Jennings: We Lack a President with ‘Testicular Fortitude’ to Get American Hostages from Hamas

3 months ago

NINAN: “He’s got some wins there on the scoreboard in the Middle East.”
PHILLIP: “And the idea of threats from Trump, a lot of people on the left kind of dismiss that, but you do have to ask the question whether that is the strategy here, that he‘s putting his foot down and saying, ‘There‘s going to be hell to pay,’ and maybe that might get results without him actually having to do anything.”
JENNINGS: “Yeah, thank God we have a president-elect who is willing to say it. We‘ve had Americans held hostage since October the 7th, and we‘ve lacked a president that had the testicular fortitude to get our people back. This is outrageous that these Americans were taken and murdered, and we‘ve basically stood back and given lip service to both sides, this and that, ‘I want to hear...’ It‘s wrong and this is the this is the wages of weakness of a weak president. All these things you just listed, it‘s because we have a weak America. And now we‘re going to have a strong America. And I think Donald Trump‘s going to have far better success. We had world at peace when he was president. We had a peace agreement in the Middle East. But when you take Americans hostage and you murder Americans, you better damn well know the president of United States is going to do something about it, and we‘ve not known that for four years.”
Jones: “Well, I think Netanyahu did a whole lot about it and killed a whole lot of civilians. And so the question is, if you just go in with guns blazing and you still have only — “
AIDALA: “That was only after — “
Jones: “Hold on. Wait a minute. If you go in, if you go in with guns blazing now, and there are hostages still there, do you kill those hostages? Like, or do you do something more strategic? I‘m not saying leave them. I’m just saying, it seems like there’s just no plan.”

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