Tom Homan to Sanctuary Cities: If You Don’t Want to Help Us, Get the Hell Out of the Way, We’re Coming

3 months ago

CAMPOS-DUFFY: “You know, Tom, first of all, congratulations to you. And I’m so glad for the Border Patrol. That morale is already being lifted. They have just been beaten down by the policies of this last administration. I’m really encouraged by what you’re saying, because I think the toughest part of your job isn’t — isn’t the deportation, it’s dealing with the propaganda from the other side, saying that what you’re doing is not — is not compassionate, that it’s — it’s not humanitarian. And what do you plan to do? I’m glad you mentioned the the 300000 children that are missing, but how are you going to deal with those kinds of attacks, even though you know that this open border has led to sex trafficking of children and an exponential increase of child labor, illegal child labor?”
HOMAN: “Frankly, I don’t care what people think about me, especially on the left. Again, I — you know, when you have a historic crisis, a crisis this big, here is what they need to know. When you — when you have a crisis this big that overwhelms the Border Patrol, where the majority of Border Patrol are no longer on patrol, they’re making sandwiches, they’re changing diapers and making baby formula and make a hospital runs and make an airport runs, when you take most of the Border Patrol agents off the border to deal with the humanitarian crisis, that’s when the fentanyl comes across to kill a quarter million Americans. That’s when the sex trafficking has increased 600 percent. That’s when no one suspects a terrorist has crossed this country. They’ve had a record of people on terrorist watch lists that have been arrested on the border. That’s why you have over two million gataways. How many of them came to our country sponsoring terror? So I don’t care what anybody’s opinion is about illegal immigration. When you create a crisis this big, all these other bad things happen. That’s why you have to secure the border. I don’t care if you’re a Republican, a Democrat or an independent, border security is national security. We should all be on the same side of that. I’ve been saying this for the last couple of years, and the director of the FBI actually agrees with me, I don’t respect him greatly, but he agrees with me. The southwest border is the biggest national security vulnerability this nation has ever seen. He sees more red flags now than ever before. We have to secure the border. And as far as the people want to push back on deporting these people, what is the option? You have a right to claim asylum. You have a right to see a judge. And we make that happen. But at the end of that due process, if the judge says you must go home, then we have to take them home. Because if we’re not, what the hell are we doing? If the judge’s order doesn’t mean anything, then shut down the immigration court, take the Border Patrol off the border, so there’s no consequences violating the laws of this country. We’ll give you a fair shake. You’ll get your chance to claim asylum. But due process doesn’t mean squat if the final decision of the court isn’t carried out. What is the option? Let them all stay? Because if that’s the option you want, you’re never going to fix the southern border, because you send a message to the whole world, come to the United States, enter the country illegaly, which is a crime, don’t show up in court, or show up in court, get an order of removal, but you still get to stay. That doesn’t work.”
Jones: “Right.”
KILMEADE: “Yeah, Tom, I guess you just got to — you got to build a wall and you got to stop sanctuary cities. Both times the Democrats stopped it. Every time they — every time you went forward, they gum you up in court. You don’t have to give it away, but is there a plan if sanctuary cities, these city councils don’t allow the sanctuary cities to go away, is there a plan B you have?”
HOMAN: “Well, I think — look, it’d be great to have local law enforcement assist ICE because, you know, one thing we learned in 9/11 report was we shouldn’t have stovepipes, law enforcement should work with law enforcement. But, you know, there’s two things, number one, under President Trump, he was suing the sanctuary cities, DoJ sued the sanctuary cities pulling federal funds. Of course, day one, when Joe Biden came in office, he stopped that lawsuit. So that has to be put back in place. And look, I’ve seen — I’ve seen some of these Democratic governors say they’re going to stand in the way. They’re going — they’re going to make it hard for us. Well, I — you know, a suggestion —“
HOMAN: “— if you’re not going to help us get the hell out of the way, we’re going to do it. So if we can’t get assistance from New York City and I may have — you know, we may have to double the number of agents we send to New York City because we’re going to do the job. We’re going to do the job without you or with you. But it’s much easier to arrest a bad guy. Like I just said, we’re concentrating on public safety, threats, the human and national security threats —“
DOOCY: “Right.”
HOMAN: “— It’s much easier to arrest a bad guy in the jail. Give us access to [indecipherable] then they’ve been kicked out of. Let us get the bad guy in jail. That’s safer for the alien, it’s safer for the officer, it’s safer for the community.”
Jones: “So true.”
HOMAN: “But if you’re going to release these bad guys — if you’re going to release these bad guys out in the community, then we’re going to have to go find them —“
HOMAN: “— which puts the officer at risk, puts the community at risk and puts — you know, and bottom line is, it’s — no one, sanctuary cities are sanctuaries for criminals. And a lot of people keep saying, well, we want victims and witnesses of a crime to feel safe coming to the police department, knowing we don’t work for ICE. Let me make one thing clear. That’s just a stone cold lie. Victims and witnesses of a crime does not want the bad guy back in their neighborhood.”
Jones: “That’s true.”
HOMAN: “And certainly — and — and — and —“
HOMAN: “— and — and — and most — the Illegal immigrant community, they broke the law being where they shouldn’t be. However, after being there, they’re God fearing family people. I get it. Do they want a sexual predator in their neighborhood? Do they want someone convicted DUI 10 times in their neighborhood? Let us protect, not only American communities, let us protect the immigrant community. Who’s a — who’s a victim of MS-13 crime?”
HOMAN: “The immigrant community.”
Jones: “Tom there’s —“ [crosstalk]
HOMAN: “So you know, if sanctuary cities don’t want to help us, then get the hell out of the way because we’re coming.”
Jones: “Tom, there’s no one better for the job. Congratulations —“
Jones: “— on the job. Well done.
Jones: “This is something that the former president campaigned on. Thanks, Tom.”

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