MZTV 1625: God Has Adjusted the Eons to Accommodate US

2 months ago

You would not want to be a first-century, faithful Israelite who had seen the kingdom draw near, only to watch it recede to an undetermined time in the future. Talk about a bummer. When the disciples asked the Lord if He were at that time restoring the kingdom to Israel (Acts 1:6), His answer was not exactly satisfying. But He couldn’t tell them the truth.

WE have the truth—the full truth. And we’re fine with it, because we are living in the time of the fulfillment of the new, secret gospel that was given to Paul.

“Absolute truth” aficionados are going to freak out to read Hebrews 11:3, but hey—I didn’t write it. “The eons have been adjusted to a declaration of God.”

And away we go.

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