New scandalous statement from Kadyrov: He hinted at Chechnya's independence from Russia

1 month ago

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has provoked a new scandal. He made the Kremlin and the Z-community nervous by mentioning two fighters for the independence of the Caucasus, Sheikh Mansur and Baysangur Benoyevsky. Dialog media outlet looked into the details. Recently, Kadyrov published a post on his official Telegram channel in which he promised to pay 500 thousand rubles to families who name their newborns in honor of the "Chechen heroes" Mansur and Benoevsky. A huge scandal erupted on Z-channels about this, since both of these figures were famous for their fight for the independence of the Caucasus from Moscow. Ultra-patriots considered this a hint at Chechnya's plans to separate from Russia. Apparently, the post also caused alarm in the Kremlin.
Sheikh Mansur and Baysangur Benoyevsky are two iconic figures in the history of the Caucasus who left a deep mark on the struggle of the highlanders for their independence from the Russian Empire. Sheikh Mansur was a religious and political leader who united many Caucasian peoples in the fight against Russian expansion. He sought to create a unified Islamic state in the North Caucasus, free from Russian rule. Sheikh Mansur's rebellion was the first major anti-colonialist movement in the Caucasus. As for Baysangur Benoyevsky , he was one of the most outstanding deputies of Imam Shamil, the leader of the Caucasian War. He was a talented commander, fought for the independence of the Caucasus from the Russian Empire. He participated in many battles and proved himself to be a skilled strategist. Baysangur Benoyevsky played an important role in the Caucasian War. His troops inflicted significant losses on the Russian troops and inspired the highlanders to fight. Earlier, media wrote that the Kremlin became frightened and quiet after Kadyrov’s attack on the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee. The motive for Kadyrov's attacks on the key security officials of dictator Putin, whom he appointed to these positions more than ten years ago, was the high-profile case brought against the Chechen boy Muslim Murdiev. The latter, as is known, is accused of violating public order, as well as group violence against citizens, carried out by prior agreement. It is also known that the young Chechen recently turned to Kadyrov for protection. - click here and support Kanal13 monthly for distributing more videos and independent journalism

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