6 days ago

Times have drastically changed and something is seriously wrong with people. Their bodies have been hacked and turned into a temple for demonic spirits to inhabit. The light of Christ that you carry is causing them to become increasingly more uncomfortable and they can't hide it when you walk into certain environments. This is a very peculiar feeling as you continue to attempt to operate out of love. Children of God need to gather in these times like never before!

Sow a seed:
Cashapp: $40HolyGhost
PayPal: RobertTrimpert

00:00 - Strange encounter and NPC's
00:46 - Reality vs. delusion
00:57 - Principalities hacking into people
01:21 - Biohacking, eugenics programs, DNA manipulation
01:57 - Watchers, Nephilim, and splicing
02:36 - Hybrids survived the Flood
03:20 - Inhabited by demons
03:38 - Christ's DNA
04:00 - Transforming into the creature
04:35 - Layers of lies and deception
04:48 - Times have drastically changed
05:09 - Fight the spiritual war
05:21 - Seek the Kingdom first
06:02 - Anxiety over the future
06:32 - Those who love God
06:42 - Purpose in the uncertainty
07:27 - Fix the input, the output will fix itself
08:07 - People have accepted defeat
08:32 - Deeply embedded into the matrix
08:56 - Satanic metamorphosis
09:27 - You are a rare breed
09:48 - Dimensions and portals of truth
10:23 - They don't know why they hate you
10:44 - Why are they so intimidated?
11:12 - Chosen ones come in peace
11:42 - The frequency of love threatens the darkness
12:15 - Reciprocity of love
13:06 - A greater divide of righteous and wicked
13:31 - You are of the light!
14:06 - Sit back and observe

Sow a seed:
CashApp: $40HolyGhost
PayPal: RobertTrimpert

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