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![I hate Calvinism - Part 27](
Rebuking Calvinism
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Calvinism exposed
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
I will be showing quotes from Calvin and comparing them to scripture and logic.
If you think I've made a mistake in my thinking, please let me know.
If you want to help me expose Calvinism, please let me know.
Here is the clip from C Jay that I promised where he says "The light is Him. The darkness is also Him."
If you think I am taking him out of context or misunderstanding him, please show me how.
Bashing on Calvinism and Calvinists
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
Some people have the idea we should never be insulting. This is obviously unbiblical since numerous Bible authors were insulting and numerous godly Bible characters were insulting.
There is a place for being insulting of not just ideas but of people.
Calvinism is a false gospel that must be rebuked and Calvinists who refuse correction or are publicly being wolves must be biblically rebuked, which includes accurate insults.
We will look at two videos that might include insults (one definitely does). If you have a delicate fleshly nature that refuses correction and despises godly, biblical rebuke, this is not the video for you.
First, we'll look at Kevin Thompson rebuking "Stealth Calvinists" and their vile deception tactics.
Second, Christian Prince will be rebuking the Calvinist James White for his stupidity and lies about Islam.
Calvinism: a doctrine of demons. John Calvin vs scripture
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
Using quotes from John Calvin and comparing and contrasting them to God’s holy word, this book shows how unbiblical Calvinism is. It is a semi-gnostic heresy that has borrowed concepts from the gnostics and reworked them to make them appear more Christian. Their doctrine of “election” is a prime example.
This is not designed to be an exhaustive treatment of Calvinism or any of the points of Calvinism. It is a quick, helpful summary that highlights some major points and gives a quick response showing how it is unbiblical and/or illogical.
John MacArthur lies again
John MacArthur was at "Together for the Gospel T4G" Session 3 from a T4G conference 8 years ago or something.
"The Sinner Neither Able Nor Willing The Doctrine of Absolute Inability"
Here's the link if you want to torture yourself listening to him.
Do Romans 8 and Ephesians 1 teach Calvinism?
Jayden wants to examine the Greek in Romans 8:28-29 and Ephesians 1 (eg v4, I assume) with me and see what objections I have to the Calvinistic understanding of these passages and what makes more sense.
I hate Calvinism - Part 27
A new stupid calvinist -
Aftershow - Chapter 6 of "What love is this?", Remonstrants, Atonement
We were just listening to which is an upload of
This is a reading and review of chapter Six of Dave Hunt's book "What love is this?" which is a critique of Calvinism as presenting a god who is not loving.
During this, the issue of whether the atonement paid for all sins or not was raised, and what this means. Kelvy and I will be discussing our views (which appear to be different).
"Is Calvinism biblical?" - Review
James White (Calvinist) and Dave Hunt (non-Calvinist) discussed the topic of Calvinism. Kevin and I will review it.
VEKL is getting stupider
VEKL was recently on Praise's stream gibbering on when Kevin pointed out he was contradicting Calvinism.
And VEKL has doubled down on his lunacy.
VEKL just keeps getting stupider
We'll be reviewing a few comments from VEKL and his tirade against me where he lumps me in with Steven Anderson.
VEKL is utterly demonic and completely stupid.
He tells me to stop visiting channels I disagree with (like his) and then streams about me and calls me a coward for not attending.
I didn't even know the stream was on, or that it would be about me. There was no indication and no advance warning that I could see. He posted about it while I was in bed and started the stream while I was sleeping.
How stupid do you have to be to not let someone know about something and then complain they don't know? AND to call them a coward??
Projection much, VEKL??
And especially after you told me not to attend your channel!
How self-centred do you have to be to imagine that I never sleep and just sit all day watching VEKL's channel hoping that he does a stream?? I'm not even subscribed because you never have anything useful to say.
Imagine accusing Paul of cowardice because you organised a secret meeting of the Sanhedrin and he didn't attend.
I wonder how much stupider VEKL can get.
We start with
And then some other videos and community posts on VEKL's channel.
The "logic" of C Jay Cox
C Jay (a Calvinist) asserts that we can't disagree with him because he says so.
Clip taken from
"Our faith" and "your faith" in scripture
We're going to study these two phrases especially in relation to the Calvinism question.
A study of Romans 8:28-30 and "outer darkness"
Firstly, Leighton's video and whether he is right.
Second, the phrase "outer darkness" in scripture.
And whatever else comes up as we go.
VEKL coping hard
VEKL is doing what bullies and arrogant morons always do and playing the victim because his abuse and lies were called out.
