Here's The SNL Skit That Got High Marks This Weekend

8 hours ago

Posted • March 3, 2025: I haven’t watched Saturday Night Live in years. It’s not as funny as it used to be—it’s been that way for quite some time. However, when Shane Gillis was announced as its host, the likelihood of a few good sketches was great. Some cannot be embedded here due to content issues, but let’s say it was a skit where ‘read the fine print’ was turned into comedic gold. —— Shane Gillis is single handedly making SNL funny again. Shane Gillis: “I’ll miss Biden” 🤣 —— The Couplabeers skit especially got high marks: Over the weekend, Shane Gillis did a skit on “Saturday Night Live” called “CouplaBeers” where he played a man advertising a new medication that treats anxiety and depression.

The bit is being praised online by viewers, including one fan who deemed it a contender for “the best SNL skit in the last 20 years.” […] Since the episode aired, “SNL” viewers have been applauding the CouplaBeers sketch on social media. “LOLing at the Couplabeers/Lilbump sketch on #SNL. Legitimately the first time this season I’ve laughed out loud multiple times this season,” one fan wrote on X (formerly Twitter). “Shane Gillis SNL skit: instant classic. Couplabeers,” another fan said. —— I’m shocked this skit about local news and racial politics was able to get the greenlight: Welcome back to mid-day news —— Gillis was hired as a cast member for SNL in 2019, but was fired after past remarks from a 2018 podcast resurfaced. The Left tried to cancel him, but he's come back bigger and better than ever.

I never laughed this hard (…)

• More at: Townhall - Here's the SNL Skit That Got High Marks This Weekend

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