Friedman IR-D demo: Part 1

4 months ago

Friedman now have 3 of these pedal format valve pre-amp units: the IR-X, this IR-D based on their 'Twin Sister' head and the new IR-J modelled after the Jake E Lee amp range.

This one is the Twin Sister pre-amp and I used to have one of those which was faulty out of the box and was returned so I am pleased that this unit is actually working correctly.

It contains a pair of 12AX7 triodes and is purported to operate at proper HT voltages, so I was looking forward to using it in front of my super high headroom 1978 Twin Reverb. I was worried about the manual which stated that it was best into the send return of a FX loop in an amp and, of course, the Twin Reverb is an old beast and doesn't have one but I went for it anyway and straight out the box is sounded crap.
Way too bright.
Of course I should have expected this as essentially there are 2 sets of EQ sections in line. So I started tinkering and sure enough, after turning the Twin's treble to 4 and the midrange down a tad, it sounded great.

So this video is to demonstrate the pedal into the front of a Fender amp; plugged straight in to channel 1 of the vibrato section. With a bit of reverb from the amp.

I will try to do a demo into the FX loop of an Mesa Boogie, the FX Return of my Laney Lionheart Loudpedal and perhaps a Two Rock with the front panel EQ bypassed too.

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