PAUL MASON p11 | FIBER? 100% NON-ESSENTIAL …research shows removing it clears up bloating & gas

3 months ago
presents episode 2336 | DR PAUL MASON w/ Rina at

We are often told that fiber is essential in our diet...
-consider the criticism of meat: it putrefies in the gut
The supposed benefit of fiber is that it feeds microbiome
-but, how? if it was digested normally, it would not be there
-insoluble fiber is not digested at all
-it feeds the bacteria---that is called rotting!
So, not only is the criticism that meat rots
wrong--but it gaslights the actual factor that
insoluble fiber does indeed rot in the gut
-we have one stomach, not designed to
ruminate on fiber

Compare size of our colon vs ruminate mammals...
-used to work in colorectal surgery, some patients had
colostomy bags
-they knew, when eating lots of fruits & veggies, their bag
would get full
-when eating meat, bag would remain relatively empty
Why? body digests everything in the meat
Therefore, notion that intestines get stuffed
up with meat is nonsense
-when bacteria digest something,
they produce lots of gas

Intestinal tract is about 1 liter in volume...
-with many turns and loops
-any gas in any area will be uncomfortable
-will lead to GI distress
Research, removing all fiber, found that bloating and gas
symptoms dramatically improved
Constipation: regularity of bowel motion
If constipation defined as bloating, pain, then:
eliminating fiber will benefit those symptoms

Gut bacteria, while they produce gas & discomfort...
-can also produce short chain fatty acids
-which can be taken up by cells lining the intestine
What do colonocytes turn short chain fatty acids into,
before they are turned into energy?
If on keto diet with ketones circulating in
intestines, you get Same Ketone Benefits
as if eating fiber
Fiber is Optional, with side effects!

Soluble fiber may benefit some people and does not have
the same side effects as insoluble fiber...
Example: blackberries have more insoluble fiber while
strawberries have more soluble fiber


original video interview:

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