140. Awakening and Understanding the Bible in Relation to 9/11

3 months ago

Dr. Sam Sigoloff introduces his guest, Elden Engelhard, who shares his awakening and understanding of the Bible in relation to 9/11. Elden discusses his background, struggles with pornography, and his journey in the military. He talks about his discovery of the spiritual battle and his exploration of deeper biblical interpretations. Elden highlights the connections between historical events, such as the attacks on 9/11, and biblical prophecies. He also mentions the books by Jonathan Cahn that influenced his understanding. Elden Engelhard shares his personal journey of spiritual awakening and the supernatural experiences that led him to a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm. He recounts how he stumbled upon a sermon by John MacArthur on demons from 50 years ago, which sparked his curiosity. Through a series of encounters and conversations, he discovers the reality of spiritual warfare and the power of discernment. Elden emphasizes the importance of spiritual maturity, unity among believers, and staying rooted in the Word of God. He also shares his convictions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to trust in God rather than human leaders.

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140. Awakening and Understanding the Bible in Relation to 9:11

Mr. Elden Engelhard: [00:00:00] And so he proceeded to tell me about a book he was listening to called The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser. So I started reading it and immediately I put the Bible on one side and a dictionary on the other. It immediately started to challenge me because what he was presenting didn't align with what I was taught in the Bible.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Later on that afternoon, after the graduation, We're back in the classroom with the students who graduated. How was the course? What could we do better? And the student walks up to me, you know, Mr. Engelhard, if it's all right, can, can I talk to you a minute? Yeah, absolutely, ma'am. What you got? You know, thinking it's about the course.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: She says, I have a message for you. And it hit me. So being a good Calvary scout, I pulled down my mask, pretending I didn't hear her. She pulls down her mask and she repeats, I have a message for you. She says, All this knowledge of doctrine, tactics, and warfare that you've mastered for the army and you're teaching it very well.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: You're meant to apply that in another realm.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I just found out on January 29th I'll be [00:01:00] having the appeal hearing for Sigoloff V. Austin. That's the lawsuit where I am personally suing the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Army, and a Major General for Fourth Amendment and Whistleblower Protect Act violations. This is all in reference due to COVID and the terrible things that they did during the military.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: My hope is that I can get case law enacted so this never happens to another active military physician again. If you are able to, please offer prayers, please offer any donations at GiveSendGo. I'll have the link listed below. Uh, I definitely need all the help that I can get right now. Thank you very much.

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Nurse Kelly: Welcome to After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff. On this podcast, you will be encouraged to question everything.

Nurse Kelly: And to have the courage to stand for the truth.

Nurse Kelly: And now, to your host, Dr. Sigoloff.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: first of all, I want to thank all my Patreon subscribers. I want to A shout out to Too Tough, giving 30 a month. An anonymous family donor, giving 20. 20 a month. I have the Plandemic Reprimando tier at 17. 76 a month, with Ty, Charles, Stanley, Dr. Anna, Frank, Brian, Shell, Brantley.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Gary and Janine. Self made level at 10 with Kevin and Patton Bev. There's the refined, not burned level at 5 with Linda, Emmy, Joe, [00:04:00] Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth, Dawn, Ken, Rick, and Mary, and Amanda. Addison Mulder's giving 3 and Frank is giving 1. 50. And then our last tier is Courage is Contagious at 1 a month with Jay, SpessNasty, Durrell, Susan, and I want to thank everyone so much for helping me bring this product to you.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Also, please check out MyCleanBeef. com slash After Hours. That's MyCleanBeef. com slash After Hours for some of the best tasting beef I've ever had. Uh, my next guest is Eldon K. And he's in, in the military. We'll, um, leave out his rank and his specific position. Uh, but he's had, I guess an awakening is the best way to, to describe it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And it has to do with 9 11. And it may not be the 9 11 that you're thinking about. I mean, it does somewhat interact with, with towers and, and Pentagon and things like that. But not the specific [00:05:00] details of that. It's, it's a bigger picture. It's a much bigger spiritual battle.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I appreciate that, Sam. Thank you for reaching out and inviting me in.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, so tell me, tell me your story and your enlightenment of understanding the Bible better.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Yeah, absolutely. Um, and just up front, as you mentioned it, uh, so I still am active duty. Uh, so the statements here are my own, does not reflect that of the DOD, the United States Army, or any of its affiliates.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Secondly, I do appear as an ambassador of Christ according to the measure of faith that he's currently grown me in. So, Nothing I say is going to be absolute perfect, but I am confident with what he has shown me. So as I go through my testimony, as I go through these facts, I encourage your listeners, you know, some will say, hey, you finally caught up.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Others will be like, yeah, it's a little far out there. But I encourage your listeners to do what the Bible says and test what I am saying. The same way I encourage [00:06:00] believers to test what they hear from a podcast, from a sermon, from a book. Something that somebody else has written the margins around their Bible even so test what I have to say Because it's what with what he's shown me in the testimony.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: He's given to you that I share with you today So I'll start with just a quick background about myself So I grew up and what many would call a standard westernized church family. I'm the oldest of a large family We were homeschooled was going to church going to a Juana's youth group all the youth rallies Accepted Christ at a young age And from small towns, farm life.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: The churches we went to were generally like the Southern Baptist, Presbyterian, just kind of really based on what that small community had. So that was the background I grew up with. Now in full transparency, and as a trophy of God's grace, boasting about the Lord, nothing that I've done but the one who created me, uh, as a teenager, uh, when we moved back to Colorado, um, I was exposed to [00:07:00] pornography, and that became one of the challenges in my life.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: It was about that time that home based internet became readily available, and so that challenge grew. Uh, there is a Young teenager, I think 15 or 16 at one of the summer youth camps while I was dealing with all that one night up in the mountains at the chapel, the Holy Spirit fell that night and the sermon was about purity and maintaining yourself for a godly marriage.