JUDY CHO i3 | IODINE for DETOXING …if labs: bromide, fluoride high: increase iodine

2 months ago

presents episode 2370 | JUDY CHO of NutritionwithJudy.com

Reverse osmosis water is stripped of
all minerals, therefore: may need to add
electrolytes back in to keep minerals in
your body...
-if cannot get fluoride out of water, can
simply take iodine tablets

Hakala lab: 24 hour urine test:
24 hour excretion should be 50mg
24 hour excretion should be under 5mg
-any level should be dealt with
Person 2 had sufficient iodine but 7mg
bromide, so needs to take more iodine
Person 3 had just under 50mg iodine
but very little bromide
-had too much fluoride: 4mg
-should take more iodine

Afraid of consuming more salt?
At NutritionWithJudy.com an article on salt, also
an interview with Dr Brownstein, iodine expert
-sodium balances electrolytes
-if stressed, adrenals need more sodium

Dropulator.com a website to help determine how many drops...
David Brownstein, Lynne Farrow, Guy Abraham
[& Elizabeth Bright] say you cannot realistically overdose on iodine
-you urinate out excess
If deficient in iodine: can take 50mg daily
for 3 months
Judy Cho
-starts clients at 1 drop in morning

Judy Cho
-starts clients at 1 drop in morning
-symptoms of detoxing bromide & fluoride may occur
Next: 6 drops of 2% = 15mg. [goal is 50mg]
Slowly increase to 12 drops...
may not need to go to 50mg [20 drops]
After 30 days, maintenance is 6 drops



original video interview: https://youtu.be/IkDbCUTG7P0?si=uLcvkxaiSJS1AVUH

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