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Mike Balloun teaches today. 12-14-24

Genesis Chapters 30-31 Attaining unto the lost image of God

VERSES: Genesis 28:15; Deuteronomy 28:63-65; Romans 11:25-29; Acts 15:16

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Jacob had left the Promised Land in fear of the loss of his life, and from Bethel (which means ‘house of God’), the heavens opened to him in a dream and a prophetic Word from God was spoken… “And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.” [Genesis 28:15]

We have spoken before of the Jews as the wayward Wife of God the Father, who was exiled from the Promised Land around 2000 years ago, for rejecting their Messiah, Jesus, from ruling over them and thereby rejecting the Calling to rule with Him from the future restored unseen heavenly portion of this Realm in His Millennial Kingdom. Yet, the Jews are the chosen people, the repository of the irrevocable promises of God as the seed of Abraham, then (in Jacob’s time) and today, even in spiritual darkness of unbelief and the rejection of their Messiah Jesus, being here in the Book of Genesis accordingly typed as Leah; the older sister ‘shortsighted and weak.’ Ultimately, Scripture reveals that after much tribulation, the unbelieving Jews will receive Jesus as their Messiah King and then they, being the seed of Abraham, will be restored to their Promised Land of inheritance, ancient Canaan (as the declared prophecy above alludes to). And they’ll rule in Jesus’ authority on the Earth in His Millennial Kingdom. Whereas, beloved Rachel; the younger sister ‘lovely and bright eyed,’ in type is being set forth as the future Bride of Jesus. These ‘Christians’ (Christ followers), for these same last 2000 years, have been being brought out primarily from among the Gentile Nations through the work of the Holy Spirit, and their inheritance is to be caught up to Him into the first heaven of this Realm during the time of His Return. There to be wed and rule from with Him in rapture or resurrection glory in His coming Millennial Kingdom. (Hebrews 3:1, Acts 13:46, Matthew 21:43) These shadows or types of Truth are set forth in these Genesis Passages of Scriptures, which answer to those ancient words of God to Jacob (Israel) in their present and future reality… “I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.” (See Romans 11:25-29 and Acts 15:16 which speak of God’s promises of the Restoration of Israel which will come to pass at the appointed time.)

The overall goal of God in Christ’s redemption Atonement is to bring mankind from the fallen nature of self-centeredness in the Garden, back into the likeness or image of God (back to God-centeredness). What is set forth in Scripture is the marvelous rescue story for fallen man, having fallen by distrust and disobedience into the great darkness of the selfish nature of satan into the light of the image of God’s ‘selfless/love’ (changing the dynamic from being carnal soul-ruled to spirit-ruled).

What we see predominantly in the Old Covenant is how God revealed Himself to repentant man, redeeming them in the limited efficacy afforded in the blood of an animal. Being ‘merely redeemed,’ but yet without the fullness of His image and being yet enticed by the fallen nature within and without. Life and image-changing Faith in the Covenant and its promises of God (that included the Savior from the seed of a woman destroying the works of satan and bring in everlasting righteousness) were perverted by satan’s design, and became all about God’s redeemed being ‘blessed,’ and getting abundant provision and protection from their enemies.

God’s intention was/is that redeemed man come by faith from sincere desire of his born-again spirit and renewed mind into the grace of spiritual wisdom and understanding of Truth in the Gospel. Seeing and embracing living in His Atonement and fighting for His image/‘God-likeness’ while here in this Earth, where we are born under ‘probation’ under temptation, test and trial. Not just living in now ‘saved’ and ‘going to Heaven when I die’ relationship with God. Generally looking to Him as ‘What can He do for me while I’m alive? … Keep me, protect me, heal me, provide well for me, guide me, make my circumstances happy… ’ Having a mentality that is all about me, me, me! Instead of gratefully and wholeheartedly pursuing His intent for us to become like Him, growing by loving faith in wisdom and understanding of the TRUTH, living our lives out in overcoming fellowship with Him because of Who He is and who we were created to be in Him....

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