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And so I think everybody in the room felt it. Most were crying. Many of us were up at the altar. And I remember that night I went forward and made that covenant with the Lord dedicated a Lord. You know, I want to maintain myself for marriage. Um, so that was probably the most tangible presence of the Lord.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I had felt up to that point. Uh, my dream since I was a young child was to pilot helicopters for the army. And so I never thought it possible, but the Lord opened all those doors. And so at 19, I. Enter the [00:08:00] army on that high school, the flight school street to seed scholarship. So there, uh, a few months after joining the army, I found myself then at Fort Rucker and for the first time living in my own small apartment by myself.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So naturally access to the internet, needing to hide things that went away. Uh, so continuing, uh, through flight school, it kind of pulled myself down to the point that I was up to the day of violating that covenant with the Lord. And kind of at the last minute, the Lord stepped in. And the thought hit me just, I think he put it there and it's like, Hey, do you not remember the covenant that we made up on that mountain?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And I was convicted. And so I was kind of rededicated myself to, Hey man, look how far off track I've gotten and put me back on the right track. Long story short, a few months later, I met another young lady and she soon would become my wife and, you know, praise the Lord. Um, that's now been almost 20 years ago.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And we have three wonderful [00:09:00] children. And what I'll tell you is God's design, the biblical design of marriage, there is nothing better. Um, but that, that time getting married back in flight school, before we went over to Germany to start a five year honeymoon, um, with some desert trips included, my challenges did not end that struggle with the lust of the eyes continued and would ebb and flow throughout the years to come.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And so that continued, I knew it was wrong, but I would find the excuses to fall back into it, you know, deployments, stressors, this and that. And I would make up those excuses and find myself back into it. And I was never able to kick the habit unexpectedly through different moves. And we've had a very blessed career.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I ended up being stationed back at Fort Rucker next to my in laws, um, right before the pandemic. So 2019, the Lord surprisingly moved us back down here. I was disgruntled at first, but as my testimony will share, as we lead through this. It's been a blessing, [00:10:00] uh, because it has been a good part of the country to raise a family through all of this.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So we move back down here to Fort Rucker. Um, I'm teaching, and this is also critical. I got called down by name to teach a two week condensed crash course in large scale army doctrine and tactics. And for those who aren't familiar, for 20 years, since the collapse of the towers on September 11th, the army has found itself fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan against the insurgent forces, which is very different than traditional warfare, where we're fighting a large numbered, large scale uniform entity.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And the tactics are very different. So over these 20 years, the army realized that we have an entire generation of war fighters in the army. who don't know how to fight a traditional type of warfare system. So that was what the course that they called me to. And that's where I ended up teaching army doctrine and tactics as well as learning it better for myself.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: 10 [00:11:00] working days, full days, sometimes till two in the morning, getting back at eight o'clock to continue just based on student output. So a crash course in tactics. So I had been doing that for about a year. When all the lockdowns showed up that we all remember the small church that we were going to here in the local area, uh, they, like many others closed their doors, which I wasn't, didn't sit well with me.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I knew from the scriptures that we weren't supposed to forsake the gathering of ourselves together and that we were not to live in fear. And I saw both of those things happening, but I couldn't tell you where in the scriptures that was, cause I was a, Somewhat standard, you know, Sunday morning Christian, I accepted the Lord, went to church on Sundays, said prayers before meals, but I didn't have a full working relationship seeking the Lord each day.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I think as 1st Corinthians would say, I was an infant Christian still needing the milk of the gospel, as well as Hebrews 6 also talks about that. So after a few months into the lockdown, [00:12:00] you know, just hanging out with not much to do, I was like, you know what, that we're not supposed to live this way. Let me open up the scriptures and actually start reading it for myself.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And so I, that's what I did. Um, and I thought about it. And the Lord led me to the book of Ephesians. And so I've read through that book many times throughout my life. At that time, I think I was 36 or so. And, but when I came across Ephesians 6, 12, we wrestle not against flesh and blood enemies, but rulers, principalities, authorities, spiritual beings, and heavenly places.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: It hit me in a different way. And that thought permeated my mind. And I said, Hey, I've here, I've put 16 years so far, all this effort, all this energy, this dedication to being a physical warrior for the army and getting to achieve certain operations and do things, work with units that very few get to, so I was convicted.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Cause I knew what that took. And this verse is telling me that that's not my primary battle. And so it just hit me. I was like, [00:13:00] man, so there is this spiritual battle. That I don't really understand and yet I'm supposed to apply the same level of vigor tenacity and dedication to it So, how do I do that? So I began praying over that kind of meditating on that word and I think it was three maybe four days later This is how the Lord works, you know in James I believe it's 1 5 or says whoever lacks wisdom let him ask of the Lord who gives abundantly But he says if you seek my wisdom as you would So I don't think it's just an empty ask, and hey, I want to download, but no seeking the Lord.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And so that's what he put on my heart, and I would say, you know, I pursued that. So three or four days later, I'm having a conversation with another father that attended the church. And after a while of the conversation, he just randomly changed the subject. He's like, Hey, hold on, let me, uh, let me ask you this.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Do you ever think about what goes on in the spiritual realm? And so I kind of [00:14:00] chuckled internally and just kind of had that, like that realization, like, man, this is from the Lord. And I was like, as a matter of fact, yes, yes I do. And so he proceeded to tell me about a book he was listening to called The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And so, a couple days later, thanks to Amazon Prime, I began reading that book. Now, Michael Heiser, Dr. Michael Heiser, uh, very objective, very great doctor. He recently went on to The Lord, and I would definitely recommend that book, uh, to anyone else listening, if you haven't read it already. So I started reading it, and immediately I put the Bible on one side and a dictionary on the other.