X22 Report-3497-CB Panics-DS Made First Move-Trump Creating Elite Force For DC-Checkmate-Ad Free!

2 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3497a - [CB] Is Panicking,The Writing Is On The Wall,Trump Ready To Turn The Economy Upside Down

Germany is entering a depression, orders are down, it's starting to look like 2009. Berkshire Hathaway is piling into cash, why, the market is going up. Trump is going to turn the economy upside down, the [CB] is panicking because they know what is coming.

Ep. 3497b - [DS] Just Made Their First Move, Trump Creating Elite Force For DC, Checkmate

 The [DS] is now preparing their counter attack against the patriots. They needed to reset the election after 2020. They needed to show the public that the election system works and we have no problems. The [DS] is now making their first move to try to stop Trump, this will not work. Trump is creating an elite force for DC. They will bring the corrupt to their knees, checkmate. 

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