them proof?
Pariah white martyr no one said it would be fun.
Pariah white martyr get back up you've got God's race to run.
So don't clamor for glamour.
There's no need for greed.
Your reward is in the next life if you stay this steed.
The cross in this life earns you that eternity.
So don't despair just cast your cares upon He who created thee.
Pariah white martyr,
Do they call your truth a lack of charity?
And say that it means you're not polite company?
Do they gaslight you and try to tell you truth itself is crazy?
Don't give up now wayfarer soon this finite life will end.
How to merit for the next life is the thought to tend.
Now let me ask you this my Christian friend.
So how long must you keep up the fight before the life sublime?
I promise it's at most until the end of time.
To human eyes it seems a nearly endless climb.
But end it will so make it end sublime.
Pariah white martyr.
It's Jewish Magic

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "It's Jewish Magic". Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
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It's Jewish magic
Turn a he into a she
It's Jewish magic
Changing nothing to debt money
It's Jewish magic
Turning one plus one to three
It's Jewish magic
All the tricks that Satan taught me
It's Jewish magic
Turning goyim minds to putty
It's Jewish magic
Claiming sodomys not smutty
It's Jewish magic
Hiding their big noses and horns
It's Jewish magic
Turning innocents to porn
Abracadabra goy!
I turned this girl into a boy!
It's Jewish magic
Turning criminals to saints
It's Jewish magic
Fake vaccines until you faint
It's Jewish magic
Making heroes of a leech
It's Jewish magic
Turning just rebuke to hate speech
It's Jewish magic
Turning fit men into fatties
It's Jewish magic
All these tricks are so crafty
It's Jewish magic
Turning self-defense to crime
It's Jewish magic
How is it them every time?
Abracadabra goy!
I turn your pain into my joy!
Abracadabra goy!
See all the tricks that I employ
To make the chaos I enjoy
I turn you all into my toys
Abracadabra goy!
Hurting you brings me joy
It's your nation I'll destroy
Now follow me into the void
King And Saint

Christ The King
Happy St. Louis IX Day! Here is a song I wrote for him called "King and Saint". Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
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King in armor shining bright
Banner waving in the night
Horsemen ride through mist and fire
Voices join in sacred choir
Judgment cast with heavy hand
Gospel spreads through holy land
Stars of yellow mark the way
Burning books by light of day
Courage part of every fight
Glory touches endless night
Crusade calls with trumpet sound
Legends rise from battleground
Paris whispers of the trial
Parchments fueling funeral pile
Justice under royal guise
Faithful answer to the skies
In the heart of mortal strife
Faith is sharper than a knife
Laws are written in the flame
History recalls the name
He led crusades against Saracens
He cut off tongues for blaspheming
He made the Jews wear yellow stars
Burned Talmuds as France’s greatest king
Saint Louis, a great king
In love with Christ the King
Jewish Math Song

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Jewish Math Song". Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
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Full Bobby Fischer

Christ The King
Here is a song we wrote called "Full Bobby Fischer", which means that if a Jew converts to Christianity, he has to name the Jew, expose the Talmud, deny the Holohoax, etc. to show that he truly changed sides. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
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Full Bobby Fischer.
It's the way it's gotta be.
If you know about the Talmud, Jew.
It's time to spill the beans.
I've got news for all ya Jews.
Jewish Catholics are just Jews.
Judaizer's the official Catholic term.
So repent and don't be stiff-necked Jewish worms.
If you wanna be a Jew
You can't be a Catholic too
Jews subvert Christianity
And spread Talmudic blasphemy
To be a Catholic bloke
Is to deny the Holohoax
To be on Jesus's side
Is to say "no" to Noahide
Did you know that Second Nicaea and the Fourth Lateran
Says you can't be a Catholic Jew?
Did you know that once you convert
You can't return to the vomit of the Jew?
Full Bobby Fischer!
No more crypto-jews!
Full Bobby Fischer!
Goodbye marranos too!
Full Bobby Fischer!
Pure conversos please!
Full Bobby Fischer!
Puts Judaizers on their knees!
Blood of Martyrs Seed of Christians

Christ The King
Here is a song a friend wrote called "Blood of Martyrs Seed of Christians". Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
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Blood of martyrs seed of Christians make it right.
Blood of martyrs seed of Christians let it be our blood tonight.
Blood of martyrs seed of Christians make it right.
Blood of martyrs seed of Christians it’s our own blood that wins the fight.
From the holy land to Roman Colosseum
To the caliphate and martyrs of Japan
The blood of martyrs is the seed of faith in God’s Almighty plan.
From the holy apostles to Saint Thomas More for theology.
From John the Baptist to Joan of Arc for their morality.
The blood of martyrs is the seed of faith in Catholic history.
Our blood spilled for the one holy Catholic and apostolic faith.
Is a red fountain flowing out with the seed of grace.
Christ as Martyr redeemed us after Adam’s devastating mistake.
So let’s model the martyrs shed red liquid seeds of faith.
From the boiled in oil to the stabbed and stoned.
From the strangled to saints lions mangled to the bone.
The blood of martyrs is the seed of trusting God alone.
Queen of Heaven

Christ The King
Happy Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Day! Here is a song I wrote for the Assumption called "Queen of Heaven". Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
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In the sky so high and bright
Mary taken up in light
Heaven sings a joyous song
Where she belongs
Angels watch her pure ascent
Praises rise when knees are bent
Holy Mother full of grace
In God's embrace
Queen of Heaven shining bright
Guiding stars through darkest night
Lifted high on wings of love
To skies above
In her heart a pure delight
Reflects the Savior’s holy light
Blessed Virgin spotless dove
Full of love
From her throne she watches still
Loving us through every hill
In her care we find our rest
We are blessed
Quit Following the Jews

