MZTV 1624: End-Time Update—The Fall of Syria and the Rise of Ancient Theocrasies

3 months ago

The U.S. state department’s desire to topple the Assad regime in Syria has finally happened (no credit to the state department), but of course this will lead to a more radical regime (in spite of the advertising) of Islamic terrorists. This will be fine for the Trump administration (Israel, too), as the more centralized and organized the radicals become, the fewer bombs necessary to destroy them.

Speaking of “organized,” did you know that even China and Russia are reverting to ancient, traditional thocracies? Me neither. The prophet Daniel knew it, however. This is a high-speed coming-to-fruition of Daniel’s prophecy (chapter 7) describing four religions coming out of the sea. The western religion (Christianity) will “stamp upon” the Eastern religions, amalgamating them, becoming the Beast of Revelation.

It looks like “game on” to me, folks.

Dr. Steve Turley: Here’s What’s REALLY Happening in SYRIA!!!

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