They Tried So Hard! Point And Laugh At The Media's Attempts To Sell Voters On Tim Walz Over JD Vance

11 hours ago

Posted • March 9, 2025: The November election was an epic disaster for the Democrats, especially when we consider how much lying and gaslighting the media did in trying to convince voters to stay away from Trump and the Republicans. What happened next was that the Dems lost the White House and Senate while the GOP held the House. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz didn't win a single swing state and Trump even took the "popular vote." Saturday afternoons often provide a nice opportunity for a stroll down memory lane, so let's revisit just how hard the lib media tried to sell Americans on the idea of Tim Walz as VP. To some degree this was even more desperate than their efforts to convince voters Kamala Harris should be president. It’s actually funny to look back at some of the MSM coverage of Tim Walz versus JD Vance. They tried so hard. 😂 See if you can spot the difference in coverage between the Vance & Walz rollouts. One of the best things about what happened in November was that these media hacks found out that hardly anybody takes their voting advice seriously. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'They Tried So Hard!' Point and Laugh at the Media's Attempts to Sell Voters on Tim Walz Over JD Vance

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