Christ The King
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Quit skipping Mass
The Jews don’t go to Mass
Quit Following the Jews
Quit looking at porn
The Jews push the porn
Quit Following the Jews
Quit cursing and blaspheming Our Lord
The Jews blaspheme and curse Our Lord
Quit Following the Jews
Quit rejecting your husbands for feminism
The Jews created 2nd wave feminism
Quit Following the Jews
Quit watching bad movies and reading bad books
The Jews want you dumb because they are crooks
Quit Following the Jews
Quit being effeminate men
The Jews want the family broken
Quit Following the Jews
Quit getting abortions
The Jews love abortions
Quit following the Jews
Quit using birth control
The Jews love birth control
Quit following the Jews
Quit loving Communism
The Jews created Communism
Quit following the Jews
Quit getting divorced
The Jews want you divorced
Quit following the Jews
Quit all your fornication
The Jews push fornication
Quit following the Jews
Quit hating Jesus Christ
The Jews hate Jesus Christ
Quit following the Jews
Son Of Man

Christ The King
The great Enoch had a vision
Where he was taken up into Heaven
He saw the Ancient of Days,
Lord of Spirits, and Son of Man
Who is this Son of Man?
Who exists before time began?
Full of righteousness
The Model of uprightness
Behold! In the clouds of Heaven
There comes One like the Son of Man!
The Ancient of Days has given Him
Dominion over all the land
To Him goes all the glory
He shall rule over everything
And His kingdom lasts forever
Behold! It’s Christ the King!
Just like His Heavenly Father
He is to be worshipped and adored
To the righteous He brings salvation
And to the sinners He brings the sword
He has been revealed before the righteous
Who believe everything He has said
When the Last Judgment comes
He shall judge the living and the dead
He is the Chosen One
The Elect of the elect
He is the King of kings
To Him, all will be subject
He’s the true Messiah
The Righteous One
To Him be all the glory
Behold it’s God the Son!
Behold the Son of Man!
(Behold! It’s Christ the King!)
God Will Not Be Mocked

Christ The King
Here is a song I wrote about the 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony called "God Will Not Be Mocked". Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
The Frankfurt School Subverted Christian Society

Christ The King
Here's a song I wrote about how the Jewish Frankfurt School Subverted Christian Society. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
In 20th Century Germany
Where Jews dared to scheme
They blended all their visions
Like shadows in a stream
Critical theory they call it
A tapestry of thought
Unraveling society
Subverting what we've got
Marx and Freud they combined
Ideas intertwined
German Idealism too
To subvert the Church’s bind
Idealistic echoes
In corridors of change
Philosophies converging
Rearranging the names
Oh the whispers
Oh the shadows
Underneath the school's high eaves
In the heart of Frankfurt’s whispers
Society slowly grieves
Christian ways are bending
Underneath the weight
Of ideas that are blending
From a darker fate
The Siege of Jerusalem In 1099

Christ The King
Here's an epic war song I wrote about the Siege of Jerusalem in 1099, which was suggested by a fan. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
March of the Conquistadors

Christ The King
Here's an epic war song I wrote about Cortes and the Conquistadors conquering Montezuma and the Aztecs, which was suggested by a fan. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
Birth Control Is Genocide

Christ The King
Here's a song I wrote about how modern birth control was invented by Jews. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
Generations of lust they declutter
Jewish minds in sync don't stutter
Seeds of sin
Perversion they muster
Pills and sheaths
Like no other
Perversion in a little pill
Condoms with intent to kill
Jewish brains
Jewish will
Generations stand still
Science blends with Jewish lore
Unsafe, unsound
Always unsure
Jewish minds
Always explore
Creating ways to sin some more
Years of study
Years of grind
Perverted minds
Jewish hands in fate we bind
Lies and hate in humankind
They push sin with little care
Feeding perversion everywhere
Jewish roots
It started there
Bringing sin
A hate affair
Birth control's genocide
Stand still
Stand Up To Jewish Hate

Christ The King
Here's a song I wrote about standing up to all the hatred that the Jews have for us gentiles. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!
Rise up strong with courage
Against the tides so gray
We won't break, we won't bend
With Christ to light the way
The Jews have all the power
But it's now their final hour
They hate us 'cause we love Christ
Let's teach them sacrifice
Stand up to Jewish hate
Defend Love, don't hesitate
With Christ, we illuminate
Darkness fades, Truth prevails, it's fate
Hearts of iron, steel, and gold
Through the storm we'll march so bold
Stand united, hand in hand
Injustice cannot take a stand
The Jews have all the power
But it's now their final hour
They hate us 'cause we love Christ
Let's teach them sacrifice
Stand up to Jewish hate
Defend Love, don't hesitate
With Christ, we illuminate
Darkness fades, Truth prevails, it's fate
Echoes of Christian prayers
Fill the air with hope and care
Bound by love, we raise our voice
In Christ's light we make our choice
The Jews have all the power
But it's now their final hour
They hate us 'cause we love Christ
Let's teach them sacrifice
Stand up to Jewish hate
Defend Love, don't hesitate
With Christ, we illuminate
Darkness fades, Truth prevails, it's fate
Across the land, across the seas
Brotherhood in unity
Against the Jews we arise
Breaking chains, we touch the skies
The Jews have all the power
But it's now their final hour
They hate us 'cause we love Christ
Let's teach them sacrifice
Stand up to Jewish hate
Defend Love, don't hesitate
With Christ, we illuminate
Darkness fades, Truth prevails, it's fate
Stand up to Jewish hate
Convert Jews, it's not too late
Stand up to Jewish hate
Convert Jews, it's not too late
Stand up to Jewish hate
Convert Jews, it's not too late
Stand up to Jewish hate
Convert Jews, it's not too late
All Votes Go To Jews

Christ The King
Don’t you know goy?
All votes go to Jews
This isn’t new
All votes go to Jews
Donald and Joe
Both know
Love for the Jews
Keeps them in the show
Who you vote for
Don’t you know?
It’s all just a
Dog and pony show
All votes go to Jews
We see it every time
From cabinets to donors
It should be a crime
All votes go to Jews
It’s always the same
Vote right or left
And you’re playing their game
Family ties
They don't disguise
Jewish love
In their eyes
Who you vote for
Aren’t you wise?
It’s all just a
Big pack o’ lies
All votes go to Jews
We see it every time
From cabinets to donors
It should be a crime
All votes go to Jews
It’s always the same
Vote right or left
And you’re playing their game
Israel’s flag
They wave it high
With donors' help
They fly
Who you vote for
You see the lie?
It’s all just to
Get you to comply
All votes go to Jews
We see it every time
From cabinets to donors
It should be a crime
All votes go to Jews
It’s always the same
Vote right or left
And you’re playing their game
In their teams
Jewish pride
Together they stand
Side by side
Who you vote for
Don’t take a side
They just want to
Take you on a wild ride
All votes go to Jews
We see it every time
From cabinets to donors
It should be a crime
All votes go to Jews
It’s always the same
Vote right or left
And you’re playing their game
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
All votes go to Jews
Let’s Have Our Independence Day

