AAP Live with Fr. John-Mary Bowlin - 12/5/24 - Was There Actually a Forbidden Fruit?

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We're live now with Fr. John-Mary Bowlin from the Dicoese of Tyler, Texas and we're taking your questions! To get your question in for our priests, call 1-877-511-5483 or email us at priests@thestationofthecross.com

In Today's Show:

I've read that the Forbidden Fruit wasn't an apple or even a physical fruit but rather symbolism for something else that was forbidden by God.

What would have happened if Adam and Eve didn't eat the Forbidden Fruit?

Should we also pray for the terrorists and not just for their victims?

Could you explain who the Prophet Samuel was, and why he killed Agag?

What is the small cross that is on the bottom of the chalice and is there a reason for it being there?

Is it true that the parents put their weddings rings in the stem of some chalices for their sons?

I'm nervous about having intrusive thoughts.

If a faithful Catholic was sacrificed in some pagan ritual will that affect his chances for getting into heaven?

Is there an approved way of placing the Advent Wreath at a parish?

Why did St. John the Baptist call the Pharisees a "Brood of Vipers"?

How should Christians treat others who are in different denominations? 

I saw a teacher at a school wearing a pentagram, is there any obligation from me to say something or speak up?

Why don't Catholic schools teach Hebrew or Greek as much?

Can someone take a cough drop right before mass without breaking the communion fast?

Can you recommend a good Catholic Bible Translation?

Would praying for someone who wasn't going to be saved, taking away from God's justice?

Why do we call them Evangelicals if they don't believe in the gospel?

If a priest writes literature while he is suspended can the faithful read his material?

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