America's Geriatric Leaders Are Falling Apart

1 day ago

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

About a week or so ago, we had Mitch McConnell falling down the stairs of the Capitol, falling in the cafeteria in the Capitol, all on the same day. And then after everybody says, my God, let's get these elderly people out of there. Then we turn around this week, we get a Democratic representative in the middle of a speech on the House floor, totally freezes up for 30 full seconds, no movement, no speaking, just frozen in space like Mitch McConnell has also done. So we are dealing with these people, and it was Ken Klippenstein who said it best, dying to stay in office. And this is just another example, and with Mitch McConnell, they said, oh, well it's the lingering effects of polio. With the Democratic lawmaker they said, well, he's got new medication. Because the medication does that, I guess?
Ketamine or what?
I mean, really, but there's always an excuse for these people who should have been out of office years ago to stay there. Nothing's wrong. Don't worry about it. This is totally normal behavior and it's not. This is not normal. This is not okay.
Okay. You want my take on that. My quick take is what you and I talk about a lot is it's profitable for 'em. They make money because they can do insider trading. They can move their wealth from a million dollars to $20 million in just one term because they can do insider trading. That's one thing. The other thing is, is it's like we talked about the Joe Scarborough thing a few weeks ago. What is it that drives him to want this need for acceptance? Why must he? What is it that, I gotta go apologize to Trump so I can go to the Mar-a-Lago party, you see? What is it that drives these folks to want to be around celebrity? Oh, Beyonce's coming to the White House and I'm gonna be able to have dinner with her. That's some type of really weird mental illness, in my mind, that you are so attached to the need for recognition with a celebrity. You're so attached to the power of getting in a limousine and being driven to some special event. You're so drawn to all of that, the kind of these, the fixings of celebrity, you know.
The need to feel important by standing next to somebody who is important.
Yeah. And don't you wanna just say what the hell?
Does it, to me, as you're sitting there saying that, I'm thinking just psychologically, does this go back to childhood with a lot of these people?
It might. Could be.
Did they maybe have a lot of siblings and they weren't getting the attention that they needed? Or maybe mommy and daddy weren't ever at home and so they grew up and they said, well, I need people to look at me. I need to feel important. Maybe I didn't do well in school and so all the teachers overlooked me. Well, look at me now.
Think about the, we're around celebrities often. I mean, big, Sting level celebrity, but it's not, we don't buy into it. It's not something that we have to have to feel like a complete person. And I think if somebody would really, a good psychologist would write a really good article on this, it'd be sure worth reading. You'd want them to read it. Hey, you might wanna check out what's going on in your crazy head right now.
Yeah. And if they're gonna write that article, they need to do it very quickly because a lot of these people may not be around in 10 weeks to be able to give interviews.
That's true. That's true.

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