Christ The King
Breaking free!
From Judeo-Masonry!
Marchin' through the fire burn
Chains of lies gonna break; we yearn
To have old Christendom restored
Free from our Judeo-Masonic overlords
No more chains, bustin' free
Sons of Christ will rise; we’ll see
Independence from their deceit
We break these ties never retreat
We’re finally gonna break free
From Judeo-Masonry
It’s time that God’s had His way
Let’s have our Independence Day
Blood and soil and freedom cries
Light the torch; watch the evil die
Takin' back from what they stole
Independence Day to free lost souls
No more chains, bustin' free
Sons of Christ will rise; we’ll see
Independence from their deceit
We break these ties never retreat
We’re finally gonna break free
From Judeo-Masonry
It’s time that God’s had His way
Let’s have our Independence Day
Through the streets our battle roars
Echoes of freedom shake their doors
Lies of old we now defy
In their faces we’ll never comply
No more chains, bustin' free
Sons of Christ will rise; we’ll see
Independence from their deceit
We break these ties never retreat
We’re finally gonna break free
From Judeo-Masonry
It’s time that God’s had His way
Let’s have our Independence Day
Runnin' wild through the dark night
Victory in our grasp, within our sight
Cross held high to signal the free
Independence Day to overturn Judeo-Masonry
No more chains, bustin' free
Sons of Christ will rise; we’ll see
Independence from their deceit
We break these ties never retreat
We’re finally gonna break free
From Judeo-Masonry
It’s time that God’s had His way
Let’s have our Independence Day
Queen of Our Hearts

Christ The King
Gentle in her grace so kind
Mother to us all she shines
With every prayer her light reveals
The love and peace our hearts can feel
In our darkest nights she’s there
Guiding with her tender care
Queen of heaven blessed light
In her arms we find our might
Ave Maria Mother so dear
In your name we cast all our fears
Queen of our hearts forever more
Your love is the peace we soar
With each rosary softly told
Her miracles begin to unfold
Through her eyes we see the dawn
Brighter days where we belong
Mary queen through the test of time
In your mercy pure we climb
Ever grateful hearts declare
Your endless love beyond compare
Ave Maria Mother so dear
In your name we cast all our fears
Queen of our hearts forever more
Your love is the peace we soar
Mama Mary we love you so
Your love makes our hearts glow
Every day we pray to you
To ask Your Son for graces too
He asked St John to be your son
We are your children like St John
He asked you to be St John’s mom
Mama Mary you’re also our mom
Ave Maria Mother so dear
In your name we cast all our fears
Queen of our hearts forever more
Your love is the peace we soar
They Can't Take The Latin Mass Away

Christ The King
They say he wants to change it
But we'll stand tall and strong
Latin Mass was here before
And we've been here all along
Through incense and old hymns
Our faith will never sway
Ancient words we hold tight
Pope Francis won't take it away
We hold the timeless truth
And we won't let it go
With every Latin prayer
Our devotion will show
Generations have whispered
These sacred words in time
We'll keep the tradition
The rhythm and the rhyme
In golden robes we gather
In candlelight's soft glow
Every generation's hearts
In Latin they will grow
We hold the timeless truth
And we won't let it go
With every Latin prayer
Our devotion will show
Sodomy Cries Out To Heaven For Vengeance

Christ The King
Someone who lived practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pains in Hell than anyone else because this the worst sin there is
The men of Sodom tried to rape angels
That’s not very hospitable of them
They wouldn’t even accept Lot’s daughters
Because they only wanted to lay with men
What else could it be?
The sin of sodomy
To use another’s body
For perverse fantasy
It cries out to heaven for vengeance
Because sodomy is an abomination
The only way to be saved is repentance
And to control your perverted fixation
In Leviticus it says rather explicitly
That men can’t lie with other men
In First Corinthians Saint Paul says that Unrepentant homosexuals don’t go to Heaven
What else could it be?
The sin of sodomy
To use another’s body
For perverse fantasy
It cries out to heaven for vengeance
Because sodomy is an abomination
The only way to be saved is repentance
And to control your perverted fixation
Wicked people say that the true sin
Of Sodom is lack of hospitality
But Saint Jude makes it rather clear
That the sin was unrepentant homosexuality
What else could it be?
The sin of sodomy
To use another’s body
For perverse fantasy
It cries out to heaven for vengeance
Because sodomy is an abomination
The only way to be saved is repentance
And to control your perverted fixation
If Christ, Moses, Saint Paul and Saint Jude
All said it, then why is there confusion?
The Bible says practicing homosexuality is a sin
Your concupiscence is causing your delusion
What else could it be?
The sin of sodomy
To use another’s body
For perverse fantasy
It cries out to heaven for vengeance
Because sodomy is an abomination
The only way to be saved is repentance
And to control your perverted fixation
It cries out to heaven for vengeance
It cries out to heaven for vengeance
It cries out to heaven for vengeance
It cries out to heaven for vengeance
Talmud Is The Real Jew Bible

