Van Jones Says ‘Fellating’ a Microphone Shouldn’t Be in Anybody’s Playbook, Jennings Counters ‘Is that What He’s [Trump] Doing?’

3 months ago

[Clip starts]
Trump: “I come in, and here‘s the problem. It‘s too low.”
[Clip ends]

PHILLIP: “That’s just — it‘s obscene. I mean, it is. But he‘s running for president, right? So is he doing this stuff because he doesn’t care? Is he doing it because, as Shermichael says, ‘I think nobody cares?’”
SINGLETON: “Not what I think. The polls, let’s be clear, the polls think that.”
Jones: “Could it be that he actually doesn‘t want to be president? Wouldn’t it be interesting if it turned out he’s doing everything he can not to be president and he still winds up winning? Because you can‘t tell me that fellating a microphone is in anybody‘s playbook for anything. Am I wrong?”
CARDONA: “Somebody’s playbook, clearly. But it should not be the playbook of a presidential candidate.”
PHILLIP: “Or anyone else. I mean — “
JENNINGS: “Is that what he was doing ? Are we sure about this?”
PHILLIP: “oh my God.”
Jones: “If we have to question two days before the election whether or not the president was fellating a microphone, we might have lost the plot!”
JENNINGS: “That‘s where you all went. Look, he‘s well known to be very, very picky about the microphones and the audio. He was obviously complaining that the thing was too short. So I just — “
CARDONA: “Why was he putting his mouth on it?”
JENNINGS: “I’m just saying, I don‘t know what he was doing.”
PHILLIP: “The point is, here we are 48 hours before the election. There’s a lot of spin going on.”

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