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So he used a lot of big words. And he did a very good job of referencing his sources. So I started, as I started reading through, it immediately started to challenge me. Because what he was presenting didn't align with what I was taught in the Bible. And in many cases it didn't align with the margins that were at the bottom of some of my [00:15:00] Bibles.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I wondered, what would my pastor think if he knew I was reading this? But I was compelled to continue. And as I went through, I would read his references when it pertained to the Scriptures. So if he referenced a verse, be it Psalms 82 verses 1 and 6, I would go when I would read that Psalms. I would open up blueletterbible.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: org and look at the Hebrew writing because I found there were in fact large differences between the King James, the NIV, NLT, and so forth. And as you start to dig into some of these deeper topics, you can start to see the theology that the interpreters used to write the English words. So it challenged me, but I could not use the scriptures to refute what Dr.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Heiser was presenting. So obviously I was intrigued and continued on. And I will say, to his credit, he does a good job, so say Genesis 6, that's another blurry passage, he does a good job of laying out the two or three [00:16:00] primary interpretations and then giving the arguments for, but then also the challenges with those arguments and then why he believes.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: You know, option A is the correct interpretation based on the culture and the context of the cosmic perspective that the scriptures were written in. So it, it challenged me and I spent, it was about a full month reading that book because it was a great Bible study. And it, it did not take away from the gospel of Christ and what Jesus had done, but it opened up the opportunity to examine the greater levels of depth.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: That that gospel message contains that I believe the enemy has done a good job hiding from the Western church. And I think the only thing that I could say about them is that I've never really read them before. It's kind of a weird book. So, another thing I read was, I was reading the New Testament and I remember reading [00:17:00] a lot of the New Testament and it was, up.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I believe it was September. It might have been 20th. I can't remember the exact date. Maybe 28th, 20th. And I opened up Facebook a Saturday morning. My wife went to go do grocery shopping and I was just looking through and there was a streaming event called the National Day of Prayer and Repentance from the DC mall Um, or the watch the National Mall there in Washington DC.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So I put it on the TV Cause I, they're having some good music, some good teachings coming up so I could go about my chores and then something caught my attention. It came across the screen as a now a prophetic word from our keynote speaker, Jonathan Kahn. And immediately the hairs on my neck stood up. I was like, man, this was going so well.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Because, you know, a lot of those cessationist circles, prophecy is a thing of the past. So I stopped and I sat down and gave the TV my full attention as Jonathan Cahn was introduced. And in the little banner, it said, you know, Rabbi [00:18:00] Jonathan Cahn, author of the book, The Harbinger. And I remembered hearing about that book, being intrigued, but apparently not enough to ever order the book and read it.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So I sat down and as I listened, you know, with my critiquing lenses on, everything he said was spiritual. It was biblical. It pointed to Yeshua, Christ Jesus calling for America to repent from her sins, to forsake this false counterfeit of love, this false counterfeit of religiosity, but to return to loving Christ and repenting of sins and turning to Jesus for our soul salvation.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And so at the end of his message, I was like, well, I can't argue with that. So I researched his book, did a lot of evaluations of what people were saying. They either loved him. Or they criticized him. So I was cautiously optimistic when I ordered his first book published. Uh, about, I think, 2011, and I [00:19:00] read through it.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: It was a fictitious narrative, sometimes a little wordy, but the facts were what blew me away. And so that's kind of what opened me up, and I'm going to start to share some of this. And that first book was around September 11th. And so we'll jump into some of that, um, depending if you had any questions up to this point.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I just want to say that my timeline of reading all the same things that you're reading was about the same. And I started off with the Shemitah, which was the, the refinement of what he was trying to portray in a novel story. Um, and so the Shemitah is about the seven year cycle and how after 49 years there's a tearing down and a, and a rebirth.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and he related that to 9 11.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Yes. And, um, you mentioned 49 years and then 50 years, which is second book. The year of Jubilee has a personal shock to me and a personal tie to me. Um, but we'll see if we get to that. It's a little later on and more on the COVID side. So I started reading his first book [00:20:00] and immediately it hit me, you know, those of us in the military, those of us, our age, we all remember where we were.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Um, When the towers fell and those attacks happened, and so it's been a strong memory of ours, but I started reading this book and going through it. I was like, man, is this for real or not? So I Yahoo'd every fact that he put in there. And so then I was kind of in shock when like, well, no kidding. And so I tested all these things.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: It's like, well, anyone can take a date. And, you know, spin a story from it. But when you start seeing that date over and over and over, you're like, man, all right, this can't be just a coincidence. And so starting off, we all remember when the towers fell there on Manhattan Island, September 11th, 2001, most people, you know, many will remember.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: All right. Well, who, as far as a Westerner, aside from the indigenous Americans who obviously were there. Who was the first European to discover Manhattan Island, and that goes all the way back to 1609. We named the river after him, Henry [00:21:00] Hudson, looking for that river to get through back to Europe for a trading route.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: As they viewed the world at that time, is it a coincidence that he sailed into that bay and laid eyes on Manhattan Island for the first time in 1609 on none other than September 11th? It's like, huh, okay, you had a one in 365 chance. Not outside the realm of possibility, but then what was the other target that was struck that day?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: It was the Pentagon. So when we look at the history of the Pentagon prior to the US entering World War two I believe it was the War Council that they needed was outgrowing their building and they needed to move it So they developed the plans to build the Pentagon started construction in 1941 When did they break ground on the Pentagon?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: September 11th. So now all the buildings that were attacked Have a tie [00:22:00] to September 11th, both on the date and on the location. So the odds of that are astronomical. I'd have better chance of buying lottery tickets and winning that a week straight or every four weeks straight, however they do it. Um, and that just being a coincidence and there's a lot more that goes to it.