playlist thumnail

Rebuking Calvinism

65 videos
Updated 15 hours ago
Calvinism is a supposedly Christian theology that relies on theistic determinism and teaches that God has determined who will believe and therefore gets saved. They don't admit this upfront and pretend they are just preserving God's sovereignty in salvation. But I agree that God is sovereign in salvation. That's not the issue. The issue is that the Calvinist asserts that God has to regenerate you to make you able to believe (the opposite order to scripture). If you disagree, they accuse you of believing you merited your salvation (which implies they think faith is a work we do to earn salvation). They accuse the Biblical admonition to trust Jesus Christ of being impossible and even accuse those of us who say we can believe of preaching a false gospel. This is to accuse the Biblical gospel of being from satan! There are many other issues with Calvinism. Listen to this playlist to hear other issues and how to argue against this deception.
  1. Bashing on Calvinism and Calvinists
  2. Calvinism: a doctrine of demons. John Calvin vs scripture
  3. John MacArthur lies again
  4. Do Romans 8 and Ephesians 1 teach Calvinism?
  5. I hate Calvinism - Part 27
  6. Aftershow - Chapter 6 of "What love is this?", Remonstrants, Atonement
  7. Aftershow - Calvinism, the gospel and baptism
  8. "Is Calvinism biblical?" - Review
  9. VEKL is getting stupider
  10. VEKL just keeps getting stupider