Scott Jennings Mocks Left's Groveling To Trump: Didn't Expect Hitler To Get So Many Meeting Requests

3 months ago

Posted • November 19, 2024: CNN contributor Scott Jennings mocked the left's constant messaging to their supporters that Donald Trump is a fascist, only to turn around and quickly start kissing his ring following the election. The sudden normalization of the president-elect began when Joe Biden hosted Trump for a cordial White House meeting, shaking hands with the man he's called an "existential threat to democracy" for what seems like years. Things rose to the level of absurd when yesterday, MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski admitted to visiting Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Jennings could hardly stifle the laughter when joining a CNN panel to discuss the sudden shift. "I'm amazed. I did not expect Hitler to get so many meeting requests," he quipped. "First from Joe Biden, now from Mika and Joe. It's amazing that Literal Hitler is getting all these meeting requests."

"I did not expect Hitler to get so many meeting requests": Scott Jennings mocks the implosion of the "fascism" and "Literally Hitler" narratives in light of Joe & Mika making pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago and Biden cheerfully hosting Trump at the WH. Jennings, as he often does, effortlessly fleshed out the argument that Democrats and their media cohorts are raging hypocrites. "What it tells me … is that all the rhetoric that came from the left, from the Democrats, from The White House, from Kamala Harris and everyone else before the election. All of the rhetoric, the fascism, the Hitler, the Nazi rally, it was all a bunch of BS," he opined. "They didn't mean any of it." This led him to conclude that Democrat voters should be having a moment of realization that their leaders sold them a pile of complete and utter garbage. "If I were in the Democrat sort of rabble's shoes, I would be looking at all my leaders and going: Did you just BS me for an entire six weeks before the election?" To be clear, yes. Yes, they did.

Countering Jennings was Professor Jeff Jarvis, who took the more traditional role on CNN of unhinged lunatic, doubling down on the fascist drivel and urging the media to lean into that message. "What has gone on in totalitarian regimes before is what is happening in this country right now. It is fascism. His generals called him fascist," said Jarvis without evidence. "Joe Scarborough called him fascist, and now the fascist is in charge, and it is journalism's job to cover it that way — not to back off and say, 'OK, well, that’s it. We lost. Let the fascism happen.' No." Jarvis having the intellectual capacity of an onion aside, it's quite something to see everybody on all sides tearing Brzezinski and Scarborough to shreds. (…)

• More at: RedState - Scott Jennings Mocks Left’s Groveling to Trump: ‘Did Not Expect Hitler to Get So Many Meeting Requests’
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