Review of
RC Sproul on Predestination
In this video, RC claims if you don't believe the Westminster Confession that God decrees everything, you must be an atheist.
Why would he say that and what does he mean?
Debate review - Does God Decree All Things?
The Gospel Truth recently hosted Warren McGrew (Negative) vs C Jay Cox (Affirmative) on the topic. Broadly, we could call the former an Open Theist and the latter a Calvinist.
Here is the link.
Kevin and I will most likely agree more with Warren's negative position on this topic since we disagree with C Jay Cox on this issue. But we have an issue with Warren's Open Theism (God doesn't know the future) position.
I have not listened to the debate, so you will be hearing a live reaction from me as well as my review.
Responding to Calvinists and their lies
Numerous Calvinists have responded to Leighton Flowers
I tried to reply to them but my comments don't appear to be getting posted. So I decided to do this video as a record.
Good ol' YouTube, as usual.
A study of John 7 and following
We did a video of the ordo salutis in John 1 to 6. Let's continue studying.
Election and predestination
No, not that Election!
We're talking about the election and predestination of God to us.
And even then, you're probably wrong. Calvinists have so hijacked this term that almost no-one knows what the Bible actually says about the two topics.
It's not about the gnostic idea of determinism which Calvinists are beholden to.
Election is always to service and an end result. And predestination is also about the destination (glorification), not the pathway (salvation).
We'll also examine the word "adoption" in scripture in connection to those two words and show you what scripture actually says.
Consistent Calvinism
There is a channel on YouTube called "Consistent Calvinist" and he tries to be consistent with his calvinism.
I haven't listened to him enough to determine whether he tries harder to be consistent with Calvin or Logic or Scripture. Like most Calvinists, it probably varies.
I'm going to play this clip and you tell me what you think of it. I will tell you what I think.
"Calvinism or Calvinislam??" by John17apologetics - Part 2
Part 2 of reviewing "Calvinism or Calvinislam?? Does God decree sin? Let's respond!!- ep15"
Reviewing "Calvinism or Calvinislam??" by John17apologetics
Reviewing "Calvinism or Calvinislam?? Does God decree sin? Let's respond!!- ep15"
Review of "What Does It Mean To Have A Nature Inclined Toward Sin?"
Leighton Flowers was recently on The Gospel Truth which is a Calvinist channel. This is a clip where he is explaining the Provisionist view on "inclination to sin" rather than the Calvinist view of "created totally depraved".
A review of a post by "The Berean Voice" - a typical Calvinist
This Calvinist routinely demonstrates all the typical Calvinistic logical fallacies that I have come to expect from them. They have zero ability to be logical and NO humility.
And are total hypocrites.
Notice the strawmanning and false dichotomies (or trichotomies) and the false accusations. And then complaining about me calling him a heretic.
Notice that "heretic" does not (necessarily) mean unsaved. It simply means divisive. And those teaching false doctrine are always the divisive ones. And notice how Calvinists always assume they are right and anyone who disagrees is a heretic. But notice all the lies they have to tell.
What ordo salutis do we find in the Gospel of John?
Are Calvinists right that regeneration precedes faith? Does the Gospel of John teach irresistible grace? Does God only draw the elect?
Does the Gospel of John teach Calvinism or Provisionism or some other doctrine?
Reviewing Andrew Rappaport on Calvinism
Andrew Rappaport emailed me regarding my opposition to Calvinism.
"My challenge to Calvinism would be that I assume you have a misunderstanding of it and actually believe in it. I have yet to find a person that attacks the doctrine of God’s sovereignty in salvation that is a Christian that disagrees with the doctrine.
Give a listen to my views"
Review of "Popular Calvinist Makes A Stunning Admission"
This is a video by Leighton Flowers about James White.
And we'll also watch "Solving Calvinism's Cornelius Conundrum" -
Open stream - would you like to chat?
We're going to start with reviewing "Solving Calvinism's Cornelius Conundrum" with Leighton Flowers and Louis Ruggiero.
Then we'll see what happens.
Why are reprobates still Calvinists?
Tyler Vela is a "Calvinist" who has rejected Christianity and Calvinist affirm that he accurately understands scripture and Calvinism and Christianity (from their perspective).
But he is unsaved and Calvinists also affirm that.
This contradicts Calvinism which asserts the unsaved cannot understand spiritual things.
Why do some who reject Christianity still hold to Calvinism being the only way to understand Christianity and many Calvinists affirm this?
and we'll point you to
And we'll point out 1 Cor 2:14 and the Calvinist interpretation that contradicts their acceptance of Tyler's understanding of Calvinism.
