‘The View’ Hosts Clash Over Who Is To Blame for Trump’s Win: ‘Not Everyone Who Voted for Donald Trump Is a Racist!’

4 months ago

BEHAR: “They sounded that way, but when you look at the proofs they are worried.”
HAINES: “Yeah, but — but Joy, it’s condescending, it’s condescending. There is a — there is a —“
BEHAR: “What’s condescending?”
HAINES: “The way that the left speaks to its voters. It really is.”
HOSTIN: “You think a message of joy and inclusiveness?”
HAINES: “No, the message of not being educated, being dumb and what’s wrong with America.”
BAHAR: “Who said that?”
HAINES: “Sunny just did. Joy, point here is that —“
HOSTIN: “What is wrong with America?” [crosstalk]
BEHAR: “That’s not what Kamala Harris said.”
HAINES: “No, no, no.”
HOSTIN: “That’s what I say.”
HAINES: “My point is I don’t blame Joe Biden. I don’t believe Kamala Harris. Go back as far as you want. I believe — I blame a messaging within the Democratic Party.”
HOSTIN: “You don’t blame the Republican Party at all?”
HAINES: “Well, can I just finish my point, please? I obviously have a problem — anyone has a problem with Donald Trump. The bigger question should be, yes, Synny, why did they vote for him?”
HOSTIN: “Yes.”
HAINES: “In sweeping —“
HOSTIN: “So they need to be introspective.”
HAINES: “No. We need to be introspective. If we voted for Kamala Harris, we need to say what didn’t resonate with the voters. Do you know what didn’t resonate with the voters? When they were saying we don’t feel safe, and the left focused on defund the police and bail reform.”
HOSTIN: “Yeah.”
HAINES: “When they said they were worrying about —“
HOSTIN: “They also — they also focused on gun control.”
HAINES: “Can I just finish — let me just — let me just finish real quickly. When they were focused on renaming —“
BEHAR: “It’s only an hour show ladies.” [crosstalk]
HAINES: “When they were focused on renaming schools, there were people saying, hey, students are destroying colleges. I paid for that. I sent them there. They can’t learn. And everyone apologized for it and didn’t want to attend to it. They also denied the border was a crisis and kept saying, no, no, no, it’s fine. This is not a —“
BEHAR: “There was a motor bill, though. There was a border bill.” [crosstalk]
HAINES: “Yes, but Joy, my point is, they screamed and screamed and screamed. They didn’t vote for him because he’s a racist or a misogynist. They voted because they needed help in their everyday lives.”
NAVARRO: “Yeah, but — but Sara, they voted — they voted for him —“ [crosstalk]
HAINES: “Because every stat coming out on the people willing to self-reflect are showing these —“
BEHAR: “Oh, wait. They’re going to say I’m a racist and a misogynist in the exit poll? I don’t think so.”
FARAH GRIFFIN: “You really think 74 million people are racists and misogynists?”
BEHAR: “Who’s going to that?”
HAINES: “Joy, every — every racist and misogynist voted for Donald Trump. Not everyone that voted for Donald Trump was a racist and misogynist.”
BEHAR: “I agree with that.”
HAINES: “Everyone swept. They swept every category. And the reason they did is to say, hey, guys, no excuses this time.”
FARAH GRIFFIN: “Yeah. Look —“
HAINES: “They lost everything.” [crosstalk]
HOSTIN: “A country that allows its environment to be ravaged, its children to be shot, its wealth to be hoarded, its workers to be exploited, its poor to starve, its cops to murder —“
FARAH GRIFFIN: “So you think America is the problem?”
HOSTIN: “— it’s a country in trouble.” [crosstalk]

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