Hunter Biden Burisma Connection Still Doesn't Pass The Smell Test

2 months ago

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

FBI informant charged with lying about Biden's role in Ukraine. Well, he got caught. You and I, I know, have such different feelings about Ukraine, and that's why we do these segments because I respect your opinion and you respect mine. And so it doesn't make any difference to me really, that this one guy was caught making stuff up about what actually happened. If you just look at the elements of it, and I know there's been investigations and nothing happened, but I can't help but look at the elements of the Burisma connection to Hunter Biden and President Biden and Joe Biden.
But it's all based on this guy who admitted in court yesterday now, yeah, I made it all up. None of it's real.
Was it all based on that though, Farron? That's where I think you and I very different.
That is what the FBI used to launch the investigation. And you had the FBI that said, no, we're not gonna release whatever the form number is that he had filled out, 1039 maybe, I think something to that effect. And then finally the Republicans said, no, by God, we're gonna release it because the public needs to know what this man Alexander Smirnov says, and they release it. And oh my God, it's shocking. This corruption, the bribery taking place, the money changing hands. And this guy says, well actually hold up, uh, no money actually.
I didn't do it.
No money changed hands. He made that up. And if that's not like the heart of the thing because there's no issue with a private US citizen working for a foreign company.
Eh, you know.
That's perfectly legal. It may not be ethical, but it's not illegal
I know it's legal, Farron. But how do you, the emails, okay, let's take everything that guy did and throw it out. Now I look at this, I used to be a prosecutor, I look at it like a prosecutor. A very, a typical kind of defense to a criminal case is to create that hearing. Okay, this is what's important ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Ignore all this other stuff and all this other stuff is, I think it's important.
Well, what is it?
Well, I think you've got the emails that took place between Hunter Biden and the Chinese, for example, not Ukraine, but it was the same process. They were energy companies. Okay. How does the president of the United States, and I know your position on this, he goes over, there's an investigation taking place of Burisma. He goes over in strong arms, and your position is, well, more people did it than just the president.
That's not my position. It's a fact.
Well, it is a fact. But that's something you like to say. And I get that.
Yes, because it is the global community.
And I like to say this is the President of the United States who's working for Burisma. He's on the board of directors, has zero experience, knows nothing about the business, and all of a sudden he's on the board of directors. Daddy is showing up saying, this mean man who's going after you needs to be kicked. We need to put him in prison. I don't care.
But Shokin was not going after Burisma. He had not launched an investigation. That didn't happen. And so Shokin was supposed to be investigating Burisma, but was not and that was part of the corruption because of his alleged ties to the company and he did not want to go after them when he was supposed to. Now, I'll give you this. Should Hunter Biden have been on the board of literally any business in the world? No.
And brother, by the way. Brother Jim's also involved in this.
What was Jim?
Jim was tied into this.
Because I've seen his name and I've never seen anything beyond Jim Biden. So I would love an explanation as to what did Jim Biden allegedly do?
Jim Biden is tied clearly into the Chinese issue. I mean, clearly.
But how?
Emails saying that $10 million is being negotiated for Hunter, $10 million, yeah, $10 million per year. Jim was the go-between on that. There's so many little parts.
That sounds like a business deal.
Eh, come on, brother. Come on.
It's again, not ethical, but not illegal.
Yeah, I know.
And we've talked about this Hunter Biden thing a thousand times. I don't think we've ever once mentioned Jared Kushner.

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