Episode 484: God describes the process of the new birth. Part 1

2 months ago

Hello everyone. In this morning's Bible study we take a magnifying glass look into the PROCESS of the new birth.

This in depth study will unveil the actual steps the LORD God takes to create the believer thereby making him alive.

What does this process looks like? What, if anything, does the sinner have to do to participate in this process? What are the results of this process? What impact does it have on the new believer in Jesus Christ?

Again friends, these are very important and serious questions that will help us understand why the believer is fully secured in Christ and can have full assurance that they in fact have been born from above.

Many true believers today struggle daily with the thought of "losing" their salvation which is tragic. The LORD God through the apostle John declares that we can know and be assured that we are in possession of this life because eternal life is a person named Jesus Christ the Lord of glory.

Today's study is 1 hour in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 1 of 2 titled God describes the process of the new birth. Part 1

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