More ignorance and/or deception by Calvinists
I recently reviewed C Jay's recent conversation with Kevin but was unable to show the side chat.
This video will do that and give more information on the complete lack of integrity of C Jay Cox and VEKL. They are either ignorant of the truth about definitions of words or being deliberately deceptive, or both.
Part 3 of Review of "2 Thessalonians 2:10 & James White"
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C Jay lies again - Compatibilism and Calvinism
Is he deliberately being deceptive or is he so deceived he can't be honest?
Review of part of between Kevin and C Jay.
Review of "The ULTIMATE refutation of Calvinism in Acts 13:48"
A reading of Spurgeon's Sermon "Compel them to come in"
Charles Haddon Spurgeon "Compel them to come in" from
This sermon is not at all Calvinistic and Spurgeon was widely attacked for preaching such an "Arminian" sermon. We could also call it Provisionist (although that term was not known then).
This is just good, sound Bible preaching without all the Calvinistic philosophising and explaining away scripture.
Spurgeon later became far more Calvinistic, persuaded, no doubt, by the Calvinist "intellectuals" of his day instead of steadfastly holding to scripture.
Unveiling the Paradox - God's Love vs. Predestination
Calvinistic Predestination means that God is NOT loving to all. He is only loving to a very small number.
The God of the Bible says to love your enemies to be like Him. But Calvinism teaches He doesn't love His enemies in any meaningful way. He actually hates them intensely and completely and only pretends to love them.
This is taken from a review of Dave Hunt's book "What love is this?"
Predestination in scripture is not to believing and eternal life (as it is in Calvinism). God has predestined us to be conformed to the image of His Son and to be glorified.
Unveiling the Mystery - Regeneration Before Faith?
No, scripture makes it clear that Faith precedes spiritual life.
John 1:12-13 But as many as received him, to them gave he authority to become the sons of God, to them that believe on his name: [note the order]
13 Which were born, not of bloods, nor of will of flesh, nor of will of man, but of God.
Calvinists ignore v12 and think that v13 is saying the opposite of v12. They assume that "faith" is "salvation". They don't understand the gospel.
John 5:24 KJV
24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
Note the order! And this order is provided over and over in Chapters Five and Six. Read through both chapters.
John 20:30-31 KJV And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: 31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.
And you will find the same order all through the book of John and everywhere else in the Bible. Jesus is appealling to you to believe SO THAT YOU HAVE LIFE. Come to Him. Hear Him. Trust Him and THEN He will save you!
This clip is from a review of Dave Hunt's book "What love is this?"
Unveiling the Mystery - Can You Truly Know if You're Elect?
Clip from a longer video reviewing Dave Hunt's book "What love is this?"
See the playlist here.
Unveiling a New Concept - Faith vs. Spiritual Death
This is a clip from a review Kevin and I did of Dave Hunt's book "What love is this" which criticises Calvinsm.
Please check out my playlist reviewing this topic
Are non-Calvinists true Christians?
Be prepared for a surprising answer. This is a clip from a review Kevin and I did of Dave Hunt's book "What love is this" which criticises Calvinsm.
Please check out my playlist reviewing this topic
Part 2 Joel on Ephesians 1
Part 2 Joel on Ephesians 1 -
I am a Provisionist P R O V I D E
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
In this video, we examine provisionism as defined by Leighton Flowers. I am in agreement with his points and examine the verses he provides and add some more.
P. People sin – which separates all from fellowship with God
Gen 3.15-24, Deut 1.39, Rom 3.23, Rom 5.12, Rom 6.23
R. Responsible – (able-to-respond) to God's appeals for reconciliation
Deut 30.11-19, Matt 23.37, Jn 5.40, Jn 12.48, Jn 20.31, 2 Cor 5.19-20
O. Open Door – for anyone to enter by faith. Whosoever will may come to His open arms
Matt 11.28, Jn 3.16, Rom 10.21, Eph 1.13, 1 Tim 2.4, 2 Pet 3.9
V. Vicarious Atonement – provides a way for anyone to be saved by Christ's blood
Isa 53.1-12, Jn 12.32, Rom 4.5, 2 Cor 5.21, 1 Pet 3.18, 1 Jn 2.2
I. Illuminating Grace – provides clearly revealed truth so that all can know and respond in faith
Jn 1.9, Jn 12.32, Rom 1.18-2:16, Rom 11.32, 2 Cor 4.3-6, Titus 2.11
D. Destruction in Eternal Torment for unbelief and resisting the Holy Spirit
Matt 7.13, Matt 5.22, Jn 12.48, Acts 7.51, Rom 4.5, 2 Thess 2.10
E. Eternal Security for all true believers
Jn 20.31, Rom 8.38-39, Eph 1.13-14, Philp 1.6, Php 3.12, Jude 24-25
Here is the playlist for the full series.
