Donny Deutsch: The Democrats Need a Transformational Figure

2 months ago

LEMIRE: “As the rev noted,Democrats, not all, but they have done some policy work to help those people, the people who need it, and yet they don’ believe it, they don’t see it, they don’t accept it. And certainly Democrats could do more and there is an impulse to go for the change candidate, which Donald Trump fashioned himself to be. But in terms of the messaging, trying to say, ‘Hey, we hear you, actually it’s not a one-way street, we hear you,’ what can they do better?”
DEUTSCH: “Messenger versus messaging. Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald Trump — they had and have the ability to turn to voters and say, ‘I feel your pain, I’m going to solve your problems.’ Regardless in the case of Donald Trump that he is part of the other side of the equation, he is one of the rich guys, he has the ability, as did Ronald Reagan, as did Bill Clinton, as did Barack Obama. It’s the way a person communicates, how they connect. So we can talk all we want about policy, because I guarantee, if you look up on the Democratic platform, it was all there, all the message was there. We need — the Democrats need a transformational figure, they need that figure that can connect. So we can philosophically talk all we want about messaging that’s off. They had the better messaging.”

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