I Will Accept Atonement for Myself - lesson 139 - A Course In Miracles

2 months ago

I Will Accept Atonement for Myself - lesson 139 - a Weekly Zoom Call with James for Students of “A Course in Miracles.” Please review a written copy of today's material below and join us next time for our weekly group discussions. Click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call https://www.chosentoremember.com/acim-zooms/
Subjects Discussed:
1 - Atonement is "At-one-with" the mind of God.
2 - Your mind naturally belongs aligned with the mind of God.
3 - You need atonement because you have deny/forgotten who you truly are. Your function is to remember.
4 - You are remembering that you are the light of the world that God created you to be.
5 - God's choice for you and your true choice are One, thus in essence there is no choice or need for choice. You are choosing between the true and false.
6 - The direction that I was given by other ego never lead me to my desired destination, the state of peace.
7 - To achieve atonement simply undo what you have done.
8 - Simply accept yourself as God created you. You were created to be a loving light in this world.
9 - Do not punish yourself when you are out of alignment with the mind of God. Simply recognize it and choose again.
10 - If you are not being who God created you to be is it any wonder why you feel despair, depressed, angry, frustrated, lost, off balance, and alone?
11 - Simply practice recognizing when you are lying to yourself, when you out of alignment with the atonement.
12 - You are not here to add darkness to darkness. Your job is to bring light into the darkness, peace into the chaos of the ego's world.
13 - You have split your mind, one part is the ego's mind, the other is the mind of God. But one is nothing, and the other is everything.
14 - You have forgotten who you truly are. Atonement is a way of remember that your mind is One with the mind of God.
15 - The solution to forgetting is remembering.
16 - That part of you that doubts you are One with God is the ego mind, a mind that is in reality not even real or true.
17 - Forgiveness is the last illusion. It is the release from the delusional judgment-centric fear-based world.
18 - Our goal is always to try to think like God thinks.
19 - When you walk hand in hand with gratitude you walk hand in hand with the state of peace.
20 - You are the physical representative of God/Love on Earth.
21 - When feeling sad or anxious, God is offering you the opportunity to let go of the delusion and trust Him more.
22 - Replace anxiety with trust in God and thus have peace.
23 - The practice of reviewing your day(examination of consciousness) at the end of the day. Then forgive yourself and others and release it to God.
24- Nothing the ego's world believes is true.
25 - What you are is set forever in the all loving mind of God.
26 - My mind belongs aligned with the mind of God.
27 - Your life is not a 'rat-race'. Do not despair, you will accomplish what you have come here to do.
28 - There is in reality no such thing as time, you, as your Source, are eternal.
29 - You do not truly want anything that the ego's world has to offer you.
30 - Stop sacrificing you time to the ego's false idols.
31 - Learn to use the ego, not as an adversary/enemy, but as an ally. Let the ego trigger in you recollection that you do not want what it has to offer you.
32 - The more you get to practice letting go of the ego, the less time you will spend in it.
33 - We did not come into this world to reinforce its madness but to remind others that we do not belong in madness.
34 - Our goal even before we came here was to bring light into the darkness.
35 - The ego's motto is search but do not find.
36 - Today, see all other Only as God created them.
37 - Atonement is accepting the truth about yourself.
38 - Your job is not to change the world but to change your mind about the world.
39 - People will be attracted to your peace because somewhere within them they too know they are worthy of peace.
40 - We are, knowingly or not, teaching all the time.
41 - We forever remain as God created us, and only what God created could ever be real or true.
42 - Beneath each interaction, there is a truth, that your brother and sister is offering you the opportunity to choose love and thus align with the mind of God and experience the atonement.
43 - In each moment we either teach love or fear.

Lesson 139. I will accept Atonement for myself.

1. Here is the end of choice. ²For here we come to a decision to accept ourselves as God created us. ³And what is choice except uncertainty of what we are? ⁴There is no doubt that is not rooted here. ⁵There is no question but reflects this one. ⁶There is no conflict that does not entail the single, simple question, “What am I?”

2. Yet who could ask this question except one who has refused to recognize himself? ²Only refusal to accept yourself could make the question seem to be sincere. ³The only thing that can be surely known by any living thing is what it is. ⁴From this one point of certainty, it looks on other things as certain as itself.

Sign up and join us for our weekly Wednesday 7pm est. free 'A Course in Miracles' Meet Up: https://www.chosentoremember.com/acim-zooms/

We are delighted to be offering an additional weekly Zoom workshop with James Blanchard Cisneros on Wednesdays. The Wednesday weekly Zoom calls are for people who are interested in exploring topics related to “A Course in Miracles”. During each Zoom call, participants will have time to ask questions and discuss “A Course in Miracles” topics. The current plan is to hold the weekly “A Course in Miracles” Zoom calls on Wednesdays at 7pm est.

We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like minded people.

When: Wednesdays (beginning June 5)
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call. https://www.chosentoremember.com/acim-zooms/

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