Sharon Stone Trashes Trump at Turin Film Festival: ‘Italy Has Seen Fascism ... My Country Is in Its Adolescence’

2 months ago

STONE: “This quest of the question of violence against women is — it’s a big one. And I think we have to really stop and think about things, and we have to stop and think about who we choose for government, and if, in fact, we are actually choosing our government or if the government is choosing itself. You know, Italy has seen fascism. Italy has seen these things. You guys, you understand what happens. You have seen this before. My country is in its adolescence. Adolescence is very arrogant. Adolescence thinks it knows everything. Adolescence is naive and ignorant and arrogant, and we are in our ignorant, arrogant adolescence. We haven’t seen this before in our country, so Americans who don’t travel, who 80% don’t have a passport, who are uneducated, are in their extraordinary naivete. What I can say is that the only way that we can help with these issues is to help each other. Now, we can’t just say that women should help women, because that’s the only way we have survived so far. We must say that good men must help good men, and those good men must be very aware that a lot of your friends are not good men. And you can’t continue to pretend that your friends are good men when they are not good men. And you must be very clear-minded and understand that your friends who are not good men are dangerous, violent men, and you have to keep them away from your daughters, your wives, and your girlfriends, because this is a time when we know can no longer look away when bad men are bad.
I was watching a comedian the other night, and he said, ‘I asked the woman to dinner and she said yes.’ And it was such a brave thing for her to do, because the only real thing, the number one killer of women in the world today is men. For men, the number one killer is heart disease. The number one killer for women is men. It is very important to remember that, men. Very important to remember that. Thank you.”

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