CNN Guest Tavis Smiley Makes A GROSS Claim About JD Vance (But NOT Thrown OFF Their Show)

4 months ago

Posted • November 1, 2024: Ryan Girdusky was thrown off Abby Phillip's CNN show for firing back at Mehdi Hasan when he called millions of Americans, Nazis. Hasan was not kicked off and actually received an APOLOGY for Girdusky's comment. No apology to Girdusky though for Hasan calling him and other Americans a Nazi. Classy as ever, CNN. And speaking of classy, here is the panel on this same show claiming JD Vance has 'mommy issues'. Disgusting from Abby Phillip and CNN. Her guest says Vance has “mommy issues” and she just smirks. (Vance’s mom had a drug addiction problem, which is why he lived with his grandma early in life.) Guy Benson noticed something very telling: Guy Benson @guypbenson: “Interesting to see what sorts of comments do, and do not, get you thrown off of this show.” -- Interesting indeed.

Whoever that guy getting his knickers in a twist over Vance’s interview with Joe Rogan is also being deliberately disingenuous. When Vance said “conservative men have more testosterone” he and Rogan were kidding around. As soon as he said it, though, I turned to my husband and said “they (the MSM) are going to take that out of context and jump all over him.” Right. On. Schedule. You cannot hate the MSM enough. Beta males are gonna beta. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Guy Benson DROPS CNN for NOT Throwing Guest Making GROSS Claim About JD Vance OFF Their Show

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