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Um, and just briefly, so Henry Hudson discovers Manhattan Island, the new world, you know, is being explored. And then in 1630. John Winthrop, and I'll just hit a few highlights. He was sailing over on the ship, the Antebellum, and he is the one who penned that famous City on a Hill speech slash sermon. And to paraphrase, he said, We embark on this endeavor to, and we will find, you know, to go and establish this colony where we can worship the Lord.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: We will find that the God of Israel is among us. When he is among us and we follow his statutes, we will be as a city, as a hill and a light unto this world. [00:23:00] But if we turn from our God, he, we will cease to exist among the nations. So he landed there in Massachusetts, uh, there in Boston, what would become Boston and they dedicated that Island right on the Eastern coast as governor's Island to Henry Hudson.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I'm sorry to, um, the governor where he would live out the remainder of his years. And so that's what he did. And that Island remained up through 1920. And we'll get to that in a second. As Jonathan Cahn takes you through the book of Jeremiah, takes you through the Old Testament, and shows you the parallels and the reason that Judah fell, it was because they turned to false gods, gods that their ancestors had never known, and then began sacrificing the blood of innocent children.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: When you look at America today, we have allowed other religions, other faiths, from all denominations, to enter America. I don't believe that our founding [00:24:00] fathers envisioned the freedom of religion to become a melting pot of religions and different beliefs. But, you know, that's where we are today. Secondly, when you look at the rise of abortion, we are against sacrificing the blood of our unborn children to the care for the luxuries that this world has to offer.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And now what I will say for anyone who has gone through that, you know, both fathers and mothers, there is absolute forgiveness from that. So anything that I say that perhaps convicts people, um, if you've experienced the same thing I have or something different, that's the mercy of Christ that He offers forgiveness.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: He has paid that price. So there is healing. There is freedom from that guilt, um, so I, I don't want to come across as judgmental. Because I'm absolutely not judging. I was a slave to sin for a long time myself. So no judgment here. When God, through Jeremiah, warns Judah, He says, you know, turn from your wicked ways, but if you [00:25:00] don't, I will send war, famine, and disease.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And those who survive it, they will go into captivity. When you look at the 19 years between when Babylon, a nation, that the Lord sent or allowed to be sent attacking from the North, speaking a foreign nation to tear down, uh, Judah. They attacked once I believe was in 603 BC and then 19 years later in 584 BC.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And I may be off slightly when they returned to finish the siege. That first attack is when they carried Daniel away and you get the book of Daniel in that interim period. So there's a lot there. And again, just kind of an overview. So when we go back to America, uh, And John Winthrop, establishing Governor's Island and living out his time there, he kind of entered America into that prophetic covenant.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Later on in April of, let me look it up here, I believe it was, let me ask you this, do you, do any of your historians remember where the first [00:26:00] capital of the United States was?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And most won't. I didn't. I'm not a big, wasn't a big history buff. It was New York city. So when Washington was swear sworn in, he was sworn in and gave his inaugural address there in New York city on Manhattan Island. And immediately after the inaugural address, the entire government walked the streets down to St.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Paul's chapel. They bent the knees, but the government was much smaller and they consecrated this nation to the Lord. Um, and I've also referenced this in one of the projects I'm working on. So we can, I can point you to all those details towards the end. And so we'll return to that chapel. So we continue to 1920.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: In 1920, Russia legalizes modern day abortion for the first time. Simultaneously, [00:27:00] Massachusetts begin, begins dismantling dismantling Governor's Island. And begins construction on what will become Logan International Airport. So that's critical. So as we come forward to September 11th, 2001, the first two planes that would strike the first two targets departed that morning from no other location other than Logan International Airport.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And just like Judah, a foreign nation, terrorists speaking a different language, attacked from the north, and attacked the gates, the proverbial gates there, New York Island, New York City, the entry point to America. Our towers fell, the pentagon, the symbol of our strength was attacked, and the world changed.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: At the base of the collapsing towers, was a sycamore tree. Only a block away, a small staff, a small chapel [00:28:00] still stood. That sycamore tree protected every pane of glass and that chapel stands today with a single pane of glass being broken. That is the same chapel that George Washington and our first government consecrated the United States at right there at ground zero.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So there's all these things connecting it together. Later they, that tree, that tree died, it was a sycamore tree, and later on they would replace it with a family, from a tree from the family of cedars. And when you look at Isaiah 9 10, Israel, who did not heed a warning of the Lord when they were attacked, it said, the bricks have fallen down, we will rebuild with hewn stone.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: The sycamore trees have been cut down, we will plant cedars in their place. In both of those two instances, That says we are going to turn to ourselves and we are going to build back stronger. [00:29:00] Probably won't believe me, but it's all documented. Do you know what's at the base of the new one world trade center?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: There is a 20 ton hewn stone from a quarry in upstate New York. President Obama penned on one of the final beams. We rebuild, we come back stronger. The same defiance that Israel gave to the Lord, the U. S. has done. Yes, immediately after September 11th, the churches filled up, but that was only temporary. We vowed to attack our enemies, to come back stronger, and to build back better.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: We are trusting in ourselves. 19 years later, 2020, What arrives? January 1st, the World Health Organization identifies a viral case of a viral infection, a cluster case of Viral infections from an unknown origin. And then we all live through that [00:30:00] and I'll save the COVID occurrences for another timeline.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Reading through all these, so that's from his first and his second book. Um, and those are the highlights of it, plus a little bit extra. So I read those books, getting back to my testimony in September and October. That Harbinger II book, when we look, and you mentioned that year of Jubilee, as it ties to COVID, that has a personal effect, as it's one of my family member's names.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And how that came about, it's kind of a personal story, we hadn't planned it. But, when that, that, when I was reading that, That threw me back in shock. And I'm a pretty solid guy. I don't get emotional very easily. But I spent a full minute like, Wow, there's no way. Because I'm questioning all these things. I wasn't yet convinced.