5 Ways Narcissists Manipulate Frequencies to Control Your Mind!

15 days ago

Satan is the prince of the power of the airwaves. Learn the tactics and tricks of the adversary as he uses the narcissist in sound warfare to frustrate and delay your spiritual growth. Being around these narcissistic individuals will subject you to heavy psychological warfare and psychic attacks that are pretty much unavoidable. If you do find yourself in one of these dark oppressive environments, there are things that you can do to raise the frequency and fight back in spiritual warfare. This video will equip give you everything you need to know before you enter back into the battlefield!

00:00 - Disembodied spirits of the Nephilim
00:45 - Meditation with their demons
01:05 - Sighs of anxiety
01:32 - A circus in the kitchen
02:25 - A monitoring spirit
03:09 - Destroy your faith and devour your soul
04:00 - Clown feet
04:32 - Demons are cringe
05:19 - Dark discernment
05:55 - Frequencies of destruction
06:24 - Righteous indignation
07:01 - Spiritual warfare frontlines
07:30 - Praise & worship makes the enemy flee
08:02 - The narcissist's fake laugh
08:31 - Television programming, fake news and fear mongering
09:42 - Obsession with murder and death
10:37 - How to defeat the narcissist
11:19 - Commandments of Jesus Christ
11:40 - Why was sound created?
12:07 - Targeted individuals & direct energy weapons
12:35 - Channel for witchcraft attacks
13:08 - Complex networks of mind control
13:33 - A black hole energy void
13:55 - Principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places
14:12 - Engineered to steal light
14:37 - Destroying strongholds
15:07 - The power of God's Word
15:28 - Speak life into a dark world
15:41 - No longer a slave to the narcissist
16:05 - Binding devils with chains
16:27 - You can shift the atmosphere
17:03 - Covered in the blood of Jesus


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