Episode 459: Why sinners on their own accord cannot come to God? Part 2

3 months ago

Hello everyone. In today's Bible study, we begin to look at the why sinners cannot come to God on their own initiative.

Why not? Doesn't God desire all men to be saved? No, He doesn't.

What!!!? That's what it declares in 2 Peter. No, it doesn't. Go read it again. It states "...any of US...". In the context of those verses, who are the "US"?

You see, that's the problem. People read into verses whatever they were told or they simple misread then misappropriate that misunderstanding to God.

All sinners have the same problems. They are dead. They are blind. They are without hope. They are deceived. They are unrighteous. They are unclean.

I can go on but you should get the picture. How can someone like that, suddenly self-determine that they will seek and pursue Christ? They are all unwilling and they are all UNABLE.

Today's study is 57 minutes in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 1 of 2 titled "why sinners on their own accord are unable to come to God. Part 1

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