Christ The King
We know Hanukkah
But what's Halacha?
Just rabbinical opinions?
Must you be a Jew
To be a neighbor, too?
Talmud's the real Jew Bible
Like Muslimi,
Oft' Jews do not see
The whole of their religion.
From witchcraft and demons,
Talmud's the Gnostic reason
For supremacy, no matter the season.
Jews were upset and scared
When Rome crushed them.
Josephus, Jew, wrote it all down, too,
Long before the Talmud.
In the book 6, Titus said
Jews stole and were like serpents.
We know Hanukkah
But what's Halacha?
Just rabbinical opinions?
Must you be a Jew
To be a neighbor, too?
Talmud's the real Jew Bible
With tricky words and fables, too,
Their lens on Torah became their creed
They hid it centuries 'til Donin freed
The Popes to know what's in it.
Fair-mindedly, Catholics debated it, to see
Why Jews were taught to lie to thee.
When miracles in temple stopped,
Jews misdi'gnosed the rot,
Because they hated Jesus.
Rabbis the Jews enslaved
With fears and twisted reason. Eventually they caved;
became Bolshévik revolution.
We know Hanukkah
But what's Halacha?
Just rabbinical opinions?
Must you be a Jew
To be a neighbor, too?
Talmud's the real Jew Bible
Some stories Mo'med borrowed;
immorality, too.
When nobody's a neighbor except you.
God took Amalek out
when child sacrifice spread,
but in Talmud, Jewish vengeance never ends.
Add Kabb'lah, where Yahweh's bad
And God's covered with magic
To push Jews to win the world we're in
And rabbi Rings to Rule Us All
We know Hanukkah
But what's Halacha?
Just rabbinical opinions?
Must you be a Jew
To be a neighbor, too?
Talmud's the real Jew Bible
The Gays Are Coming For Your Children

Christ The King
The gays are coming for your children
I’m sure you don’t think that this is right
But if you only knew how homosexuality spreads
You wouldn’t let your kids out of sight
I don’t like to be the bearer of bad news
It doesn’t make me feel that good
But grooming kids is what gays do
So what I say must be understood
Just listen to what I say
They’re coming your way
No need to be scared
Just get yourself prepared
The gays are coming for your children
I’m sure you don’t think that this is right
But if you only knew how homosexuality spreads
You wouldn’t let your kids out of sight
It doesn’t matter if you support them
They only want to have your children
You may think your kids alright
But you had better hold them tight
Just listen to what I say
They’re coming your way
No need to be scared
Just get yourself prepared
The gays are coming for your children
I’m sure you don’t think that this is right
But if you only knew how homosexuality spreads
You wouldn’t let your kids out of sight
If you think I’m just being paranoid
And you’re becoming real annoyed
Just think about your little one
Do you want them to become undone?
Just listen to what I say
They’re coming your way
No need to be scared
Just get yourself prepared
The gays are coming for your children
I’m sure you don’t think that this is right
But if you only knew how homosexuality spreads
You wouldn’t let your kids out of sight
They’re coming for your children
They want to make them like them
They violate their little bodies
Turn them into little copies
Grooming all of them
Until you don’t recognize them
And before you know what’s done
They’ve corrupted every one
Just listen to what I say
They’re coming your way
No need to be scared
Just get yourself prepared
The gays are coming for your children
I’m sure you don’t think that this is right
But if you only knew how homosexuality spreads
You wouldn’t let your kids out of sight
They’re coming for your children
They’re coming for your children
They’re coming for your children
The gays are coming for your children
Rain On Gay Parades

Christ The King
Rain On Gay Parades
When your life gives you lemons go and make some lemonade.
When the streets fill up with Sodom rain on gay parades.
Help their conscience eat them up like worms so they are saved.
So hell don’t have a feast on Judgement Day.
In a crowd of ten the leftist will claim to think it’s all fantastic.
To one trusted lone friend he’ll say that it’s nasty.
Admitting it’s a sin is where repentance has to start.
Don’t call the height of nasty a work of art.
When your life gives you lemons go and make some lemonade.
When the streets fill up with Sodom rain on gay parades.
Help their conscience eat them up like worms so they are saved.
So hell don’t have a feast on Judgement Day.
When demons call perversion love you know that they have lied.
Don’t claim the pond scum as your source of pride.
Admitting it’s a sin is where repentance must begin.
Don’t eat a booger then shout for the win.
When your life gives you lemons go and make some lemonade.
When the streets fill up with Sodom rain on gay parades.
Help their conscience eat them up like worms so they are saved.
So hell don’t have a feast on Judgement Day.
At every time on earth at some location there is rain.
Let’s get it all to fall on gay parades.
It’s bad enough to sin and then to do the sin again.
But God will not be mocked don’t give it accolades.
It’s bad enough to sin and then to do the sin again.
Don’t add to sin and throw it gay parades.
When your life gives you lemons go and make some lemonade.
When the streets fill up with Sodom rain on gay parades.
Help their conscience eat them up like worms so they are saved.
So hell don’t have a feast on Judgement Day.
You try to claim we hate you as we pray for you in faith.
As you get your goons to punch us in the face.
Jesus died for me so I can take a punch for you.
I’m happy to if I can only save you.
They Cry Out In Pain As They Strike You

Christ The King
Have you heard of the old Polish proverb?
It’s one of the wisest things you’ve ever heard
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
He’ll change his name to make you think he’s like you
They’ll strike you when they think you don’t see them
But at the same time they will cry out “victim!”
We let these Jews into all of our nations
In love, to help them with their situations
Christian charity says we should give benefit of doubt
But these satanic Jews keep getting kicked out
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
He’ll change his name to make you think he’s like you
They’ll strike you when they think you don’t see them
But at the same time they will cry out “victim!”
The Jews have always hated Christian men
And they won’t stop until they will win
They’re like Cain and will stab us in the back
Like Abel we won’t even see them attack
And with an elder brother like this, who needs enemies?
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
He’ll change his name to make you think he’s like you
They’ll strike you when they think you don’t see them
But at the same time they will cry out “victim!”
The Jews sell porn to emasculate men
And push feminism to corrupt women
They love capitalism because they make money
But push communism because they’re power hungry
God loved Jacob but He hated Esau
Who became father of the Judensau
The Jews persecute us at every cost
But when they’re caught they scream “Holocaust!”
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
He’ll change his name to make you think he’s like you
They’ll strike you when they think you don’t see them
But at the same time they will cry out “victim!”
Have you met someone who plays the victim?
It’s always someone else but never them
If you’ve been kicked out 109 times
Then you’d think you’d learn to stop your crimes
But the Jews never seem to self-reflect
Perhaps one day they’ll learn to introspect
Being Gay Leads To...

