Feather Painting Ornaments {Director's Cut}

3 months ago

Ken does a #directorscut video from the @kenjohnsonusa 2023 #featherpainting #Christmas #ornaments video. Try Avy Coffee at https://avycoffee.com?sca_ref=7245989.BHUtGGAS4tZK. Use code KENJO882 to get 20% off Fioboc menswear at https://www.fioboc.com/pages/ambassadors?userId=KENJO882&utm_source=squadded&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=squadded.

If you would like to help the channel, and purchase a feather painting, you can reach out to Ken on Instagram or Facebook.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ken_johnson_usa/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/4CzensWithKenJohnson/

Thank you for watching! Please remember to like, share, comment, and subscribe. It all greatly helps the channel! Also, check out my cooking channel at @CookingwithKenJohnson .

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