Episode 433: Our will versus God's sovereignty Part 1

4 months ago

Hello everyone. In tonight's Bible study we look at God's sovereignty over our will.

What?! Wait a minute Kevin. God doesn't have sovereignty over my will!

Well, if He doesn't then that would make you God, wouldn't it. There is no place in the scriptures where the Lord declares or decrees that man has the ultimate decision over his own life.

That is a figment of mankind's imagination and a lie from the devil. You and I as well as everyone who has and will ever live have no more determination over our own lives than we do to control the sun, moon, rain, stars, and wind.

Get over it. The scriptures a clear of these two things:
1. God rules
2. Where God allows His creatures to have a preset limit governed will, God over rules even that preset limited governed will.

The scriptures will prove it.

Today's study is 1 hour and 5 minutes in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 1 of 2 title Our will versus God's sovereignty. Part 1

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