Christ The King
You’ve heard of the JQ
But have you heard of the GayQ?
You know what gays do
Don’t need to tell you
But do you know what it leads to?
I bet you haven’t a clue
No need to feel deflated
You’re about to be educated
Being gay leads to intestinal disease
It’s not so fun if you please
It’s enough to fill you with unease
The pain will bring you to your knees
Now this might be a bit much
Perhaps I need a softer touch
Maybe you just threw up your lunch
But just listen and hush
No need to feel deflated
You’re about to be educated
Being gay leads to intestinal disease
It’s not so fun if you please
It’s enough to fill you with unease
The pain will bring you to your knees
I bet you wish you didn’t know
But it just goes to show
How sick we’re willing to go
Our perversion is like so
No need to feel deflated
You’re about to be educated
Being gay leads to intestinal disease
It’s not so fun if you please
It’s enough to fill you with unease
The pain will bring you to your knees
You know of monkeypox and AIDS
And how they are diseases for the gays
And you know that sin doesn’t pay
So don’t be surprised when I say
No need to feel deflated
You’re about to be educated
Being gay leads to intestinal disease
It’s not so fun if you please
It’s enough to fill you with unease
The pain will bring you to your knees
You’ve heard of the JQ
And now you’ve heard of the GayQ
Look it up and you’ll know it’s true
Just another red pill for you
Who Controls The Mainstream Media?

Christ The King
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Who do you think controls the media?
I'll give you just a second or two
If you think it's just the leftists
Then you guessed wrong, 'cause it's the Jews
Jew Shari Redstone runs Paramount CBS
Jew Brian Roberts runs Comcast NBC
Jew David Zazlav runs Warner Brothers Discovery CNN
Jew Bob Iger runs Disney ABC
Who do you think controls the media?
I'll give you just a second or two
If you think it's just the leftists
Then you guessed wrong, 'cause it's the Jews
Jew Joseph Kahn runs the New York Times
Jew Alex Barlow runs Breitbart News
Jew Jonah Peretti runs Buzzfeed Huffpost
Jew Jim Bankoff runs Vox Media news
Who do you think controls the media?
I'll give you just a second or two
If you think it's just the leftists
Then you guessed wrong, 'cause it's the Jews
Rupert Murdoch runs Fox
And Chris Ruddy runs Newsmax
Neither of them are Jewish
But they're Zionist, so what's the difference?
Who do you think controls the media?
I'll give you just a second or two
If you think it's just the leftists
Then you guessed wrong, 'cause it's the Jews
Rupert Murdoch runs Fox
And Chris Ruddy runs Newsmax
Neither of them are Jewish
But they're Zionist, so what's the difference?
Who do you think controls the media?
I'll give you just a second or two
If you think it's just the leftists
Then you guessed wrong, 'cause it's the Jews
Jesus Christ Is A Manly Man

Christ The King
Here's a song I wrote a few days ago about how Jesus Christ is a Manly Man. Enjoy!
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[Verse 1]
He was an accomplished carpenter
Who made a whip out of reeds
And flipped the tables over in anger
‘Cause they made the temple a den of thieves
Jesus Christ is a manly man
He called the Jews “sons of Satan”
Told St. Peter “get behind me Satan”
Jesus Christ is a manly man
[Verse 2]
He said “don’t give children’s bread to dogs”
And “don’t give pearls to swine”
It’s important for us to understand
That obstinacy isn’t worth our time
Jesus Christ is a manly man
He called the Jews “sons of Satan”
Told St. Peter “get behind me Satan”
Jesus Christ is a manly man
[Verse 3]
He talked more about Hell than anyone
Said most will be eternally dead
If you think most are saved
Then you haven’t listened to what He said
Jesus Christ is a manly man
He called the Jews “sons of Satan”
Told St. Peter “get behind me Satan”
Jesus Christ is a manly man
He called the Jews a brood of vipers
Hypocrites, and Synagogue of Satan
If you think Jesus was politically correct
Well, you would be best to think again
Jesus Christ is a manly man
He called the Jews “sons of Satan”
Told St. Peter “get behind me Satan”
Jesus Christ is a manly man
Have You Heard Of The Noahide Laws?

Christ The King
The Cristero War

Christ The King
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The Circumcision Song - Viewer Discretion Advised

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I Will Not Say "I Will Not Serve"

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Scourge Of The Jews

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War Of The Vendee

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Harrison Butker The Jew Buttkicker

Christ The King
There was a man named Harrison
Who gave a commencement speech
At Benedictine College
He got up, and started to preach
Harrison the Jew Buttkicker
He's a real Catholic man
Not shy about tellin' the truth
So I think I am a fan
They said his speech is sexist
'Cause he said motherhood is good,
Birth control, and abortion are bad
For this they had him jewed
He said they're outlawin' the Good Book
'Cause it offends the Jews
They're all kvetching right now
Bashin' him in the news
Harrison, you preach the Faith
And don't listen to what they say
Just give love to Christ the King
And let the Jews kvetch away
Big Jew

Christ The King
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Battle of Lepanto

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The Triumph Of Vienna

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Gonna Be A Mom

Christ The King
Anti Schlometic (Extended Israel Cut)

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I Want A Man Who Knows How To Lead

Christ The King
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Jewish Square Dance

Christ The King
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I Want Your Shekels

Christ The King
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Marching To Jerusalem

Christ The King
If you like this song, please follow us on your favorite music streaming service, where we plan to upload more songs like this:
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I Wanna Be A Veil Lady

Christ The King
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Modest Mary

Christ The King
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Career Mom

Christ The King
A male and female He created us.
Head and Heart the Church has stated thus.
My home won't need a heart that hearts to be a head.
That's only Satan's plan I follow God instead.
When my baby says Mommy to me that is,
when God tells me that I follow the plan of His.
Please don't give me desk and office and salary.
All I need is home and husband and my baby.
They would almost call me hero to kill my kids.
Or if I acted like a pervert in public vids.
But if I only want what's normal and be a mom.
They'll tell me that I lack ambition and something's wrong.
Man or woman mission one is accept God's plan.
And if you're woman that means don't try to be a man.
A woman with shoulder pads typing at a desk,
is like a man on the street who put on a dress.
Shut It Down

