Meyers: Biden Had to Pardon the Two Turkeys Because They Were Part of the FBI Who Raided Mar-a-Lago

3 months ago

Meyers: “And because it’s Thanksgiving after an election, that also means our political parties are fighting amongst themselves. The Democrats, for example, are still sniping back and forth over what went wrong. Joe Biden was so depressed, he disappeared into the Amazon rainforest never to be seen or heard from again. Things went so bad for Democrats, Biden did the Homer Simpson meme.
(Laughter and Applause)
Of course I am — I am just kidding. Biden did return to pardon two turkeys at the White House this week. He had to pardon them because they were part of the FBI team that raided Mar-a-Lago, and Biden was worried Trump would go after them. ‘What do you call a top-secret recipe for cooking a Turkey? Classi-fried.’
(Light laughter)
ANNOUNCER: “Classi-fried!!”
(Air horns blaring)
(Turkey gobbles)
See? We’re having fun.”

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