GARY FETTKE w4 | DIETETICS ASSOC. CORRUPT FROM START …myths: meat; salt; fat is bad…began early

3 months ago
presents episode 2350 | DR GARY FETTKE on

How did we get to this belief that the food pyramid is
actually heathy and based on real science?
October 1923 the American Dietetics Association formed
-founded by Lenna Cooper
-wrote dietetics textbooks that would be used worldwide
for next 40 years
Had previously worked in cereal industry
-at very first meeting, 6 processed food
companies were present & advertising
-this Relationship has continued on

Check out nutritional reviews, started by food industry...
-Harvard school of public health and many other schools
heavily funded by ultra processed food companies
Food companies were working on
-bliss point--making product more enticing & addictive
-longer shelf life
Somewhere in 1950s we began believing
that this nutritional science was medical!
-was given same weight as medical

In reality, nutrition research was driven by profitability of the
food industry--with nothing to do with health outcomes
-myths created, Not Based on Science, but on profit
Examples: salt-bad; carbs-good; cholesterol-bad;
highly influencing text book content

Why was breakfast cereal invented?
John Kellogg developed it to curb male & female libido
-modern day hospitals patterned after the Kellogg Institute
-multiple specialties coming together in one large building
Back in temperance times [early 20th century] people were
moving into cities, poor water quality so
mead was a common drink, infidelity...

'Pure living, pure food' was a theme of day
-same time: fresh meat in cities was very rare
-salted meat was available, became demonized, both meat
& salt
Over time, memes became: meat causes cancer, violence,
animalistic urges & attitudes


original video interview:

We will never use corruptible, epidemiological survey research as causal science.
For each short/sharable video, the original Youtube links are provided above.

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