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So, and this, you know, We chose that name many, many years prior. So there's no, no chance of it being a coincidence. So it, it hit me in a mighty way. So I read those two books that took us to the end of the year. Um, [00:31:00] and up to this point, the military had confined us to that 50 mile radius of lockdown, but their Christmas time of 2020, we were finally able to go home and see our families and exceed that 20 mile radio or 50 mile radius.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So I returned back to my family in Colorado, got to go to my sister's wedding. And so all these thoughts are still going through in my head. I'm like, man, is this for real or is this not? Cause I've been shown this crazy, larger cosmic picture. But is that true, or am I being tricked? Am I being tripped up with my faith towards the Lord?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And so, driving back from the wedding, my wife fell asleep, and it was just her and I, our kids, who went with the family. A friend had told me about John MacArthur, you know, someone who I respect and still do. I differ with him in a lot of things when it comes to the gifts of the Spirit today. But a friend had told me he had some good sermons on Revelations, the book of Revelation.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So, I searched him up in a third party app. And I just searched John MacArthur and lo and behold out of the top five there was a message I think was a second or third that said [00:32:00] demons and magic from 1973 I was just kind of like, huh? So out of a 50 year library of MacArthur sermons Why is this one from 50 years ago popping up?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So I listened to it and these are tangible effects that Dr. John MacArthur is talking about that. The powers of darkness have manifested in the world that challenged me. I was like, man, this is just kind of superstitious stuff, but this is John MacArthur. So what has changed in 50 years of his teaching?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So he gave accounts and of course he gave the, he spent the majority of the time of how do we defeat that? How do we stay connected to the Lord through the Holy spirit? So naturally that's resonating in my mind the next day. I meet with a distant relative who I hadn't seen in many years. And we sit down, and long story short, she brings it up.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: But she had renounced her faith, that her Christians kind of pushed on her, and was now a practicing pagan after some of the spiritual encounters that [00:33:00] she had encountered. And some of those, not to the full degree in some of them, but many of them matched the very things that I had heard John MacArthur say the night prior as I was listening to him on the way home.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So that was another one of those occurrences. So I ordered one of the books that John MacArthur referenced. That was very challenging. That kind of brings us up to one of the key moments. So we were supposed to start a class, I think the second week of January, but our commanding general kind of changed his mind.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Hey, instead of the seven day quarantine for all you kids who went home on Rumspringer, it's going back to the full 14 day. So we had to shift our course right at the last minute, half the students dropped out. So we were at danger of canceling the course. Long story short, my first unit, that had since moved different commanders, but a commander who I had grown up with in that first unit, backfilled those eight seats with eight of his soldiers at the last minute, talking like ten days prior.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: They came down, they were in their week of quarantine, and then they went through the two week course. [00:34:00] Through that course, I was a very apolitical, a religious, straightforward, proper army soldier. Teaching my tactics, teaching the students, mentioned nothing about religion, nothing about politics, and simply taught the course.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And I remember it distinctly, we had three cadre members at that time, and fifteen students. The final day of that course, they have a written exam in the morning, and then they all go one on one with an instructor and spend about an hour presenting their practical exercise, the little scenario we give them.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So they go through that and we ask them questions to give them their final grade. And outside of SF and Special Force selections in the military, um, we have a high attrition rate. So typically 15 to 20 percent of the students don't pass the course. Which is unheard of for most professional military education across the larger military.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So the students are nervous. And so that's their final event. So in the morning, and it's the busiest day for the instructors, [00:35:00] my boss, he puts our three names up on the board and divvies up the five students. Without any input, just randomly assigns them.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: One of those students was that unit's intelligence officer. She was never supposed to be there. So, I think she was my third student. So, we're rolling through. We start at 730 in the morning. I finished at 3. 50 PM, 10 minutes before graduation. So, that's an idea of how busy we are. So, I come back. I grab her paperwork.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I tape her back. And she's going through her P. E. Kind of a pet peeve. Military folks will appreciate it. She's pointing at the map with her finger. Instead of a pencil or some other pointing device, but that's not a graded criteria. But as she's going through her plan, I notice a ring with Hebrew writing on it.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And so I take note of it. It's like, yeah, that's pretty neat. And she finishes up. I go through the rubric, look at her folder. I was like, hey, congratulations, ma'am. Um, you've passed. Um, do you have any questions? And I didn't really register with her because she [00:36:00] literally did not sleep Thursday night as she studied and did all the, finalized all this.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So as I'm walking her back down the hallway to the main classroom from the evaluation room, I ask her, I was like, hey man, by the way, what language is that on your ring? And she's like, oh, it's Hebrew. I was like, yeah, I knew I recognized it. That's, that's pretty neat. And then she says it's Psalms 91 and it didn't hit me, but I'll return to Psalms 91 in amendment.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And I was like, yeah, that's, that's great. You know, we, we need more of that in our military. And then by that time we were back at the classroom, I dropped her off, went, got the paperwork for my next student and continued on. So later on that afternoon, after the graduation, we're back in the classroom with the students who graduated and we're all soldiers, but at this point, now it's no longer instructor student, it's soldier to soldier.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So we're like, Hey, can you give us some like real feedback now that we're peers again, how was the course? What could we do better? Yeah. So we're hanging out, and um, I remember it clear as day. I'm standing at the back of the classroom around [00:37:00] one of our map tables, and this student walks up to me just very cautiously, and is like, you know, Mr.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Engelhardt, um, if it's alright, can, can I talk to you a minute? Yeah, absolutely, man, whatcha got? You know, thinking it's about the course, she says, I have a message for you. And it hit me and I'm like, and even now I get chills just as I relive this experience. So being a good Calvary scout, I pulled down my mask, pretending I didn't hear her.