Friedman IR-D demo with Fryette Power Station PS 2a: Part 2

3 months ago

Part 2 of my Friedman IR-D demo, this time going into a Fryette Power Station PS 2a as a power amp.
I'm taking a send out of the Friedman into the Line in on the Power Station and using the 50 Watt power section as an amplifier into the 8 ohm 2x12" Two Rock cabinet.

A no talking demo you will be glad to know lol

This is how Friedman might intend the unit to be used although Part 1 was using the Friedman straight into the front end of a 1978 Fender Twin Reverb which sounded good after some EQ tweaking.

I think using a clean flat response power amp is the best way to use it; either into the FX return of an amp or a dedicated power amp like the Fryette unit.

With the popularity of pedal platform pre-amps, there are now quite a lot of Class D or valve power sections which are on the market and perfect matches for the Friedman range of pedal pre-amps.

Thanks for watching and please like and subscribe and visit my website

Part 3 will be using a Laney Loudpedal as a power amp!

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