Reviewing "Why Ephesians 1 Doesn't Support Calvinism" Joel Korytko
Reviewing "Why Ephesians 1 Doesn't Support Calvinism" Joel Korytko
Joel is a Septuagint scholar so knows the Biblical (Koine) Greek very well. He rejects the Calvinist interpretation of Romans 9 and Ephesians 1. He has a video pointing out that the quotes Paul uses in Romans 9 prove Calvinism wrong. You have to be ignorant of the OT and the context of those quotes to believe Calvinism is taught in Romans 9.
He will show in this video that Ephesians 1 is not teaching Calvinism either.
I don't know his theology on soteriology, but I am a provisionist and have learned a lot of things from him. He is a very careful scholar who just takes the Bible for what it says.
Does God love everyone? The Bible says yes. Calvinists say no.
I will be reviewing a video by Leighton responding to Jeff Durbin who questions if we should tell sinners that God loves them.
And we'll look at scripture teaching that God loves the whole world.
Calvinism corrupts the message of the gospel. It is a false gospel.
Responding to Ryan
Reply to
It you want to see the full video that this coward deceptively clipped
Please listen to the original video and then listen to Ryan's "response" and see if you think he has a valid point, AT ALL. I'd like to see what valid point you think he is making in response to the video Kevin and I made. Please include timestamps from our video where you think we made mistakes.
If you have a valid criticism, I want to hear it. I really do. But so far, all I've received is pathetic and shallow bluster and sophistry.
Even better, join me on a livestream and let's discuss it. I'll even join you on your livestream if you allow Kevin to moderate. You can contact him at
Reviewing "A Compatibilist Rejoinder to Incompatibilist Objections from PIA w/ Colton"
Reviewing by John of Sharpening Iron Podcast. We are primarily reviewing this to examine Colton's explanation of Guidance Control as a defence of "compatibilism" and see if there is any logical argument that rescues the assertion of determinism.
A study of "elect" and God's choice in scripture
Let's do a study of the word "elect" and "chosen" in scripture. We'll not only look at English but also look at the Hebrew and Greek words connected to these ideas.
How does John 3.16 teach the Limited Atonement?
Frank White (rebukeandreprove) recently asserted that "If you do not understand how John 3:16 teaches limited atonement then Im afraid you are not even close to understanding what we mean by limited atonement. Not even close." He said this in response to me on which is Kevin's upload of the Limited Atonement video he and I did.
Here is my upload here
He gives no explanation for his assertion, as is his usual tactic. He operates just like all cultists (including outspoken atheists) do. He has zero argument. Only assertion and accusation.
I imagine that he is assuming (like Limitarians HAVE TO) that LA includes application not just intent and extent as it was designed to convey.
Here are some questions for people like Frank. What is the term for Christ only saving the elect (as defined by Calvinism)? What is the term for Christ dying only for the elect (as defined by Calvinism)?
I bet your answer is "Limited Atonement" for both. And that is your right. But how can you have an honest conversation with me when I separate them? How can you have a logical conversation on the two separate topics if you conflate them (as you must)?
John 6 vs Calvinism
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
Calvinists love to use John 6 to teach determinism and TULIP. But does it really?
No, they ignore much of what it says, and what John has already said.
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More lies from Crackpot Jackass @thecynicogue
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
The arrogance of C Jay Cox never ends. He's decided (contra all the evidence) that EVERY word out of my mouth is a lie. Every word, CJ? Seriously.
And that all he can see from me is anger, because he ignores all the times I'm not angry.
Well, it's your choice to focus only on the lies you want to believe, C Jay. That's YOUR choice. Oh, of course, you don't believe that either. It's God's fault that you love to lie, in your theology.
Review of from about and hour and 20 minutes into this stream.
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A second review of CJ's visit to Kevin's stream @thecynicogue
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
The arrogance of C Jay Cox never ends. He's decided (contra all the evidence) that EVERY word out of my mouth is a lie. Every word, CJ? Seriously.
And let's remember that C Jay insists on defining "lie" as being deliberate? Do you use the same definition for deception, C Jay? Is that God's definition in the Bible?
And that all he can see from me is anger, because he ignores all the times I'm not angry.
Well, it's your choice to focus only on the lies you want to believe, C Jay. That's YOUR choice. Oh, of course, you don't believe that either. It's God's fault that you love to lie, in your theology.