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And I said, excuse me. She pulls down her mask and she repeats, I have a message for you. So she's got my attention. I knew it was something different. I knew it wasn't from my buddies up in her unit. And I said, okay. And so she continues, she says, all this knowledge of doctrine, tactics and warfare that you've mastered for the army and you're teaching it very well, you're meant to apply that in the spirit.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I'm sorry. She says, you're meant to apply that in another realm. And I knew where she was going. So I confirmed, I'm like, you're [00:38:00] talking the spiritual realm. And she says, yes. As I said, the word spiritual, okay. I felt this moment of spontaneous combustion, where it was as if I just passed through a flame.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: For just a flash, a moment of a second that was hot, but did not burn from the top of my head, outside my skin, all the way to the bottom of my feet. It wasn't shock. It wasn't nerves. I've dealt with all that. This was something so far that has been completely unique. And so immediately I was like, I'm Let's step over here.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So I go to the second classroom, classroom where it's just us. And then she continues, she says, you have the gift of discernment. And then what I am also supposed to tell you is that what you've been researching, what you've been questioning and looking for answers for that is all true. And so in my mind, I'm just taken back.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Cause I'm like, who are you and how do you know this? Because my wife, she's seen me studying, but [00:39:00] she doesn't even know that level of detail. I've not posted this stuff on social media. There's no way a complete stranger outside of the supernatural could have known such specifics about me, those inner thoughts of my heart.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And it goes back to that Ephesians 6. 12 that I started with seven months prior, that I've been praying about, researching, and questioning. And I should have brought it. But actually wrote down a prayer through a Bible study we're doing on zoom in October of 2020 that said, you know, Lord, you know, I want to be an effective spiritual warrior.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I want to understand this and advance your kingdom. So I still have that paper, that reminder, that testimony of what God has done in my life. And so as she said those words, you know, I'm now kind of in a state of awe, kind of shocked, but more of awe. And so we prayed briefly and powerful prayers that, you know, she prayed over me and then I prayed over her, um, again, confessing Yeshua, [00:40:00] confessing Christ Jesus, just praying for blessing, advancing the kingdom of God.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And it was quick. And then they were briefly on their way cause they wanted to go sleep. They hadn't slept in 36 hours before they flew out the next day. So I was tired myself, but naturally, those thoughts wouldn't leave my mind that entire weekend. And that landed me at, alright, so clearly this was supernatural.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So again, this is, is this of the kingdom of darkness? Or is this of the kingdom of light? You know, so what are the fruits of this? So when I got back Monday, I reached out, I emailed her, and began, you know, kind of opened that pathway to future conversation. And honestly, it was a godsend, because the fellowship that followed She had all, so many, not all, but so many questions that confirmed what Dr.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Michael Heiser, what Jonathan Cahn, what many of these other people that I had started looking into, she had answers to all that. And if I could be so [00:41:00] bold, I even shared a dream that I had about my previous boss before I joined the military. And I was like, you know, is the Lord showing me something to confirm what I shared with him?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Because I shared the gospel when I was back in the military. Over that Christmas break at the end of 2020 and she's like, well, it could be, but I explained the dream and she's like, well, then let me ask you this. Was it when you were working for this individual that your ministry got off track? And that was another moment that I was just thrown back And I was like that is absolutely what happened because that was kind of the first time I started working outside of our family business And that individual was very much worldly and promoted that lifestyle, you know, be it, you know Eminem and a lot of dirty rap music Further access to pornography living that lifestyle covering for him and things like that So that definitely pulled me away from the Lord.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I thought it was probably a large catalyst of it and I'm not assigning blame, but just it highlights the fact that. I had closed myself [00:42:00] off to many of the ways that the Lord still speaks today. Acts chapter 2, Job 33, I encourage you folks to read that if you are questioning any of these things. Again, don't take my word, but test these things.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So, Those conversations follow and at one point she says, well, then let me ask you this. She's like, Satan is very legalistic. The first part of spiritual warfare is making sure he has no legal access to us and then to our family. So she's like, in this life, in the spiritual battle, we're going to get wounded.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And there's not shame in that. That's what happens in warfare. But what's critical is identifying those wounds, receiving healing, and moving on. And she says, I don't detect that you're living in sin. But are there sins that you're still struggling with? And so for the first time in my life, you know, getting out of my comfort zone, but without any judgment there, I was able to [00:43:00] confess to another believer the challenges that I had with pornography.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And so when I brought that up, she's like, yeah, I know. I was like, to myself, I was like, I guess you would, you know, you're not surprised by this. And she's like, oh, then, you know, yeah, that's far more common than most people will admit. The key thing again, no shame in that, but the key thing is to receive healing from that.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And so kind of, they led me through some questionnaires. And then, um, so the day that she had when I met her, or not met her, but the day that of graduation, when she had those words of knowledge given to her by the Holy Spirit, that was January 29th, 2021, a month and a half later on March 13th, that culminated by, I got on a zoom call with her pastor, her pastor's wife, another elder, and you could even say a prophetic couple and herself.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And we spent four hours talking about these things, receiving prophecy. praying prayers of [00:44:00] renunciation to include the powers of darkness by name and receiving healing, receiving deliverance. It was very much outside my comfort zone, but I could not deny the experiences and the tangible, tangible effects that brought me to this point.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And when I first met that pastor and he opened up that, that session and he didn't charge for anything. When he opened up that session, you know, he soon said, well, then what are your thoughts of the gifts of the spirit? The workings of the Holy Spirit, you know, tongues, healings, prophecy. I said, well, I'm not turned off and opposed, but I've seen all these falsehoods out there.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: All these televangelists and all these things. He's like, well, then absolutely think about that. Satan, our enemy, he cannot create things. He can only take what's true and spend counterfeits. The fact that there's thousands of counterfeits prove that there's one truth. But we cannot let the fear of the counterfeits keep us from walking in [00:45:00] that one truth.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And this is key. He says, anything we receive in the spirit or from the spiritual side, Has to match the word of God. It's not a very good picture of the Bible. Has to match and be found in the word of God, and knowing the Bible, knowing the word of God, being familiar and intimate with the true, authentic Jesus.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: We don't study the counterfeits. We know the truth. That's how we detect counterfeits. That's the truth that allows us to discern what comes from the spiritual side so that we can walk in that proper balance of worshiping