Christ The King
Judes screaming shut it down!
The goyim know! Oy vey!
We ain't staying quiet
No way
Gonna subvert some goys
Gotta say
Shut it down
Ban them now
Shadow ban
Cancel them
Shut it down
Ban them now
Your platform's gone
By Satan's spawn
Nose's up high
We won't bow down
With the devil we'll rise
We run this town
Locked and loaded
So gay
We're gonna kvetch
Oy vey!
Shut it down
Ban them now
Shadow ban
Cancel them
Shut it down
Ban them now
Your platform's gone
By Satan's spawn
Shut it down
Ban them now
Shadow ban
Cancel them
Shut it down
Ban them now
Your platform's gone
By Satan's spawn
You Look Like Baphomet

Christ The King
You say there's just two genders
But Judaism's got another view
By pure cohencidence, goy
Satan thinks so too
It was defined as mental illness
But then we had that changed
Perverts are now called normal
And given gay parades
The man named Magnus Hirschfeld
Made real life Frankensteins
Perverted evil doctor
Demented in his mind
It was defined as mental illness
But then we had that changed
Perverts are now called normal
And given gay parades
You act like this is healthy
You know it's not okay
Androgyny's from Satan
You look like Baphomet
It was defined as mental illness
But then we had that changed
Perverts are now called normal
And given gay parades
Please come St. Michael
And rain on gay parades
Please stop the jews now
From making their charades
Hey Jew

Christ The King
Hey Jew
Don't be afraid
You were made to celebrate
With matzo
Children on your plate
And Moloch's sweet embrace
Hey Jew
Drink the wine
Raise your glass
Toasts entwine
Remembering adrenochrome
Hey Jew
It's time to shine
Hey Jew
It's Passover night
Every sip of adrenochrome's a sacred rite
We remember our father's fight
Moloch's flame burns bright
Hey Jew
Drink the wine
Raise your glass
Toasts entwine
Remembering adrenochrome
Hey Jew
It's time to shine
Hey Jew
Drink the wine
Raise your glass
Toasts entwine
Remembering adrenochrome
Hey Jew
It's time to shine
Feminist Revolutionary Spirit

Christ The King
Who do you think it was that caused
Women to be wage slaves?
If you guessed it was the Jews
Then sing along with this phrase
Feminism has more jewesses than a bat mitzvah
If you’d ever even look into it
You’d even have to say that it clearly fits the
Mold of the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
Why do you think that women work
And leave their children at home?
If you guessed it was the Jews
Then come along, and sing along
Feminism has more jewesses than a bat mitzvah
If you’d ever even look into it
You’d even have to say that it clearly fits the
Mold of the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
Jewesses repent and convert
’Cause you know Christ is King
So stop it now with your wily ways
And join us now as we sing
Feminism has more jewesses than a bat mitzvah
If you’d ever even look into it
You’d even have to say that it clearly fits the
Mold of the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
I'm On Fire (With My Love For The Jews)

Christ The King
I’m on fire with my love for the Jews.
Because they know that black lives matter and they love you too.
I’m on fire with my love for the Jews.
Because they’d never cry out victim while they strike you.
I’m on fire with my love for the Jews.
Because you would never research Covid and see it’s the flu.
I’m on fire with my love for the Jews.
Because you’d never research porno and see it’s Jews too.
I’m on fire with my love for the Jews.
Because if you hear Shlomo say it then you know it’s true.
I’m on fire with my love for the Jews.
Because they just want nothing more than to be nice to you.
I’m on fire with my love for the Jews.
Because you’d never look up famines and see it’s them too.
I’m on fire with my love for the Jews.
Because one plus ones 6 million surely it’s not two.
I’m on fire with my love for the Jews.
The Golden Mouth Adversus Judaeos

Christ The King
There was man named John
Who became known for his good teaching
They called him “golden-mouthed”
Because of his great preaching
Saint John got upon the pulpit
And started preaching:
Judes are impure and unfaithful
Their synagogue a house of vice
They all worship the devil
And are cursed for killing Jesus Christ
Saint John became a Church Father
And Doctor for his good teaching
We should heed the words he says
When they recorded his good preaching
Saint John got upon the pulpit
And started preaching:
Judes are impure and unfaithful
Their synagogue a house of vice
They all worship the devil
And are cursed for killing Jesus Christ
Saint John pray for the jews
That they will open their eyes
Then come back home to the Lord
And believe in Jesus Christ
Saint John got upon the pulpit
And started preaching:
Judes are impure and unfaithful
Their synagogue a house of vice
They all worship the devil
And are cursed for killing Jesus Christ
Do Black Lives Matter For The Jews?

Christ The King
Do black lives matter for the Jews?
The Jews led the transatlantic slave trade
But Jews are constantly pushing white guilt
And Jews are the ones driving race hate
Have you heard of Aaron Lopez?
He owned many slave trade ships
Like many other jewish merchants
Who dominated the slave trade
Do black lives matter for the Jews?
The Jews led the transatlantic slave trade
But Jews are constantly pushing white guilt
And Jews are the ones driving race hate
Have you heard of Judah Benjamin?
He was the Brains of the Confederacy
Over three quarters of southern jews
Owned slaves in southern USA
Do black lives matter for the Jews?
The Jews led the transatlantic slave trade
But Jews are constantly pushing white guilt
And Jews are the ones driving race hate
Jews you should quit pushing race hate
When you have done these things yourselves
Embrace Jesus Christ as your King
And He will forgive you of everything
Do black lives matter for the Jews?
Justin Martyr Vs. Jew Trypho

Christ The King
Thinking Judes superior to Christians
A Jew by the name of Trypho
Tried to challenge Saint Justin Martyr
Who took Trypho to the cleaners
And Saint Justin Martyr said:
Bad things have happened to you Jews
For you have slain your Messiah
And now you reject your own God
Cursing in your synagogues those who believe in Him
Justin told him the law is no more
And that Jews follow it in vain
And that it’s only through accepting Christ
Can they have any chance of being saved
And Saint Justin Martyr said:
Bad things have happened to you Jews
For you have slain your Messiah
And now you reject your own God
Cursing in your synagogues those who believe in Him
Jews listen to Saint Justin
He‘s only telling you what needed to be said
Stop being so stiff-necked
And listen to him when he says
Bad things have happened to you Jews
For you have slain your Messiah
And now you reject your own God
Cursing in your synagogues those who believe in Him
Who Do You Think Is Behind Communism

