10 Easy Home Items to Declutter *RIGHT NOW* (how to to let go of the stress and where to start)

1 month ago

// DE-STRESS AND DECLUTTER, HOW TO START LETTING GO: If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of items to care for and manage in your home then these 10 tips to start decluttering are for you. I hope you find this video's ideas and tips helpful as you begin to simplify and organize your house. :)

If you are on your own minimalist, decluttering, simple living, intentional living (many mean the same thing to me but are just different ways of describing...) then I hope you enjoy this and know that you are not alone! If you are, comment "declutter" in the comments section below!

Instagram | @simplywithalexisnewman / alexisnewman
Website | www.simplywithalexisnewman.com


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