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And as he said that I was put at ease. I was like, that's wisdom right there. I'm going to allow myself to continue very much outside my comfort zone. But I will say that day, two things. It was the most tangible love of Yeshua I ever felt because as I confessed my sins amongst five strangers who were taking four hours plus outside of their day [00:46:00] to meet with a stranger themselves and address my struggles.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And then secondly, by confessing my sins. It showed me that it was in fact myself that put Christ on the cross and that it was me that he died for and not just, you know, lip service or yeah, I'm 2, 000 years later, what happened anyway, but no, no kidding. It was my sins that he died for. And so that March 13th was a life changing event.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Don't have time for today, but the following week there were counterattacks by the enemy. There were mighty things that happened, including over that next month, feeling the power of the Holy Spirit, giving, being given a preview of what I believe the Lord wants for His church, that He's trying to revive within His church.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And it was just incredible to where three and a half years later, my life has significantly changed. And as a testimony to God's grace, I have not returned to those struggles of lust of the eyes. It has changed me. In [00:47:00] fact, you know, first, I think it was nine months. I went without seeing any nudity at all.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: But then in a professional military education course and a documentary about Vietnam, it displayed a picture of a black and white playboy from somebody looking at a Vietnam. And that made me upset. Cause it made me feel like I just fell off the wagon. So I was talking to one of my spiritual mentors.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: He's like, well, then think about that. Cause he was a former EMT. He's like, we see stuff all the time. But he's like, oh, then what was your reaction? I was like, well, at first I was angry, but then I also found myself having sympathy for that soldier, who's probably dead, but everyone else who was still caught up in that.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And he's like, so was there lust there? I was like, no. He's like, look how the Lord has changed you. There are things outside of our control, and that put me back at peace. And so what I learned is James 5 16, Confess your sins one to another that you may be healed. For the prayer of a righteous man availeth much.[00:48:00]

Mr. Elden Engelhard: There is a whole level of spiritual maturity, spiritual wisdom, that goes beyond just the gospel of the scriptures, just the gospel from the scripture. A lot of churches don't recognize it's all about the gospel, which I'm not downplaying at all, but that is the milk of our spiritual mill. The Lord wants us to go on to mature subjects, not forgetting our first love, but we're not meant to drink from the bottle of of an evangelistic message our entire adult Christian life.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: 1 John chapter 2, we're to grow into children, into young slash strong men and fathers. Hebrews 6, come let us lead the elementary teachings. And it lists those out. 1 3. I encourage your folks to read that chapter, or those two chapters, as a single thought per the original letter. What is the spiritual foolishness?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: That's to the Gentile. What is the spiritual foolishness to those who are without the Spirit? 1 And who are those [00:49:00] without the spirit that Paul is talking to at the beginning of chapter three? Um, so he has shown me that there is a there is growth as we look at ephesians 6 12 going back We are to grow into that armor.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: We are to become warriors for the kingdom to christ We are sheep, but you don't give armor and weapons to sheep You don't give spiritual weapons to children. The enemy wants us to remain children rather than becoming a united church The core of which is the gospel And I don't ascribe to you born again, church divisions.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I think denominations can be synonymous with divisions, but for those who are born again, there are things that I've come to appreciate from the Catholic church, the Baptist church, the Methodist church. I think there's solid truths in all of it. But we have to quit dividing ourselves over open handed theology and return to advancing the kingdom.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And, that gets me fired up, and the last thing I'll say about theology. In The Chosen, you know, [00:50:00] I liked how they alluded to it, but Michael Heiser did a good job bringing this out. A big part of church division today is when Jesus took his disciples. to Caesarea Philippi and said on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: You got one denomination, hey Peter, Petra, as he changed his name, you are the rock. And that's what Jesus was referencing. Another side said no, Jesus was talking about himself, the cornerstone of which the apostles and the prophets were built next to and around. Why did Jesus take them to Caesarea Philippi?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: They're at the base of Mount Hermon. What did that mean to the culture of that time, to his disciples? Long story short, that rock face was seen as the gateway to the underworld. True or not, that was the proverbial gates of Hades that that culture believed in, that his apostles were at least aware of.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: That's where the pagans would go to offer [00:51:00] sacrifices to the spirits of the underworld. Jesus, in a show of cosmic warfare, goes to the proverbial gates of hell, plants the Christian flag, says, On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail. The second point about that, gates are clearly a defensive measure.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: You do not use gates when you are attacking. So if the gates of hell are meant to be on the defense, what does that imply about the church? We are to be on the offense. I would say in the church of America today, gates Are we on the offense, an offense of love, an offense to set people free from the flames of judgment?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Or have we instead built our own walls and our own gates and now try to decorate them and make them look comfortable and invite the world into us? I would say if we would rediscover our spiritual mission as we return to the spiritual cosmic perspective that the Bible [00:52:00] is written in, as what I've learned from combat, is it doesn't matter who I got in a helicopter with, We could be enemies back here on U.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: S. soil because we view life differently. But when we get inside that helicopter and we cross the wire to go into enemy territory, we are united as a team. So I believe within the Born Again Church, if we united once again and saw the mission for what it was, we would put our open handed theology aside and unite for advancing the kingdom.