Review of from about an hour and 20 minutes into this stream, however, this has now been cut from that link by Kevin and is only available to me privately. I will ask him if I can upload it to youtube so I don't get accused of lying or hiding anything.
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Part 3 reviewing CJ's visit to Kevin's stream @TheCynicogue
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
The arrogance of C Jay Cox never ends. He's decided (contra all the evidence) that EVERY word out of my mouth is a lie. Every word, CJ? Seriously.
And let's remember that C Jay insists on defining "lie" as being deliberate? Do you use the same definition for deception, C Jay? Is that God's definition in the Bible?
And that all he can see from me is anger, because he ignores all the times I'm not angry.
Well, it's your choice to focus only on the lies you want to believe, C Jay. That's YOUR choice. Oh, of course, you don't believe that either. It's God's fault that you love to lie, in your theology.
Review of from about an hour and 20 minutes into this stream, however, this has now been cut from that link by Kevin and is only available to me privately. I will ask him if I can upload it to youtube so I don't get accused of lying or hiding anything.
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I use StreamYard to create my livestreams. If you would like to upgrade to StreamYard, please use the following link:
The stupidity of Calvinism
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
Calvinists all fundamentally rely upon the idea that God alone gets to "sovereignly" choose who will believe. If we choose of our free will, they somehow imagine that God's sovereignty is undermined.
But this attacks the idea that we are to blame for not believing. And the Calvinist illogically ignores this contradiction.
They also usually ignore that this makes God the author of sin, so their god is evil.
Calvinists deal with this lunacy in different ways, but they all have this issue.
And they love to strawman those who disagree. They cannot understand the idea that we are completely responsible for our choices because God has NOT determined them. They try to strawman that into us being creators and having power that only God has (somehow). I have not found a reasonable Calvinist that can have a rational conversation about this.
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Discussion with Nicholas - Part 50
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
on Calvinism, Determinism, Arrogance, Humility and more.
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Review - Two stupid Calvinists, and more
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
They are multiplying.
Let's start with
Then the Biblical gospel
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Ryan and VEKL being idiots, again
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
A review of comments at and before
And Charles Jennings agrees that faith is a work??
The Pelagian error is alive and well in Calvinism AND Fake Grace.
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The stupidity and arrogance of Chris Date
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
Starting at
This was an "open discussion" hosted by "The Gospel Truth" (a Calvinist) and he had Chris Date (a Calvinist) and Colton Carlson (a Calvinist) on as guests.
Leighton Flowers and others join the stream and instead of taking their questions seriously, Chris turns into a blasphemous, mocking fool.
Feel free to watch the whole stream and see if Chris (or Colton or the host) make any valid arguments. I couldn't find any. but we'll be dealing just with one particular section where Chris defends his "author analogy" by admitting how inconsistent and unjust his god is, and he doesn't care.
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More Calvinistic sophistry (I suspect) - and other stuff
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
I haven't listened to it yet but I've listened to so much Calvinistic "reasoning" that it's safe to assume this will be more logical fallacies and assumptions. Colton Carlson and Chris Date on "The Gospel Truth".
And then Nicholas with his "Top Ten Heresies". Most of this I suspect I will agree with until he starts assuming Calvinism and attacking the Biblical gospel.
And then we might get back to and Leighton correcting James White, again.
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Review of "Does God only draw some" by Kevin
![Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου](
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου Χριστου
#Calvinism #Provisionism #gospel
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Is God the author of evil?
Calvin dogmatically asserts that God is the author of evil. This is consistent with the assertion of Calvinism that God asserts everything.
Most Calvinists today ignore or reject this logical conclusion of their system and their most respected Bible scholar.
We deal with the evidence that Calvin taught this, the logical necessity of this position in Calvinism, and how unbiblical and blasphemous it is.
Reviewing "Are the Regenerate Morally Better?"
The video we are reviewing was done by Leighton Flowers.
He is reviewing or responding to a video by James White which is linked in the description of the video above.
I have no watched it so you will also be seeing a live reaction.
A review of Ryan's commentary on Calvin
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Is Calvinism deceptive? A review of "Stealth Calvinism and How it Splits Churches"
A review of "Stealth Calvinism and How it Splits Churches" by The Church Split. We will be reviewing this video.
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Review of Kevin's discussion with John on Calvinism
John runs a channel called "Sharpening Iron Podcast". He is a "Compatibilistic Calvinist". Kevin examines the meaning of compatibilism with John.
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Responding to VEKL "EH....WHY NOT? (#118)"
Responding to
I hate Calvinism - Part 27
Streamed on:
Faith and Religion
A new stupid calvinist -
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