Episode 438: God's sovereignty over the Believer Part 2

3 months ago

Hello everyone. In this morning's Bible study we continue our series on the Foundations concentrating on the Sovereignty of God over His creation.

We began looking at God's sovereignty by reviewing His sovereignty over humanity's and angels wills. Then we took a look at God's sovereignty over the unbeliever's will.

Today we take a look at God's sovereignty over who will become a believer and who will not.

It is amazing to me how both most believers and all unbelievers do not believe that God has sovereignty over who enters His sanctuary of heaven.
Isn't that an oxymoron. Heaven is God's dwelling, His home, yet people will say to God that He does not have the right to determine who enters and who cannot enter. These are the same people who will say that they have the right to determine who will enter their personnel resident. Really?!!!

Today's study is 1 hour and 8 minutes in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 2 of 2 titled God's sovereignty over Believers. Part 2

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