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Because I see with September 11th, with the COVID pandemic, When COVID showed up, where it showed up, how it showed up, it is not by accident, but is a, is it, it is a sign, a manifestation of the cosmic battle that the scriptures talk about that most won't dive into. Yes, you can get lost on the dark side.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: But staying rooted in God's word, fellowshipping with one another, testing these out, He will guide you [00:53:00] in truth. And I apologize, but my last testimony. So, three and a half years in combat, being shot at, shooting back, and I, I had the unfair advantage, so I, I don't equate myself to going near, uh, The level of battles that our ground soldiers went through, and our ground service members.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: So, not taking any credit away from them. The hardest battle I went through is the Lord showed me all this, and what was on a ring was Psalms 91, which says, Fear not the arrow that flies by day or the pestilence that stalks at night. Though a thousand fall at your left hand and ten thousand at your right, these plagues will not touch you or your tent.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Psalms 143. 6 Do not trust in human leaders. There is nothing they can do to save you. So the Lord, having convicted and shown me that COVID was a, an, an allowed judgment coming upon the world for worshiping false gods and for the sin of abortion. My solution that the Lord was calling me to [00:54:00] was to turn from my sin and put my trust in him.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: I felt it would violate that conviction if I were to take any of these so called vaccines. The army did not like that. And the hardest battle I had in my career, um, Was taking that step to say, I don't care if you take away my retirement opportunity, my paycheck, I'm going to follow my convictions with the Lord.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And the Lord has grown me and blessed me through it. And see me through in a mighty way. Um, but that's another testimony for a different time. And I will say those are my convictions. Mark 16, 18, the Lord, He is greater than any virus. He is greater than the vaccine. So if anyone who took the vaccine or who has been touched by the virus, the Lord is your answer.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: If you're convicted and repent of sin, turn back to him and focus on eternity. Um, I know many Bible believing Christians who were convicted to take the vaccine so they could travel overseas and continue their ministry. And the Lord promises to protect them in Mark 16, 18. So it's about [00:55:00] following our convictions.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And realizing that even in the born again church, some of those will be different for each of us. So that's a, that's a lot of me talking. Hope that's all right. But, um, yeah, I'll open it up to your questions and anything you have there.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, that was great. That was amazing. I love that. You brought that up towards the end there.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We talked about this on the phone at one point, but it was the idea that when you're in the helicopter with another pilot, another war fighter, you have the same mission. And this is where all the stuff that's not necessary for salvation or for spreading God's Word falls to the wayside. Okay, you use grape juice instead of wine.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Okay, you dunk instead of splash. Or you splash instead of dunk when you baptize. All that stuff doesn't really matter. I mean, it matters when you're back in your home and, you know, doing all that. But when you're trying to gain ground for God, it doesn't matter. What matters is you spread the gospel so that you can take more out of the gates of hell and bring them back to God so they can have that relationship restored with [00:56:00] Him.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And then a quick aside, I want to encourage the listener to go check out, if you go on YouTube and you search Dr. Michael Heiser, and you look up September 11th and his, uh, his lecture that he gives, it will blow your mind and it will make you understand why September 11th, through all of history, has been associated with such terrible things.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And it has to do with, he makes a case, and I think he makes a very good case, that Jesus's actual birthday was September 11th, 3 B. C. And I encourage you to go check that out, and, you know, for a few years now we've been celebrating that as, as Christ's birthday, um, in our house. And another interesting thing is we're never actually told to celebrate Christ's birthday.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: In the bible and so these are just things that you have to start questioning and asking yourself Well, are we following what god says? Am I causing more division or am I helping bring the kingdom together and helping advance god's territory?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Yes, that's well [00:57:00] said. Um in michael hyzer He also talks about that in his book reversing herman, which i'm still working through i'm almost done But just talk about the he does a great job of illuminating the context and the culture With what paul was talking about with with what matthew?

Mr. Elden Engelhard: That myself and modern day readers will read over that and likely never put that together. And so yes, Revelations 12, and I think that's, that's, so for the kingdom of light, I believe September 11th, 3 B. C. That's celebrated by the kingdom of light, but hated by the kingdom of darkness. And that's why well beyond just American history, you see a lot of things happening on September 11th.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: And that's including when you overlap the Hebrew calendar, I think it's Tishri, Tishri 1. That's when it is on the Hebrew calendar. And that equates to September 11th on the Gregorian. So there's, it is very fascinating as Dr. Michael Heiser said, I dare you to bore me with the Bible.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, I'll then I appreciate [00:58:00] you coming on here and fellowshipping with me just as much as our last conversation we had on the phone.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Um, now, as I understand, you have a website. Can you give us the name of that website? And I'll put a link down below so people can check out what you're doing.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Yeah, absolutely. Um, and through this, I'll just say with that, um, this is just a side project. You're going to see I'm an amateur. Um, it's not, it's all free.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: It's a labor of love just to try and show the facts to the world and both to believers and unbelievers asking them to test it. So I have, yes. Um, so it's the big E dot net T H E B I G E dot net E is an evidence. So, Um, yeah, if you want to reach out, my email is there on the contact page. Um, it's not for my fame, not for publicity, but just a tool, a labor of love to advance the kingdom of God.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And that's exactly what, you're doing exactly what you're called to do, just as I'm called to be doing this. You know, we all fight our own little fight that we're [00:59:00] called to do. We clean up our little space of ground around us, and then pretty soon, you know what, the whole ground, Around the whole earth is cleaned.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And yeah, I just, I love to see people just charging forward in their own path that they've been called to do.

Mr. Elden Engelhard: Yes, sir. That's how, uh, that's how we change things.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: All right, Eldon. Thank you so mu

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