Christ The King
Who do you think is behind Communism?
This evil idea that is anti-Christian
You know, the ideology that killed millions
Which tribe was Karl Marx’s origin?
Communism comes from the Judes
The Bolsheviks were mostly them too
Other revolutions were led by the tribe too
And they were financed by Western Judes
The Communists in Germany were Judes
Just like the ones lead by Bela Kun
The advisers to Mao were mostly Judes
And American Communists were Judes too
Communism comes from the Judes
The Bolsheviks were mostly them too
Other revolutions were led by the tribe too
And they were financed by Western Judes
Judes, won’t you repent for what you’ve done?
For bringing Communism into the world
Embrace Jesus Christ as God the Son
And He will forgive all you’ve done
Communism comes from the Judes
The Bolsheviks were mostly them too
Other revolutions were led by the tribe too
And they were financed by Western Judes
Judes, won’t you repent for what you’ve done?
St. Maximilian Kolbe Criticized The Jews

Christ The King
Saint Maximilian Kolbe criticized the jews
The Church refuses to say this about him
They rightly talk about how he died for jews
But they won’t talk about how he criticized them
Saint Maximilian Kolbe created the Militia of the Immaculata
His goal was to call out the enemies of God and convert them
He was highly devoted to Our Blessed Mother
He loved Jesus Christ and wanted all to adore Him
Saint Maximilian Kolbe criticized the jews
The Church refuses to say this about him
They rightly talk about how he died for jews
But they won’t talk about how he criticized them
Saint Maximilian Kolbe was put in a concentration camp
Because he criticized the Nazis for going too far
And when it came time for prisoners to die
Saint Maximilian Kolbe took a prisoner’s place and became a martyr
Saint Maximilian Kolbe you died in a concentration camp
You gave your life to save another man
You criticized both Nazis and the Jews
Because you wanted them to turn to the Son of Man
Saint Maximilian Kolbe criticized the jews
The Church refuses to say this about him
They rightly talk about how he died for jews
But they won’t talk about how he criticized them
Saint Maximilian Kolbe you died in a concentration camp
You gave your life to save another man
You criticized both Nazis and the Jews
Because you wanted them to turn to the Son of Man
Saint Maximilian Kolbe criticized the jews
The Church refuses to say this about him
They rightly talk about how he died for jews
But they won’t talk about how he criticized them
Bobby Fischer Was Right

Christ The King
Bobby Fischer was a jew
Who became the World Chess Champ
He was seen as an American hero
Until he criticized the Jews
Bobby Fischer
You were right about the Jew
Bobby Fischer
The world should’ve listened to you
Bobby Fischer told the truth
He denied the Holocaust
Said Jews controlled the country
So the Jews they silenced him
Bobby Fischer
Bobby Fischer
You were right about the Jew
Bobby Fischer
The world should’ve listened to you
Before he died he started converting
He started getting catechized
He had a Catholic funeral
We hope he sees the Lord with his eyes
Bobby Fischer
You were right about the Jew
Bobby Fischer
The world should’ve listened to you
Merchants of Sin

Christ The King
Jew Samuel Roth sold pornography
It was illegal to do so at the time
Then the jews took it to the Supreme Court
And they ruled that selling porn was fine
Merchants of sin peddling their wares again
They want to rule us through impure sin
Creating a porn epidemic, then
Profiting off of our sin
After that the floodgates opened
Jews started pushing more obscenity
They used porn to control us
Turning us into slaves of impurity
Merchants of sin peddling their wares again
They want to rule us through impure sin
Creating a porn epidemic, then
Profiting off of our sin
Why do you push porn so much?
Only preying on the weakness of man
Turn away from your ways of sin
And believe in Christ, the Son of Man
Merchants of sin peddling their wares again
They want to rule us through impure sin
Creating a porn epidemic, then
Profiting off of our sin
After you push porn so much
Only preying on the weakness of man
Turn away from your ways of sin
And believe in Christ, the Son of Man
Merchants of sin peddling their wares again
They want to rule us through impure sin
Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy

Christ The King
Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy
Unlike Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles
She’s got more balls than both those boys
Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy
She was a rising voice of the right
Who got a big gig at the Daily Wire
But the Jews say she is an anti-semite
So jew Ben Shapiro up and fired her
Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy
Unlike Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles
She’s got more balls than both those boys
Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy
Andrew Klavan is a cryptojew
Who says “Christ is King” is antisemitic
Jew Ben Shapiro shills for Israel
And Candace Owens just won’t have it
Candace Owens just won’t have it
Candace when you going to be one of us?
The Catholic Church needs more like you
You have more guts than most Catholics
And you refuse to be bullied by the jews
Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy
Unlike Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles
She’s got more balls than both those boys
Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy
Abortion Is A Jewish Sacrament

Christ The King
Sons of Moloch are still among us
Fighting for their child murder
Abortion is their main business
And they will fight us with all fervor
Abortion is a Jewish sacrament
Fighting Christians to have it realized
In order to protect them doing it
They want it to stay legalized
Child murder makes Satan stronger
The devil is their father after all
And if they can legalize abortion longer
They think they’ll receive more favors from Baal
Abortion is a Jewish sacrament
Fighting Christians to have it realized
In order to protect them doing it
They want it to stay legalized
Sons of Moloch won’t you repent?
Why can’t you desire unborn babies to live?
The Messiah you reject is calling for you
And if you repent He is willing to forgive
Abortion is a Jewish sacrament
Fighting Christians to have it realized
In order to protect them doing it
They want it to stay legalized
Sons of Moloch won’t you repent?
Why can’t you desire unborn babies to live?
The Messiah you reject is calling for you
And if you repent He is willing to forgive
Abortion is a Jewish sacrament
Fighting Christians to have it realized
In order to protect them doing it
They want it to stay legalized
Tiny Hats And Excessive Usury

