In the Beginning: Crucial Lessons for Our World from the First Three Chapters of Genesis (Dr. Monica Miller)

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Monica Miller, Ph.D. is a nationally known pro-life leader, having been involved in the pro-life movement since 1976. She is the founder of Citizens for a Pro-life Society and author of several articles published on theological subjects and life-issues. Her work has appeared in This Rock, The National Catholic Register, Homiletic and Pastoral Review, The New Oxford Review, Fidelity Magazine, and Crisis Magazine.

The signature evils of our day—abortion, pornography, personal alienation, sex and gender confusion, breakdown of marriages and families, countless souls caught in the grip of the culture of death—have one crucial thing in common: humanity’s prideful rejection of God’s created order. To combat this modern folly, we need ancient wisdom; in fact, we need to go all the way back to creation’s very first days. In the Beginning takes you through a unique reading of the first three chapters of Genesis, unfolding the richness of the divinely revealed creation story and what it has to say about God, the world, and the destiny of mankind.

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