Episode 446: A biblical perspective on current events 11.14.24_Part 2

3 months ago

Hello everyone. In today's Bible study I wanted to give a brief overview of current events from a biblical perspective.

With all the panic and hysteria from the results of the recent US elections, it is important that true believers are rooted in true biblical prophecy. We must not allow ourselves to be deceived by believing that electing a certain man, woman, or political party will usher in the kingdom of God.

We must understand what the scriptures teach, that things are going to get worse and worse. They will not get better. If there is peace, it will be a false peace. If there is hope, it will be a false hope. If there is a religious revival, it will be a false revival not based on the faith of Jesus Christ and a departure from the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

Don't be deceived by the doctrine of demons! The scriptures makes it clear that the world is headed for the acceptance of the anti-christ.

According to the scriptures, what will mark this time period? A push for peace, not war! What is President elect Trump's claim from his previous term and what are others are saying? He is the only US President in the past century that didn't have a war and achieve some sought of world peace.

Am I saying that President Trump is the anti-christ? Of course not!!! What I am pointing out is that the agenda is like the one the anti-christ will use to come to power.

Pay attention to Israel. They are at war. Whoever can get Israel to completely drop their guard will be the anti-christ according to the scriptures. I believe this is why President Trump is being allowed by God to return to power.

Again, I am not saying that President Trump is the anti-christ nor am I saying that he is connected to the anti-christ in any way.

Those that will be connected to the anti-christ will be totally DECEIVED by demons into believing that they are doing the world a good deed. They will have the best of intentions, not understanding that the devil is behind the scenes using them to bring about the conditions to bring the anti-christ on the scene.

Please, please, please stop looking at world events from a human perspective and open your Bible. Look at everything from what God has written in the scriptures.

Today's study is 1 hour and 1 minute in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 1 of 2 titled "A biblical perspective on current events. 11.14.24" Part 1

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