Christ The King
Nobody ever likes compound interest
It’s confusing tiny hat nonsense
When you think you’re caught up on bills
You have more debt than what you started with
Have you heard of the Fourth Lateran Council?
It was convened by Pope Innocent III
He criticized the perfidious greedy judes
And condemned their excessive usury
It’s a shame that our federal reserve
Has virtually always been run by judes
And who do you think runs those hedge funds?
Well they’re run by the you-know-whos
Have you heard of the Fourth Lateran Council?
It was convened by Pope Innocent III
He criticized the perfidious greedy judes
And condemned their excessive usury
Which religious group makes the most money?
If you’d guess the tiny hats you’d be correct
They run almost all investment banks
The ones in 2008 left our economy wrecked
Pope Innocent III you were so wise
Why didn’t we listen to you?
Now we’re all debt slaves
Owing all our money to the judes
Have you heard of the Fourth Lateran Council?
It was convened by Pope Innocent III
He criticized the perfidious greedy judes
And condemned their excessive usury
St Vincent Ferrer Convert The Jews

Christ The King
Saint Vincent
What a great Christian preacher
He went straight to the Jews
To the synagogue to teach
Saint Vincent got upon the pulpit
Started preaching, saying:
“One who dies a Jew will be damned!”
And your synagogue is a harlot
And if you want to all be saved
You’d all best become Christians
He consecrated those synagogues
Turning them all into churches
Converting 25,000 Jews
Taking their souls away from Satan
Saint Vincent got upon the pulpit
Started preaching, saying:
“One who dies a Jew will be damned!”
And your synagogue is a harlot
And if you want to all be saved
You’d all best become Christians
Saint Vincent we need you now
The Jews are persecuting us Christians
They’re Judaizing our societies
Saint Vincent pray that God converts them
Saint Vincent got upon the pulpit
Started preaching, saying:
“One who dies a Jew will be damned!”
And your synagogue is a harlot
And if you want to all be saved
You’d all best become Christians
Christ Is King

Christ The King
The Jews say it’s antisemitic
To say Christ is King
What they refuse to tell you
Is that Satan is their king
Christ is King
And He will reign in His kingdom forever and ever
Christ is King
And those who deny Him will lose their souls forever and ever
The world sides with the Jews
Who reject Christ the King
They remove His crown from society
To make the Antichrist their king
Christ is King
And He will reign in His kingdom forever and ever
Christ is King
And those who deny Him will lose their souls forever and ever
The Jews accuse us of hate speech
While they openly hate Christ the king
They dechristianize our countries
And make themselves our antichrist kings
Christ is King
And He will reign in His kingdom forever and ever
Christ is King
And those who deny Him will lose their souls forever and ever
Have You Heard Of The Talmud

Christ The King
Have you heard of the Talmud?
It was written by the Jude
It contains several blasphemies
And is a form of anti-Christian hate speech
It says that Mary had relations
With a soldier named Pandera
And that Jesus is ben Stada
Which means Son of an adulteress
Have you heard of the Talmud?
It was written by the Jude
It contains several blasphemies
And is a form of anti-Christian hate speech
It says that Jesus sinned in Egypt
And that His rabbi rejected Him
So in anger, Jesus worshipped a rock
And then He led Israel to sin
Have you heard of the Talmud?
It was written by the Jude
It contains several blasphemies
And is a form of anti-Christian hate speech
It says that the Judes hung him to death
And that the Romans couldn’t protect Him
And then a man raised Him from death
Then said Jesus is in Hell in boiling excrement
The Judes deny these blasphemies
But the facts are crystal clear
It’s obvious that they hate Our Lord
And lie to us in fear
Have you heard of the Talmud?
It was written by the Jude
It contains several blasphemies
And is a form of anti-Christian hate speech
They Were Turned Into Matzo Balls

Christ The King
Have you heard of Saint Simon of Trent?
Or Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln?
What about Saint William of Norwich?
Or Saint Andreas of Rinn?
They were just little kids
Turned to bread by the yids
Fed into the fire of Moloch’s jaws
They were turned into matzo balls
Have you heard of Saint Harold of Gloucester?
Or Saint Dominguito del Val?
What about Saint Robert of Bury?
Or Saint Werner of Oberwesel?
They were just little kids
Turned to bread by the yids
Fed into the fire of Moloch’s jaws
They were turned into matzo balls
When it’s passover season
Don’t let your kids outta sight
The Jews are on the prowl
Looking for their next sacrifice
They were just little kids
Turned to bread by the yids
Fed into the fire of Moloch’s jaws
They were turned into matzo balls
What about Saint William of Norwich?
Or Saint Andreas of Rinn?
They were just little kids
Turned to bread by the yids
Fed into the fire of Moloch’s jaws
They were turned into matzo balls
Christ Is Risen Alleluia

Christ The King
Christ is risen!
He is risen!
The perfidious jews murdered Him
But He conquered death!
He went to Hell to save the prophets
And the faithful patriarchs
Christ is risen!
He is risen!
He blew open the door to Heaven
To save the many who believe in Him
The Jews had the Romans guard His tomb
But He threw open the door and left
The women went to anoint Him
But the angel said He is risen!
The Jews shuddered in fear
As Christ’s followers grew in number
Christ is risen!
He is risen!
The Jews shuddered in fear
As Christ’s followers grew in number
Christ is risen!
He is risen!
Sons of Your Father, The Devil (Yelling Crucify Him)

Christ The King
The Synagogue of Satan
Christ calls them cursed fake jews
Always doing the work of the devil
Because they have nothing left to lose
They called for His deicide
Yelling crucify Him
Calling upon themselves a blood curse
They murdered their I Am
Sons of your father, the devil
Have you no hearts at all?
You’re constantly rejecting Him
And bringing sin to all
Yelling crucify Him, crucify
His blood be upon us and our children
You murdered your Messiah like you murdered your own prophets
They called for His deicide
Like you murdered your own prophets
They called for His deicide
Yelling crucify Him, crucify Him, crucify Him
Calling upon themselves a blood curse
They murdered their I Am
Sons of your father, the devil, have you no hearts?
Sons of your father, the devil
Have you no hearts at all?
You’re constantly rejecting Him
And bringing sin to all
You say you have no king but Caesar
But that Jesus is your King
You scoffed at Pilate’s efforts
And he washed his hands clean
Yelling crucify Him, crucify Him
His blood be upon us and our children
You murdered your Messiah like you murdered your own prophets
Sons of your father, the devil
Have you no hearts at all?
You’re constantly rejecting Him
And bringing sin to all
Reason For The Season
3 months ago
Here's a Christmas song I wrote called "Reason For The Season". Enjoy! Merry Christmas!
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